May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1913 - Chapter 1913 escaping marriage with a child

Chapter 1913: Chapter 1913 escaping marriage with a child

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Arinda really didn't understand the meaning of the word "earth" that Gaia had sent to her She thought that her understanding of Chinese was still acceptable, but she didn't understand these two words.

Lian Lian looked at the two words on her phone. She could determine that it was a "earth" word.

Her gaze turned and she thought of something. "Is there a place called "earth" with no cell phone signal? "

She asked.

Arinda didn't know about this at all. "there shouldn't be any place in the palace without cell phone signal. There's also no place with a "earth" word. "

She thought of all the places she went to every day. None of them fit these two criteria.

Xin Ba thought for a moment. "I think of a place that fits these two criteria. "

"where is it? " Lian Lian and Arinda asked in unison.

"It's the dungeon, " Xin Ba said.

Lian Lian was surprised. "How do you know that there's no cell phone signal in the Dungeon? "

"because I went there to play, so I know that there's no cell phone signal there, " Xin Ba said.

Lian Lian's forehead darkened. She hadn't expected her son to go to such a place to play.

"Don't go to such places in the future. Those places are not good. " She instructed her son, afraid that his son would go to the dungeon to play when he was happy.

Arinda shook her head. "GAIA is not a child. He won't go there to play, right? "

She felt that this place was really unreliable. How could GAIA go to such a place?

"maybe he went to such a place. Moreover, he probably doesn't have personal freedom now. That's why he sent a suggestive message and did not dare to send the real address, " Lian Lian said.

"Are you saying that he was captured? " Arinda said.

"that should be the case. Otherwise, why would he send us a suggestive address? He didn't dare to write down the real address, " Lian Lian said.

Arinda nodded "What you said makes sense, but how could the people in the dungeon be so bold to capture GAIA for no reason? I'll go and see if GAIA is really in the dungeon now "If he's really in the Dungeon, I'll capture and kill all the people watching the dungeon. "

Her heart was burning with anger. She thought that GAIA had betrayed her and was looking for an 'An. However, she did not expect that someone had captured GAIA. who had the guts to capture GAIA?

Lian Lian's heart sank to the 18th level of Hell. She was afraid that William had captured GAIA and threw GAIA into the dungeon.

"Your Highness, you can't go to such great lengths to interrogate him. "If GAIA is really captured in the dungeon and you interrogate him like this, I'm afraid that GAIA will be killed before you can find Gaia. " She had to scare Arinda.

She was too afraid that it was the result that she had expected. If GAIA was really captured by Willam, they would not be able to save him even if they wanted to.

"I know. I want to see GAIA first. Then I will deal with those bastards. I will go to the dungeon now to see if GAIA is there, " Arinda said.

She was also worried that GAIA's life would be in danger, so she did not rashly capture him first.

"I will go with you, " Lian Lian said.

"I want to go too. " Simba weakly raised his small claw.

"No, you're too young. It's not suitable for you to go to that kind of place, " Lian Lian said quickly.

"Yes, you're too young. You can't go to that kind of place. I heard that that kind of place is very scary, " Arinda said.

"But I'm the king of this country. Can't I go and check out my dungeon? " Xin Ba's small hands held his chin, and his large eyes flashed with an innocent look.

That cute look made Lian Lian want to hug her son and give him a fierce kiss.

However, with Arinda by her side, she could not do that and had to pretend to be an 'an.

However, she also felt that what her son said made sense. Her son was the king of this country, so it was understandable for him to inspect the dungeon.

"Alright then, why don't you come with us? You just have to remember to protect yourself, " Lian Lian said.

"Alright, I'll bring you there. You're not allowed to run around. Oh right, that kind of place is dirty and dangerous. You must not be frightened or infected with any diseases, " Arinda said as she held Xin BA's hand.

She also felt that the success rate of bringing the king of a country to the dungeon to save GAIA would be higher. Therefore, she agreed to bring Xin BA along.

Xin Ba jumped down from the chair and held Arinda's hand with his small hand. "Alright, then let's go. Let me protect the two of you. "

After he said that, he walked forward arrogantly, acting like a master.

Lian Lian followed behind him. She suddenly realized that her son was very familiar with the terrain of the palace. He did not even need to ask for directions to go straight to the dungeon.

She was also speechless at her son. He was actually so familiar with that kind of place. Who Knew How many times his son had come to play in the dungeon.

"Xin Ba, do you often come to the dungeon? What are you doing in the Dungeon? It's not fun here, " Lian Lian said.

"It's very fun here. I can watch them torture the prisoners. They use whips, knives, and some prisoners swallow fireballs, " XIN BA said.

Thinking of those exciting games, his eyes lit up. He liked to watch the prison guards interrogate the prisoners.

Lian Lian listened to her son's words and drew countless black lines on her head. Her son's hobby was so weird that he actually liked to watch this.

As expected, the son of a beast was a little beast. He had loved bloodshed and killing since he was young.

Lian Lian and Arinda were led to the dungeon by Xin Ba.

Xin Ba ran over with his little legs and his little claws slammed on the iron door of the dungeon.


The guards in the dungeon opened the door and walked out. They did not expect to see a little doll, and this little doll was their master.

"Your Majesty Xin Ba, why are you here? " The guard asked.

"I came to watch you interrogate the prisoner. Did you catch the prisoner? " Xin Ba asked.

The guard looked at Xin Ba, then looked at Arinda behind Xin BA. Their tone was a little weak.

"We caught a prisoner today. It was your father who sent people to capture him. His name is Charlie, " the guard said.

Why would Arinda come to such a place? Could it be that the kid really had the ability to get Arinda to save him? The guard's heart stopped beating when he thought of this.

"That's good. Bring me down to take a look. I want to see what kind of criminal that is. When do you want to interrogate him? Do you want me to help you interrogate him? " Xin Ba revealed a look of anticipation. He wished that the guard would say that he wanted to interrogate the criminal now.

"Your Majesty, Are you only here to see the newly captured criminal? " The guard asked worriedly.

It was likely that Xin BA and Arinda were here for GAIA.