May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1870 - Chapter 1870

Chapter 1870: Chapter 1870

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Owen had done his best to take care of Lian Lian and Yunxi.

However, Lian Lian was a little depressed. This was her first time taking care of a baby. In the end, Owen took care of all the baby's matters, including bathing, changing diapers, and feeding the baby. Owen did everything, and he did it very well.

So the question was, what was she going to do as a mother?

She rested on the small island for a month and watched Yunxi get healthier and healthier day by day. She felt that she could not be more at ease to hand Yun Xi over to Owen.

"Owen, I want to leave the small island. I'll hand Yun Xi over to you, " Lian Lian said.

"Are you going to leave just after you've recovered? " Owen asked.

"Yes, I want to go to the Royal Palace of Switzerland to see GAIA. The poison in his body has almost been detoxified. I want to bring him out of the Royal Palace of Switzerland, " Lian Lian said.

Back then, she had placed Gaia in the Royal Palace of Switzerland for safety. However, it was easy to put him in, but it was not so easy to bring Gaia out.

Moreover, GAIA did not know her identity yet. She still had to tell Gaia about the matters in the Royal Palace of the Middle East in detail.

She did not know if GAIA could accept these matters. thinking of these unknown factors, Lian Lian frowned.

"alright then. Take care of your safety. Unfortunately, I have to take care of Yunxi and can not accompany you to the Royal Palace of Switzerland. " Owen was a little troubled.

On one hand, he was worried that Lian Lian would go to the Royal Palace of Switzerland on her own. On the other hand, he was worried about leaving Yunxi in the care of two nurses.

He and Yunxi had suffered a lot in their previous life. In this life, he didn't dare to hand Yunxi over to anyone. He had to see Yunxi with his own eyes so that he could feel at ease.

"You don't have to accompany me to the Royal Palace of Switzerland. You've helped me a lot by taking good care of Yunxi. I'm really happy that Yunxi has a lover like you. Although she's too young now and doesn't know anything, I believe that you can give her the greatest happiness in the whole world, " Lian Lian said.

"thank you for believing in me. I'll take good care of her and give her the happiness of a lifetime. " Owen's tone was as if he had sworn an oath.

After Lian Lian bade farewell to Owen, she left the island in a rubber boat.

It had been a month since she had appeared in Myanmar. Everyone who was looking for her had long assumed that she was no longer in Myanmar, so no one was following her here, and no one had discovered her whereabouts.

She took the rubber boat to the shore, took a taxi, and went to the forest where they had released the plane.

She turned on her phone and found the plane according to its original location. The plane was still hidden there, and no one had discovered it.

She pulled open the vines and sat in the cockpit of the plane, turning on the engine. As the plane's propeller spun, she left Myanmar.

A few hours later, she arrived in Switzerland.

She hid the plane in a forest and hitchhiked to the palace.

Looking at the majestic palace, Lian Lian was a little worried. How was she going to enter the palace?

She sent a message to Sikong Yi: Are you there The person you wanted to see is already within a one-kilometer radius of you.

Almost instantly, he replied, "F * Ck, why are you only here now? " Do you know that I can't hold on much longer.

Lian Lian replied, "that's why I rushed here. ". The problem was, how do I get into the palace?

Find a place to stay for a while, I'll go out of the palace to pick you up. We'll contact each other then.". Sikong Yi replied.

After he replied, he deleted all his and Lian Lian's phone records.

GAIA's body had almost recovered. GAIA had been asking about his background, and he was unable to explain it to Gaia. Now that Lian Lian was here, he could finally blame Lian Lian for this trouble.

He left his small building and got up to look for Willam.

In the Imperial Study, William's Guards reported to Willam, "Your Majesty, Mr. Sikong Yi requests to see you. "

Willam's expression froze. Sikong Yi had been in his palace for so long. Other than giving him routine checks and adjusting his medication, Sikong Yi basically would not come to see him. It was obvious that this incident was not a routine check and the time to prepare his medication.

"Let him in, " he ordered.

The guards followed the order and left, letting Sikong Yi enter the imperial study.

Sikong Yi swaggered into the imperial study. "I came to tell you that I want to leave the palace. "

He had to look for Willam. In the past month, Willam had watched over his own palace. Without Willam's permission, it was impossible to enter and leave the palace.

Willam looked up at Sikong Yi. "Why are you leaving the palace? "

"I'm going to buy medicine. Don't I need to buy medicine to make it for you? " Sikong Yi said.

"I still have you in my palace. I can't find any medicine. What kind of medicine do you need? I'll get the guards to go out and buy it, " Willam said.

Sikong Yi's heart skipped a beat. The Royal Palace of Switzerland was indeed the richest palace. There was everything in the palace. There were all kinds of medicine, all kinds of ingredients, all kinds of tools. There was simply nothing that he could not get.

The excuse to sell the medicine was rejected by Willam in a gorgeous manner.

"Your guards can help me buy it, but they can't buy the medicine that I want. Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes the place of origin, the quality of the medicine, and the year. Do they understand these things I have to personally pick it for you. Otherwise, the year is wrong, the medicine is wrong, and it will delay the recovery of your body. That's not my responsibility,"Sikong Yi said.

At the mention of his own body, Willam's brows furrowed. "When will I be able to clean up the VOODOO poison in my body? "

"You still want to clean it up. I can control them now and keep them in a dormant state. Not Flooding your body is already using up everything I've learned in my life. "You still want me to clean up the Gu poison for you? " Sikong Yi said.

"If it's not a high-difficulty one, why did I call you here? " Willam said matter-of-factly.

Sikong Yi's mind was racing with countless mud horses. To be able to keep the GU poison in Willam's body in a dormant state was already a high-difficulty one.

"I'm a human, not a God. You want me to transcend the tribulation and become a God? I don't have that ability. Tell me quickly, do you want me to go out and buy medicine for you or not. If you don't approve, I'll go to sleep. The Gu poison is on you anyway, and it's not on me."Sikong Yi put on a face of indifference It was as if he did not care whether he left the palace or not. He even gave people the feeling that he did not want to leave the palace.

"I'll send a few guards to follow you, " Willam said.

"How troublesome. I still need to bring a few more. Alright then, let them follow me. " After saying that, Sikong Yi turned around and walked out of the imperial study.

Willam's finger pressed on the internal phone and ordered his subordinates to follow Sikong Yi out of the palace.