May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1890 - Chapter 1890, Palace Strategy 90

Chapter 1890: Chapter 1890, Palace Strategy 90

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

GAIA's forehead darkened. How much did Sikong Yi hate her? He was just waiting for him to leave.

When Arinda heard Sikong Yi's words, she was very satisfied. "I was just about to take him away. GAIA, let's go back to the bedroom. "

Sikong Yi's eyes moved. "Princess Arinda, why did you bring a man back to the bedroom for no reason? "

Arinda could hear the hidden meaning in Sikong Yi's words. Her small face blushed. "GAIA is my guard. Is there a problem with me bringing him back to my bedroom? "

He turned to look at Gaia. "GAIA, let's go. "

GAIA stood up and followed Arinda's footsteps, walking out of Sikong Yi's small building.

There was no point for him to stay here anymore. Sikong Yi would not tell him the truth about those things. He wanted to know the truth. He could only ask Lian Lian and Lian Lian had not returned.

Rather than waiting for Lian Lian in Sikong Yi's small building, he might as well return to Arinda's bedroom with Arinda.

"Arinda, don't you Miss Xin Ba? " He reminded.

"Of course I Miss Xin Ba. I visit him every day, " Arinda said.

In the past, she didn't have anyone to play with in the palace, so she went to see Xin ba and Xin ba play together.

But now that she had GAIA, she didn't want to see Xin Ba.

This was something she rarely had. She didn't go to Xin BA's bedroom to play with him at the first moment.

"Then I'll go with you to see Xin ba now, " Gaia said.

He knew that Lian Lian was beside Xin Ba. As long as he could find Xin Ba, he would be able to see Lian Lian.

"Alright, let's go to Xin BA's bedroom, " Arinda said.

In reality, as long as she could be with Gaia, it would be paradise for her wherever she went.

Soon, they arrived at Xin Ba's bedroom. However, the guard at the door told them that XIN BA was not in the bedroom. Instead, he went to the training ground with Willam.

Arinda and GAIA could only go to the training ground to look for Xin Ba.

Xin Ba, who was fighting with the sandbags on the training ground, suddenly saw his little aunt.

"Aunt, are you here to save me? " He ran towards Arinda when he saw her.

Sometimes, Arinda would tell him to leave early because she felt sorry for him.

Of course, if it was Arinda who told him to leave early, even if his father was unhappy, he wouldn't be able to settle the score with her.

Arinda hugged Simba in her arms. "Why are you punished to practice martial arts on the training ground again? Did you make your father angry again? "

Simba raised his head and looked at his aunt with a wronged expression. "Auntie, when has my father not been angry? It's normal for him to be angry, okay? So his anger has nothing to do with whether I made him angry or not. "

"okay, it's normal for him to be angry, " Arinda said helplessly.

"Aunt, can you take me away? I've been practicing for a long time. I'm so tired. I feel like I'm going to die, " Xin Ba said and pretended that he could not hold on any longer and fell to the ground.

"Okay, okay. Aunt will take you away. " Arinda just could not bear to see XIN BA suffer.

She turned to look at the martial arts masters. "I took Xin Ba away. If my brother questions me, ask my brother to find me. "

The martial arts masters looked at each other. How could they dare to stop Arinda from taking Xin Ba away? Arinda was William's only sister, and Willam also doted on Arinda.

If it was Arinda who took Xin Ba away, Willam would usually not do anything to Arinda?

"We know, " the martial arts masters said.

As long as they were not blamed, they would be more than happy for Arinda to take Xin Ba away. They could not be bothered to watch XIN BA practice martial arts.

After Xin Ba left, they could go back to their own place to rest.

Xin Ba rubbed his leg with his little hand and looked at his aunt with a wronged expression. "Aunt, my leg hurts. "

"You're trying to trick me into hugging you again, right? " Arinda could tell what Xin Ba was thinking at a glance.

Xin Ba was exposed by Arinda's words. "Aunt, don't you want to hug me? Little Xin BA is so obedient, and I'm the Little Xin Ba that you love the most. "

Since the trick did not work, he changed to acting cute.

Arinda simply did not have any ability to resist Xin BA's acting cute.

"Alright, alright, I'll hug you. Who asked you to be my favorite little Xin Ba? " Arinda said as she bent down to carry Xin Ba.

GAIA reached out to block Arinda. "I think Xin Ba isn't light either. Let me help you carry him. Otherwise, if you carry her and return to the bedroom, your arm will be sore. "

He reached out to carry Xin Ba.

For some reason, he felt that this name was very familiar. Moreover, this child looked very familiar to her.

It was as if many memories flashed past his mind, especially this child. He had an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

However, he could not grasp the fragments of those memories.

It was as if there was a membrane separating him from the memories. As long as this membrane was opened, he would be able to remember everything.

He hugged little Xin Ba as if he was hugging his own memories.

He felt that as long as he remembered Xin Ba, he would be able to remember other things.

Arinda was very touched. He felt that GAIA was simply too considerate. If she carried Xin Ba back to the bedroom, her arms would indeed be sore.

The corners of her lips curled into her sweet smile. "Then let's go back to the bedroom. "

She walked forward and looked at the man beside her carrying the child. He suddenly had a feeling that he wanted to start a family. If one day his man carried their child and walked beside him, she thought that she would be the happiest girl in the world.

Just thinking about it made her face blush.

GAIA did not notice the blush on Arinda's face. She carried Xin Ba and returned to Arinda's bedroom.

While Arinda went to get delicious food for Xin Ba, she secretly asked Xin Ba, "where's your little guard? Where is he? "

"He was called away by my father. Are you looking for him? " Xin Ba asked.

"Yes, I'm looking for him. Can you help me see him? ''GAIAa asked.

Xin Ba turned his eyes and placed his mother beside Willam. He was also worried.

"You go and tell my aunt that I need guard an 'An to take care of me. Tell her to think of a way to get my father to bring an 'an over, " he said.

"okay, I'll go and tell your aunt. " Willam walked out of the room and told Arinda.

"Arinda, Xin Ba wants his guard, the guard named an 'An, " GAIA said.

"where is his bodyguard? Is it in his bedroom? " Arinda asked.

"No longer. His bodyguard is by your brother's side. You have to ask your brother for it, " GAIA explained.

"Alright then, I'll give my brother a call, " Arinda agreed readily. This was a small bodyguard's problem, and she did not think this matter was very important.

Since Xin BA liked that small bodyguard, she would call that small bodyguard over.

She picked up her phone and called her brother. She told her brother to send the guard an 'an to her bedroom.