May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1886 - Chapter 1886

Chapter 1886: Chapter 1886

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"My son likes that little guard, so I've assigned him to my son's bedroom. Do you have any objections? " Willam asked.

However, his tone was definitely not to discuss this matter with Sikong Yi.

Sikong Yi raised his eyebrows. Even if he had objections, what could he do This was Willam's palace, he did not have any right to speak.

The most important question was, if he acted like he cared too much about that little guard, it would make Willam suspect him of something?

"It's just a little guard. You can send him wherever you like. What does it have to do with me? He's not my guard, " he said arrogantly.

Willam's gaze was deep. Sikong Yi did not notice anything unusual on Sikong Yi's face.

"Have you prepared my medicine? Didn't you say that you wanted to develop a medicine that could expel the poison? " Willam asked.

"I'm preparing your new medicine. For this medicine of yours, I searched the entire world and only found a thousand-year-old Ganoderma. I spent a lot of money to buy this thousand-year-old Ganoderma. You have to give me the money, " Sikong Yi said.

It was not easy for him to get a thousand-year-old Ganoderma. Naturally, he had to sell it at a good price. Otherwise, how would he be worthy of his stolen technology?

"How much? " Willam asked.

"It's not expensive. It's only 20 million, " Sikong Yi said.

It was only 20 million. He really wanted less. This thousand-year-old Ganoderma was a priceless treasure. Even in the entire world, he was certain that there would not be a second thousand-year-old Ganoderma.

Willam's lips twitched. A GANODERMA actually cost him 20 million.

"An ordinary Ganoderma only costs a few hundred yuan, a few thousand yuan, and at most a few tens of thousands of yuan. You actually asked me for 20 million yuan, " Willam said. He really thought that he was a sucker.

"The GANODERMA that you mentioned is all artificially cultivated. It will be sold to you after a year and a half. If the increase is a little longer, the three-year-five-year-old Ganoderma can be sold for a few thousand yuan, a few tens of thousands of yuan.

"This Ganoderma of mine was dug out from the rainforest. It is a pure wild, thousand-year-old Ganoderma. After absorbing the essence of the sun and moon for a thousand years, it will definitely have the effect of removing evil and helping the righteous.

"If you don't believe me, you can send people to the various rainforests and get them to dig for you. I guarantee that there won't be a second thousand-year-old Ganoderma, " Sikong Yi said.

He had spent so much effort to get the GANODERMA. Naturally, he couldn't sell it to Willam easily. 20 million was already a bargain. Otherwise, with Willam's value, why would he want 100 million?

The current price was already 20% off.

"If it can really cure the illness, I can give you 20 million, " Willam said.

"20 million is just the money for the big Ganoderma, not including the money I gave you to make the medicine and other herbs. I also added natural hundred-year-old pearls to your medicine. Pearls are used to cool the blood, Gu poison hates this kind of cold-blood medicine the most.

"The thousand-year-old big Ganoderma, plus the hundred-year-old Big Pearl, your illness this time will definitely be cured. However, if you want to mix these two medicines together and make them into medicine that you can use, I will need to spend a lot of time, and my labor fee can not be less... " "Give me another 20 million labor fee. " Sikong Yi continued to raise the price.

The more he thought about asking for 20 million, the more he felt that it was a loss. Naturally, he increased the price by another 20 million.

Willam's lips pursed into a straight line. Looking at Sikong Yi's fox-like appearance, he wanted to strangle Sikong Yi to death.

He was certain that the medicine that Sikong Yi brought was definitely not worth 20 million.

"You sold me a medicine for 40 million. Sikong Yi, you are too bold. "

"This is a medicine to treat your illness. Can you say that your life is not worth 40 million You are the king of the Kingdom of Riel. If I ask for a low price, it would appear that you are too cheap. With your value, you should at least give me 100 million. Could it be that your life is not even worth 100 million?"Sikong Yi said.

Willam's forehead turned black. Was this weighing the weight and counting the money What did he mean that with his value, he should give 100 million? Could it be that he had to thank Sikong Yi for giving him a discount?

"10 million. If you want it, I will transfer the money to you. If you don't, you can get out of my palace. "

When Sikong Yi heard the price, he almost vomited blood. "I want 40 million, and you're only giving me 10 million. This price is too ruthless. "

"Cut the crap. Are you selling it or not? If you're not selling it, get out, " Willam said.

He didn't believe that Sikong Yi would think that 10 million was too little for a highly profitable medicine.

"I want it, I want it. Transfer the money to me, and I'll go and prepare the medicine for you, " Sikong Yi said helplessly.

The 40 million became 10 million. He really cared about his money, but he couldn't be chased out of the palace just for this little bit of money. Lian Lian was still in the palace, and he had to stay in the palace so that he could help Lian Lian at any time. Therefore, he absolutely could not be chased out of the palace by Willam.

Willam took out his phone and transferred the 10,000,000 to Sikong Yi. "Hurry up and prepare the medicine for me. If I don't recover this month, you don't have to walk out of the palace alive. "

"I understand. Don't worry. The medicine this time will definitely have the effect of removing your Voodoo poison, " Sikong Yi said.

Willam turned around and walked out of Sikong Yi's small building. He walked towards Xin BA's bedroom and went to find his son. Xin Ba suddenly got together with a small guard. This was too strange. One had to know that Xin ba had never been a good-tempered child.

In Sikong Yi's small building, Bai Zhu said worriedly, "master, Miss Lian Lian and His Highness Xin Ba have gone to Xin Ba's bedroom. What should we do? Miss Lian Lian will not be discovered by Willam, right? "

"How would I know what to do? Who would have known that Willam would treat Lian Lian as a small guard and send her to his son's bedroom. Now, we can only take things one step at a time. Anyway, I can't go and snatch her away from him. Otherwise, Lian Lian will expose her identity,"Sikong Yi said.

What gave him the biggest headache was the person in the basement. If Lian Lian was not there, how was he going to tell Gaia about his past?

GAIA was pestering him to tell him about his past.

He thought for a moment and continued, "Bai Zhu, go and bring Gaia out of the basement. I want to tell him in detail about the situation in the Middle East. We don't have time to waste. We have to leave Willam's palace as soon as possible. "

He always felt that there was a problem with Willam sending Lian Lian to Xin BA's bedroom.

Although in theory, sending a small bodyguard for his son was something that could not be blamed, he still felt a faint sense of unease. He was afraid that Willam would recognize Lian Lian. He wanted to settle China's matters with Gaia as soon as possible He brought Lian Lian and Xin ba out of the palace.

Bai Zhu obediently ran down to the basement and brought Gaia up to discuss the situation in the Middle East with Sikong Yi.

In Xin BA's bedroom, Lian Lian and Xin Ba were reading official documents in Xin BA's small study. The harmonious scene allowed everyone to feel Wen Xin's atmosphere.

The tall figure of a man walked into Xin BA's small study.