May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1856 - Chapter 1856, Gong Mou 56

Chapter 1856: Chapter 1856, Gong Mou 56

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Lian Lian Sat on the Rattan Chair. She reached out and pulled Owen, who was standing beside her. "Let's sit down and wait for our emperor's Green. "

Owen obediently sat beside Lian Lian.

Boss Sun listened to their conversation and the corners of his lips twitched. "Don't talk so confidently as if you can really produce the emperor's Green. People who play stone gambling all know that if you don't open the raw stone, you don't even know if there's jade inside.

"Be careful, you'll be slapped in the face later. You have to know that boss Yang's batch of raw stones hasn't been sold for two years. It was despised by others and was thrown into the warehouse. If the quality of this batch of raw stones was good, it would have been sold long ago "It can still be kept for two years so long. "

Everyone listened to boss Sun's words and nodded to express their approval.

What boss Sun said was not wrong at all. If the quality of this batch of raw stones was good, how could it be kept for two years and still not be sold?

"little brother, you guessed that boss Sun's raw stones were lost in gambling. How did you guess that boss Yang's raw stones would definitely come out with the emperor green? "

"I think he was just guessing blindly. How could he possibly tell if there was emperor green in the raw stones? "

"He's just making a wild guess. How could he make a wild guess every time? "

"I don't believe that at his age, he can really tell which raw stone has an emperor's green in it? "

Boss Sun laughed out loud. "everyone is an understanding person. I told you that this little brother must have made a wild guess. It's just that his fate is good. He made a wild guess just now. Everyone, don't leave. Let's see if he can make a wild guess this time. "

Owen sat beside Lian Lian and drank the tea on the table. "those who don't leave will be lucky to see my emperor's Green. It's the biggest top-grade Emperor's Green. "

Owen's words made everyone even more disdainful. It was already good enough to be able to open the emperor's Green. They hadn't even opened the raw stone yet, so how could they know if it was emperor's green or the best emperor's Green.

"It's really impossible to boast. "

"I have nothing to do anyway. I'm just bragging. "

"I bet that boss Yang's raw stone will collapse. "

"count me in. I also think that they will collapse. "

Boss Sun listened to everyone's discussion and felt happy in his heart. This batch of raw stones was originally what he wanted, but it was snatched away by Owen and the others. He wished that all the raw stones were empty so that Owen and the others wouldn't get a single cent.

The old master in boss Yang's shop came to boss Sun's shop.

"Boss Yang, the two of us are here. Are we going to open the raw stones here? " The old master asked.

"We are going to open the raw stones here. " Boss Yang ordered. He turned his head and looked at boss Sun, "boss Sun, I want to borrow your cutting knife. You won't mind, right? "

"I don't mind my cutting knife. You can take it and use it. I hope you can open the jade. But don't be like these two years, you won't be able to open anything. " Boss Sun said with a sneer.

He naturally didn't mind lending the cutting knife to boss Yang. He was still waiting to see what could be opened from boss Yang's raw stone?

The two old masters picked up the cutting knife in boss Sun's shop and began to cut the raw stone in boss Yang's shop.

The old master was agile and cut a piece in a few moves.

The crowd let out a sigh. There was nothing in this raw stone.

Then the old master started to open a second piece. It was still an empty stone.

The other old master opened a third piece. He only opened a yellow jade that wasn't very good. It was the size of a walnut.

Boss Sun couldn't help but laugh out loud. "Did you see what I said? Boss Yang's raw stones are of the lowest quality. His stones are all empty. This time, all the stones will collapse. "

"Boss Sun, you're too wise. "

"I also think that boss Sun is right. The quality of boss Yang's stones is really not that good. He opened up three stones and only opened up a yellow jade the size of a walnut. The quality is still not that good. "

"If anyone buys boss Yang's raw stones, they will simply lose their lives. "

Boss Sun listened to everyone's discussion with satisfaction "everyone now knows that I asked him to use these stones to pay off my debt of 20 million yuan. It was all because I sympathized with him. I was helping him. I was giving my money to him for free. And he didn't know what was good for him. He wanted to pay off my debt of 20 million yuan with half of the raw stones. Everyone, tell me, who is the kindhearted person between me and boss Yang Who is the sinister villain?"

"Boss Sun's character is beyond words. 20 million yuan for this kind of broken stone is not even worth 10,000 yuan. "

"I also think that boss Sun's character is too good. This is clearly taking 20 million yuan and throwing it away. "

"But boss Yang doesn't appreciate it. Boss Yang still wants to use half of the original base to increase the debt by 20 million yuan. "

"This is the lack of a human heart. This is too greedy. This kind of broken stone is only worthy of being used as a foundation. "

Boss Yang's face became paler and Paler. He did not think that his batch of raw stones could be so bad. After opening three pieces, work had basically started. The walnut-sized yellow jade was of such poor quality that it was not worth much.

Lian Lian comforted boss Yang, "boss Yang, don't be anxious. You've only opened three pieces. You have more than 30 stones. "

Boss Yang reached out and wiped the sweat off his forehead, "I'm not anxious, I'm not anxious. "

He sighed in his heart. What was there to be anxious about He remembered that he had tricked Lian Lian and Owen.

The two old masters continued to open the raw stones. The next few pieces were still empty. The faces of the two old masters turned darker and darker. They didn't know if it was because of their bad luck, or if the quality of the raw stones was really not that good. Logically speaking.. They had already opened so many stones. No matter what, they should be able to open a decent piece of jade.

The discussions in the crowd grew louder and louder. Now, basically everyone was betting that Lian Lian Lian would lose.

Lian Lian leisurely drank her coconut milk. She was completely unable to open the stones. The matter of the empty stones was taken to heart. However, the number of these empty stones increased. The amount of jade that came out was especially small. After opening more than ten raw stones, only a few pieces of jade the size of walnuts were opened.

He could hold these jade with one hand. It could be seen that the size of the jade was really too small.

She looked up at Owen beside her and said in a low voice, "I don't think the quality of these raw stones is very good. Do you really think that this batch of raw stones can produce imperial jade? "

She was afraid that Owen would miscalculate.

At this moment, Owen was full of confidence. "I'm definitely not wrong. "

Based on his memory of his previous life, he felt that his memory was not wrong. Boss Sun's shop had indeed lost the gamble. What was produced was not jades, but Nanyang Dushan jade. He only remembered this newcomer at the end Therefore, he said the words "Nanyang Dushan Jade" to the appraisal experts. As expected, the appraisal experts' faces turned pale.

If the situation in boss Sun's shop was the same as his memory of his previous life, then the situation in boss Yang's shop should be the same as his memory of his previous life.