May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1851 - Chapter 1851, Gong Mou 51

Chapter 1851: Chapter 1851, Gong Mou 51

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Okay! " The old master picked up the cutting knife and began to cut.

As the cutting knife went down, a piece of scalp was cut off. The eyes of the people who were entangled in the raw stone narrowed, and they sighed.

There was nothing after this cut.

The old master cut a few more times, but there was still nothing. He threw the stone aside and said, "this one is empty. "

"It's okay, it's okay. You two open the biggest raw stone for me! " said the noblewoman.

The lady and the others were not bothered by the fact that they were opening the biggest raw stone. After all, these were all free raw stones. No matter how many jades were given out, it would be a waste. It did not matter if one of them was empty because it would not affect the overall situation.

The two old masters held their cutting knives and walked towards the large raw stone. One of them cut through the skylight while the other cut through the other side of the stone.

As the stone was scraped off, their eyes were filled with surprise.

"Oh my God! I see green here too! This jade is so big! " One of the old masters shouted.

The skylight was in one corner of the stone, and he opened the other corner of the stone, and in the end, he also saw green!

"It's Emperor Green! It's so green! I've never seen such a good emperor green in my life! " Another master said.

He opened it along the position of the skylight, and rubbed off a piece of stone skin. The color was so good that it was the same color as the one opened in the skylight.

The noble consort and boss Sun both ran over to look excitedly, and the two of them commanded the old master who opened the original stone.

"You open it here! Don't hurt the jade! " Boss Sun said

"Yes, I'm not in a hurry. Don't hurt my large imperial jade! " The Lady's eyes were filled with excitement. She didn't expect it to really BE IMPERIAL JADE!

The crowd was no longer calm.

"It's really imperial jade! "

"Aiya! I wanted to buy it just now! " A man's fist hit his thigh, looking annoyed.

"I want to buy it too! " Another man clenched his teeth and beat his chest!

"We've all been cheated by that kid! "

Several men glared at Owen and Lian Lian, wishing they could tear them apart!

There was no longer a price for such a large imperial jade, so it could only be expressed in terms of its value!

They had missed the opportunity to make a fortune overnight!

How could they not hate Owen and Lian Lian?

Lian Lian laughed coldly, "you just listen to what we say, and you also listen to what we say about jumping into the river? With such a lack of judgment and such mental fortitude, why are you still playing stone gambling? "

Stone gambling was not something that anyone could afford. Once they lost badly, their mental fortitude would be so poor that they would jump off a building to commit suicide.

"You! How can you say that? You caused us to make a fortune, aren't you going to apologize? "

"What's the use of just apologizing? We want them to compensate US FOR OUR LOSSES! "

"Right, we can't let them go! Let them compensate US FOR OUR LOSSES! "

A few men shouted.

"What right do we have to compensate you for your losses? Did we let you listen to us? If you don't sell, you can't blame it on us. I still say it, they will definitely lose! " Owen said.

His brain was desperately thinking about the news from his previous life. Because he didn't know that he would be reborn in his previous life, the news that he saw was just a flash in his mind. If it wasn't for his super strong memory, he would have long forgotten about the news that was just a FLASH IN HIS MIND!

The corner of Lian Lian's lips curved as she looked at those people who were frowning coldly at them. She understood Owen's intention of reminding those people not to buy the raw stone in boss Sun's hands. Owen didn't want these people to lose money for nothing. Unfortunately, Owen's good intentions were taken for granted by these people!

"Owen, we don't need to pay attention to them. Anyway, the stone has not been opened yet. They will know after it is opened! " She said. She still believed in Owen's divination. Owen's divination was very accurate.

"Bah! You still want to bet against us? Open your eyes and take a look. If you still want to bet against such a great imperial jade, I will use my head as a stool for you to sit on! " A man said.

"COUNT ME IN! I will also bet against you. If I bet against you, I will also use my head as a stool for you to sit on! "

The skills of the two old masters were very good. They nimbly cut off the top layer of the stone, revealing a large piece of green jade inside!

"Stop Quarreling! Come and take a look at the emperor's Green! I've never seen such a good jade in my life! "

"Sigh, I haven't lived in VAIN IN MY LIFE! To be able to produce such a large piece of Emperor's Green! "

The two old masters sighed with emotion!

The noblewoman also felt confused. This emperor's green was too big, so big that it was beyond her imagination!

"Go and get a jewelry appraiser! HURRY UP! " She hurriedly urged her subordinates.

"Yes! " The Servant who had been following the noblewoman all the time quickly ran out to get a jewelry appraiser!

Boss Sun walked towards Lian Lian and Owen. "What else do the two of you have to say? Hehe, since you dare to curse my raw stone and gamble it away, I'll let you have a look at what is called Imperial Jade! Have you prepared your thirty million? Transfer it over to me! "

He said proudly.

Lian Lian's expression was still calm. "since you are sure to win, why are you still in a hurry? Wait until the jewelry appraiser arrives to determine whether this piece is imperial jade or not. Only then will we know if your raw stone has been gamble away! "

Boss Sun sneered. "Look at the color of the water. This is definitely a top-grade imperial jade! The appraiser will be here soon. Let's see what you have to say! "

The three appraisers followed the lady's subordinates to boss Sun's shop.

The lady quickly walked forward. "appraiser, quickly appraise my imperial JADE'S GRADE! "

Even imperial jade was divided into several grades according to the quality of the jade. The Best top-grade imperial jade's value could be said to be astronomical!

A few jewelry appraisers immediately surrounded the raw stone and put on a magnifying glass to check the quality of the jade.

Owen pressed his finger on his temple. He had been thinking about the news and felt that he had missed something, but he could not remember it no matter how hard he tried.

At this time, the crowd was about to explode. The mood of seeing the rare imperial jade could not be suppressed. Everyone was frantically fighting to buy the raw stone in boss Sun's shop, hoping to get some luck from this noblewoman They could also get a piece of top-grade jade.

Owen's eyes were focused on the three jewelry appraisers and boss Sun.

He suddenly noticed boss Sun's action. At this time, boss Sun didn't look at the raw stones but lowered his head to take out his phone to send a message. A jewelry appraiser also lowered his head to look at his phone to send a message.

Just as he was thinking, the jewelry appraiser put his phone into his pocket and lowered his head to whisper a few words to the two jewelry appraisers beside him.

A moment later, the other jewelry appraiser raised his head to look at boss Sun and the lady. "congratulations, the results of our appraisal are out. This jade is a top-grade imperial jade! "