May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1844 - Chapter 1844, Gong Mou 44

Chapter 1844: Chapter 1844, Gong Mou 44

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Owen looked at Lian Lian, who had not spoken for a long time, and raised his eyebrows. "What about the face? Are these raw stones very nice to look at? "

Lian Lian glared back at Owen. "WHO's the face? It would be great if I could meet you! Well, LET'S WALK FURTHER AHEAD! "

She really did not know which one to choose. She really did not understand. If she just randomly bought one, it would basically be a waste of money!

"right, right. Walk further ahead. I'll introduce you to a reliable shop. This shop is the one that produces the most jade, and it's also our biggest shop here If you come here to buy raw stones, I guarantee that you won't have to pay for it You can go online and check this shop to see if it's popular "The shop's name is many jade shops. " The driver strongly recommended many jade shops.

Lian Lian was also drunk with the name of this shop. If it was so straightforward, many jade shops.

The shop owner probably didn't understand Chinese very well, so he gave his shop a name according to his beautiful wish.

"Oh, Oh, I've heard of this shop, " Owen said.

He had really heard of this shop. According to his memories from his previous life, there were two famous stone gambling dens in stone gambling street today. One of them was a lot of jade shops, and the other one was called Ju Cui shop.

The driver smiled proudly. "This little brother is very knowledgeable. He knows our biggest stone gambling den here. Here we are! Let's go in. "

Many jade shops were the biggest stone gambling dens here, and they also offered the highest commission here.

Most of the business in stone gambling street was supported by the Chinese, and they earned money from the Chinese.

The commission here was very high. Naturally, the locals liked to bring their customers here to earn more commission. Because the price of the raw stones was very high, the commission was raised by 0.5 percentage points. To these locals, it was a considerable income.

There was also a secret that the locals would never tell. This stone gambling den was the place that cheated foreign customers the most. The owner of the shop would deliberately fake and trick foreign tourists.

Foreign tourists were at most in groups of three to five. Even if they were cheated, they could not do anything to them. Basically, the people who came to their shop would be cheated by them with fake goods.

Even if the tourists called the police, it would be useless. The local police would not bother with these local tyrants. They could not and would not bother with them. At most, they would come here to tell the tourists to admit defeat and not to cause trouble even if they lost Otherwise, they would be arrested by the police.

Usually, when they were scared, the tourists would not dare to cause trouble and leave. They could only accept their bad luck.

Lian Lian and Owen followed the driver into many jade shops. Many people gathered in the yard to look at a raw stone. The Raw stone had a skylight open, revealing a very attractive green color.

People pointed and commented on the green color.

"Imperial Green! It's definitely imperial green! "

"It's so primitive! It's a pity that I don't have money, otherwise I would definitely buy it! This imperial green will definitely be worth a LOT OF MONEY! "

"It should be worth at least a hundred thousand USD, right? ''

The crowd discussed animatedly. Many people were hired by the shop owner to brag about his raw stone for other tourists to listen to.

The shop owner sat on the Rattan Chair. "This raw stone of mine is the treasure of my shop! I'm offering 80 million! Who wants it? If I buy it, it will definitely be worth a lot of money! "

The driver quickly walked over and said, "boss Sun, I have two customers who want to buy gambling stones! Help my customers choose a good raw stone! "

Boss Sun glanced at the man and woman behind the driver. The man looked to be about 15 or 16 years old, and the woman was pregnant. If these two people were cheated, they would not cause trouble.

"Old he, I only introduced the best raw stone to you because of your face. This raw stone is 80 million, and it can definitely produce the Best Emperor Green! Do you want it from them? " Boss Sun said.

Old He turned around and asked Lian Lian and Owen "Look at the color and water head of the jade in the skylight. It's definitely a type of Emperor Green It's only worth 80 million Any piece of Emperor Green is worth more than 100 million Looking at the size of this stone, it's definitely worth more than a billion dollars If you want to buy it, then hurry up. Don't miss this opportunity to make a fortune!"

"Oh, oh, let's take a look! " Owen said as he walked towards the raw stone and looked at the jade that was exposed.

Lian Lian looked at it. The water head was indeed very good, and it was very green. It was green, and it didn't look like glass. Although she didn't know how to gamble on stones, she knew jewelry. This definitely wasn't glass!

"It really looks like Imperial Jade! " She blinked and looked at Owen who was beside her.

She knew the price of imperial jade. The necklace of imperial jade that Willam gave her was only a dozen or so jade beads. Just because the beads were of good quality, it was worth tens of millions.

The price of jade and the size of the jade increased exponentially.

A piece of imperial jade the size of a fist could be worth hundreds of millions of dollars. And this raw stone was so big that it looked like it weighed 300 to 400 pounds.

"Why does it look like imperial jade? IT'S IMPERIAL JADE! Do you know imperial jade? If you don't, then don't talk nonsense! It's obvious that you have never seen jewelry before! " The boss looked disdainful.

Lian Lian's lips twitched. She had never seen jewelry before She was born in a pile of jewelry, okay?

"Yes, yes, we've never seen any jewelry before. Owen, let's go! " She couldn't be bothered to argue with the owner. Anyway, she was very dissatisfied with the owner's attitude.

Based on the owner's attitude, she wouldn't buy anything in this shop.

"Don't go! I'm telling you, this is the best raw stone! If you leave, you'll miss this shop! " Uncle Ho quickly stopped Lian Lian and Owen. He was worried about his commission.

"So what if we miss it? If we don't want to buy it, we don't want to buy it, " Owen said. He was just here to watch the show. He really didn't want to buy anything from this shop.

Seeing Owen's determined look, uncle Ho was a little anxious. He didn't want to lose his commission. If Owen and Lian Lian didn't buy anything, he wouldn't get anything. He even wasted half a day's time After all, during this time, he could earn some money by driving and soliciting customers!

"Why don't you buy such good jade? Tell me the reason! " He pressed.

"AIYO! Why are you asking? You definitely don't have that much money! " A lady walked over proudly. She was dressed in luxury goods and had jewelry hanging around her neck.

Owen's expression changed. What kind of people were he and Lian Lian They were actually despised by this arrogant woman?

"We didn't buy it because we didn't have money. It's because the quality of the raw stones here is not good! "

When the shop owner heard Owen's words, he immediately became anxious. "How can my imperial jade not be good in color? Everyone, take a look. Is the imperial jade in my raw stones? "

The noblewoman looked at Lian Lian and Owen with disdain. From the way they dressed, it was impossible to tell whether they were rich or not. She sneered and said, "boss, don't be anxious. I've seen jewelry before. Look at the imperial jade on my neck. Just this jade token alone is worth millions "Hehe, I need bodyguards to follow me when I go out. Otherwise, I'M AFRAID OF BEING ROBBED "Boss, I've seen your imperial jade. It's indeed good. You don't have to be angry with these poor people who can't afford to buy things! "