May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1887 - Chapter 1887, palace plot 87

Chapter 1887: Chapter 1887, palace plot 87

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Xin Ba and the little guard were sitting in front of the study table, looking at the documents on the table. The little guard even explained the contents of the documents to Xin Ba.

Willam's eyes softened, and his tall figure walked into the study room.

Lian Lian looked up at the man walking over. She immediately stood up and said, "Your Majesty. "

Xin Ba raised his little head and looked at his father. "father, an 'an is teaching me to read documents. But I don't like reading documents at all. "

"But you are my son. You want to inherit this country, so you must learn to read documents and learn to deal with national affairs. Xin Ba, you are the king of this country, do you know that? " Willam said earnestly.

"But father, you are also the king of this country. You can deal with national affairs, you don't need me at all. " Xin Ba pouted.

He did not feel that this country needed him. Anyway, his father would take care of everything, and she would be responsible for finding his mother and leaving here.

Willam's expression was a little dark "Then, what if one day, father is not here? How are you going to deal with these national affairs? The entire country still needs you to rule. If you do not have the ability to rule the entire country, then the country will be in chaos and the people will not be able to make a living. "

Xin Ba blinked his eyes. "Father, if you are not here, where do you want to go? I don't want you to leave. You ran out to play alone and let me manage the national affairs here. You are too unfair to me. "

Willam's face was unusually cold. "I'm not going out to play. I want to disappear from this world. "

His voice was cold, as if it came from hell in the Netherworld.

"Father, why did you disappear from this world? Are you sick? " Xin Ba tilted his small head and looked at the man in front of him.

In his understanding, only people who were sick would die and leave this world. However, his father clearly looked very healthy and strong.

"Yes, Father's health is not good, and he may leave this world at any time. That's why I want to train you to be the best king. After I leave, you can inherit this country and manage this country. Xin Ba, this is your responsibility as a king, " Willam said.

"But I don't like being a king. Uncle Arthur loves being a king. Why don't you let him be a King? " Xin Ba asked.

"If he becomes a king, I'm afraid that the entire country's people will meet with a disaster. " Willam's hand touched his son's forehead.

If Arthur could take up the throne as a king, he also hoped to give the throne to Arthur. He could see that Xin ba really did not like being a king.

However, Arthur's actions made him feel that Arthur was not qualified to be a king. Arthur's selfishness was too great, and his methods were despicable. If such a person was the king, the country would not be able to govern well.

He was certain that if Arthur succeeded to the throne, the first thing Arthur would do when he came to power would be to eliminate his enemies. Then, many of the ministers in the court would suffer Arthur's evil hands.

This was what he did not want to see the most. His ministers were all carefully chosen by him. Each and every one of them was a dragon and Phoenix among men. Such a talent could not be destroyed by Arthur.

Therefore, he could only let his son inherit the throne and let his son take care of his country. Only in this way could his people live in peace and work in peace, and his position in da Qing would not be destroyed by Arthur.

However, these were things that Xin ba could not understand.

Although Xin BA could not understand, Lian Lian understood. She could understand William's difficulties. For so many years, she had not understood why Willam had to trap Xin BA and her. It seemed that today, she had finally opened the knot in her heart She understood Willam's difficulties.

Unfortunately, even if she understood Willam's difficulties, she would not acknowledge Willam.

In her opinion, nothing was more important than her son. She would rather sacrifice a foreign country to take her son away.

Whether the country of Switzerland was in turmoil or prosperous had nothing to do with her. As long as little Simba was by her side and could be with her, that was enough.

Willam picked up the documents and carefully read the replies. Many of the replies were the same as the way he handled them.

His gaze calmly landed on the little guard's face. "How do you know how to handle these documents? Who taught you that? "

Lian Lian lowered her head slightly. "I've been working in the palace and have been influenced by many things, so I can roughly guess how these official documents should be handled.

"His Majesty Xin Ba doesn't like to handle official documents, so I played games with him while teaching him how to handle official documents.

"I'm not afraid. " Her tone was calm, without the slightest bit of panic. She was still very confident in her disguising skills because Willam did not recognize her at the first glance. He was certain that Willam would not recognize him.

After all, in everyone's impression, he should look like he was pregnant and ready to give birth. It was impossible for him to look like a young boy.

Willam nodded. "You handled it very well. From now on, you will be His Majesty Xin BA's teacher. Stay with Xin Ba 24 hours a day and teach him how to be a king. "

"Yes. " Lian Lian accepted the order.

Willam's order was too good for him. The guards were there to protect Xin Ba, but the guards had to work shifts. That meant that the guards could not stay with Xin Ba 24 hours a day. She had been worried that the guards who had switched shifts would replace him.

And now that she had become Xin Ba's teacher, she could stay by Xin Ba's side 24 hours a day.

This state was simply too good. She could take Xin Ba away at any time.

Xin Ba also did not have any objections to this order. "Okay, I will take an 'An's account and study hard. How to handle the affairs of the country. Father, you can leave now. "

He did not hold back and gave the order to leave.

With Willam by his side, he and his mother were uncomfortable. It was better to let father leave quickly so that he could play with his mother and hug her.

Willam's eyebrows rose. He had only been here for a short while, but the little thing was already in a hurry to chase him out.

"I came today to check on your homework and martial arts. Your ability to handle official documents has improved. I want to praise you, but how have you been practicing your martial arts recently? Have you made any progress? " Willam asked.

When Xin BA heard the word martial arts, he only felt a headache. He hated practicing martial arts the most.

"My martial arts is still okay. I should have made a little progress. " He used two small fingers to draw a little distance.

"Just a little bit? I've looked for the top ten martial arts experts in the country to teach you martial arts, but you only gave me a little bit of improvement.

"Now, go to the training field. I want to see you in person and practice martial arts, " Willam said.

Xin Ba's forehead was streaked with countless black lines. He didn't like to practice martial arts. Who was going to save him He looked at Lian Lian for help.