May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1876 - Chapter 1876, palace plot 76

Chapter 1876: Chapter 1876, palace plot 76

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Lian Lian walked in the familiar palace. Many of the guards and girlfriends walked past him and would cast sidelong glances at him.

However, she was sure that she was not discovered to be a girl because the way those maids looked at her was almost as if they were admiring her.

Moreover, she could hear the maids discussing among themselves.

"This guard is so handsome. Do you know this guard? "

"I don't know. I don't know where he is from, but this guard is really handsome. "

"He's too handsome, too handsome. I want to know him. Can One of you introduce him to me? "

"It's a pity that I don't know this guard either. Otherwise, I would also like to strike up a conversation with him. "

The girlfriends were chattering away.

Lian Lian listened as she walked. Her eyebrows raised slightly. It seemed that she had been very successful in disguising as a man. However, she was also a little worried. It was because she had been very successful in disguising as a man. It was too successful. Her handsomeness made these little maids unable to take their eyes off her.

She was too handsome, and it was also troublesome because the attention was too high. She would be noticed by many people. In other words, the risk of her being exposed would be even higher.

A maid ran to Lian Lian's side. "handsome, handsome, can I ask your name? You must not reject me, or I will be sad. "

The maid looked at Lian Lian with deep affection.

Lian Lian's lips twitched slightly. She did not expect these bold little girlfriends to strike up a conversation with her so soon.

She coughed lightly and changed her voice to a neutral voice. "Hello, Miss. My name is Andy. "

When the maids heard Lian Lian's voice, they all called out excitedly.

"little brother's voice is really nice. It's so magnetic. "

"listening to little brother's voice, I want to fall in love. "

"little brother, do you have a girlfriend? "

"If you don't have a girlfriend, do you mind having one? "

"If you have a girlfriend, do you mind switching to another one? "

"If you don't want to switch girlfriends, do you mind having one more? "

The little girlfriends surrounded Lian Lian and said.

Lian Lian felt a headache when she heard this. When did these little girls become so bold They all dared to openly pursue a boy together.

When she lived here in the past, she did not think that these little maids had such courage. It was still the same time. These little maids did not dare to show their courage in front of her.

"ladies, I don't have a girlfriend. But I just came to the palace and am not familiar with the situation here. I think I'd better work first. Otherwise, if I'm only busy dating and not working, my supervisor, the captain of the guards, will scold me."Lian Lian came up with a reason She was dealing with these little maids.

"It's alright, it's alright. We can help you with your work. "

"with US helping you with your work, your captain will definitely not blame you. "

"Who's your captain? Let me see if I know him. I'll put in a few good words for you. "

The little maids chattered.

Lian Lian's forehead turned black. How would she know who her captain was?

"It's alright. I'll do my own work. Oh right, since you're so kind, you must be able to help me find someone, right? " She suddenly thought of looking for GAIA. If there were so many little maids helping her find someone, then.. She should be able to find GAIA very soon.

"find someone, we can help you find someone. "

"Who are you looking for? "

"Tell me his name, I'll help you find out. "

The maids asked Lian Lian.

This stumped Lian Lian, because she did not know what name GAIA would use?

"I don't know his name, but I have a photo of him. Can you take a look at his photo? " Lian Lian said as she took out her phone and showed a photo of GAIA.

The eyes of the maids instantly lit up.

"Oh my God, is there such a handsome man in our palace? "

"This handsome man is also very handsome. Why haven't I seen him before? "

"Let me take a photo of him. "

The maids took out their phones and took a photo of Gaia on Lian Lian's phone.

Lian Lian's expression was a little sad. From the discussion of the girls, she was sure that these maids had never seen GAIA.

"Haven't you guys seen him before? " Lian Lian asked.

"No. If I had seen such a handsome guy, I would definitely remember him. "

"I haven't seen him either. If I had seen him, I would definitely be his girlfriend. "

"Andy, how come you don't know his name? "

The maids asked.

"I don't know his name. " Lian Lian coughed lightly. It seemed that this reason was a little ridiculous. "My friend asked me to help him find out. He met this handsome guy once. We only know that he came to the palace in the end. "

"then is your friend a boy or a girl? " The little girlfriends asked cautiously.

"Don't worry, my friend is a boy. He and this handsome guy only met by chance. I heard from this handsome guy that he's coming to the palace. After they parted ways, they lost contact.

"My friend knew that I'm coming to the palace to work, so he asked me to find out and see if I can find this handsome guy. " Lian Lian tried her best to make her reason perfect.

Anyway, she didn't know if she could make it perfect. She could only try her best. After all, this reason was too ridiculous. How was she supposed to find a person who didn't know his name.

Fortunately, these few maids were very easy to find. Upon hearing Lian Lian's words, they all expressed that they would help Lian Lian find this handsome man.

Lian Lian and these young ladies exchanged phone numbers and continued walking forward.

She walked around the palace a few times, but she could not find Gaia. When the sky gradually darkened, she returned to Sikong Yi's small building.

In Arinda's bedroom, the maids placed the food in Arinda's dining room.

Arinda brought her guard, Gaia, into the dining room. She instructed the other maids to leave. Only GAIA was left to serve him.

All the women left the room. One of the maids took a deep look at Gaia before leaving the dining room with the other women.

Arinda watched as all the maids left the dining room. She reached out and grabbed GAIA's hand. "GAIA, quickly sit down. Let's eat together. "

GAIA stood up straight. "You're the princess. How can I eat with you? "

"What's wrong with the princess Can't the princess have a friend I said that you're my friend, so you have the right to eat with me. You can rest assured and sit down. "There's only the two of us here, no one else will know. " Arinda pulled GAIA to sit down She had been in a state of excitement the whole day, and she finally had a friend.

GAIA had no choice but to sit down and eat with Arinda. His every move and every movement had an indescribable air of nobility.

It simply made Arinda infatuated.

After pushing out of the restaurant, a little maid immediately took out her phone and dialed Andy's number. "Andy, I found the person you're looking for. "