May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1858 - Chapter 1858, Gong Mou 58

Chapter 1858: Chapter 1858, Gong Mou 58

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Lian Lian trembled when she heard Owen's words and thought of the tragic ending for her daughter and herself.

She didn't expect that her identity as the daughter of the Nan Gong family and the Queen of the Middle East would have such a tragic ending Most importantly, she was actually unable to protect her daughter.

She touched her belly with her hand. This was definitely not an ending that she could tolerate.

A moment later, she calmed herself down from her excitement. "thank you for telling me this and also thank you for trying to change the fate of my daughter and me. "

"You don't have to thank me. I have my own selfish motives. I Love Yunxi and I love her very much. I can't live without her. My rebirth this time is all because I want Yunxi. I think the heavens pity my feelings for Yunxi and let me be reborn, " Owen said.

His voice was unusually choked with sobs. When he thought of the tragic death of the girl he loved, he wished that he could cut Tu Lu into pieces and kill all of Tu Lu's nephews who had committed evil together to avenge his Yunxi.

Lian Lian pressed her temples with her fingers. In theory, she could accept Wen's deep feelings for Yun Xi. Moreover, she did not doubt that what Owen said was the truth.

However, when she looked at the boy in front of her and said that she loved the daughter in her belly, she still could not bring this relationship to her daughter.

When she thought of talking to her future son-in-law and discussing her daughter's future, she only felt that this was too ridiculous.

She was only a girl in her twenties, yet she actually talked to her thirty-year-old son-in-law.

"I want to kill Tu Lu too. How dare he treat my daughter like this? If I don't kill his entire family, how can I let my daughter down? " Lian Lian said.

"What do you want to do? " Owen asked.

Lian Lian's hand knocked on the armrest of her Rattan Chair. "I've changed my plan. I want to take the initiative to attack. When GAIA recovers, I want to kill Tu Lu's entire family. "

"What about now? " Owen asked.

"Now we just have to win the money. When we get the Emperor Green, we'll leave, " Lian Lian said.

At this time, they were surrounded by people's discussions. The quality of boss Yang's raw stones was too poor. There were already more than 20 pieces, but none of them were decent jade. They were all worthless. Yellow and red jade, and the quality was not very good.

"It's still not enough. I'll use my head as a stool for him to sit on. "

"If we buy this kind of stone from stone gambling, we'll lose everything. It's a good thing I didn't buy raw stones from boss Yang's shop. "

"Boss Yang's shop is evil. Anyone who buys raw stones from his shop will lose money. "

"I think boss Sun's shop is more reliable. At least the raw stones in his shop won't be empty. "

A few of boss Sun's friends stirred up everyone's emotions in the crowd.

Many people nodded in agreement with what these people said. The raw stones in boss Yang's shop were so disappointing. And the raw stones in boss Sun's shop could at least produce a few decent items.

"The raw stones in boss Sun's shop won't lose too much at least. Moreover, we can still make money after opening it. The raw stones in boss Yang's shop will really lose everything. I must buy the raw stones from boss Sun in the future. "

"Yes, yes. It can't be that every piece is Nanyang Dushan Jade, right? As long as we choose carefully, we can still pick out good jade raw stones. "

Everyone was discussing. Boss Sun listened to everyone's discussion and was very satisfied.

"I told you that the raw stones in my shop are good. Although I also have the time to look at them, this is also normal. After all, it is a stone gambling. Until the moment when the stone is opened, we don't know whether there is jade in the stone. It is normal to gamble until it collapses. But I can guarantee that everyone, if you buy the raw stones in my shop, the probability of gambling will be very high. " Boss Sun said loudly to promote his own shop.

"Boss Sun, don't worry. We will definitely buy the raw stones in your shop. I will go and pick out the raw stones in your shop. "

"I will go and have a look too. I saw a good one just now. "

"which one? Which one? I have eyes too. "

"One has python patterns and Moss. "

A few customers were talking as they went to pick out the raw stones. They had forgotten that the noblewoman had been cheated and that she had received 80 million yuan.

At this moment, a few more people came into boss Sun's shop.

The lady saw the people who came in and was so scared that her whole body trembled.

Among those people, the leading man saw the lady rushing over and grabbed the lady. "where did you take my money? Quickly return it to me. "

The lady was so scared that her whole body trembled. "Hubby, Hubby, I took your money to gamble with the stones. If we win the bet, we can pay back all the debts and make a lot of money. What do you think? "

The man's face turned green. "You are gambling with the stones again. All the money in the family has been lost by you. You still dare to gamble with the stones. Quickly give me the money. "

The Noble Woman's face turned Pale "I've already bought the raw stone. Look, it's this green. Some people say it's the best imperial jade. Some people even lied to me, saying it's Nanyang Dushan jade. I don't believe it. This piece of mine is obviously the best imperial jade. "If this piece of imperial jade is worth billions of dollars, Hubby, we'll be rich. "

When the noble woman's husband heard what the noble woman said, he hurriedly went over to check the raw stone. The color of the raw stone was indeed green, very beautiful.

He turned around and looked at the people behind him. "Look, is this the emperor's green? "

The people who followed the man looked around at the raw stone. "brother, this is not the emperor's Green, it's Nanyang Dushan Jade. "

"Are you sure you didn't see wrongly? " The husband of the lady asked.

"How could I have seen wrongly, brother. I've been in the jade business for many years, " the man said.

The husband of the lady was so angry that his face turned black. He questioned the lady, "how much did you spend on this raw stone? "

"Eight, eighty million, " the rich woman stammered.

The rich woman's husband was so angry that he punched the rich woman. "You Prodigal woman, I'll beat you to death. You've squandered all my money. "

The rich woman was beaten to the ground and begged for mercy. "husband, please forgive me. This time, I won't play stone gambling again. "

"there won't be a next time. We'll get a divorce right now. This time, I must get a divorce, " the rich woman's husband said resolutely.

"husband, I don't want a divorce. Think about it. We still have children. Don't you think about our children? " The rich woman knelt down and begged her husband not to get a divorce.

"You are not fit to be the mother of my children. " The noblewoman's husband kicked the noblewoman aside and strode towards the front door of the gambling den.

The noblewoman took out a dagger from her handbag and pressed it against her neck. "Hubby, if you dare to divorce me, I will die for you to see. "

Lian Lian looked at the scene in front of her. Ugh, someone was really going to die.