May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1843 - Chapter 1843, palace plot 43

Chapter 1843: Chapter 1843, palace plot 43

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Let's go to a place with a picturesque scenery. I can see how they will chase us there! " Lian Lian's lips curled into a sly smile. Since these people wanted to follow her, she would let them follow her to the end!

Owen looked at Lian Lian and did not tell him the specific place. It was probably because Lian Lian did not want to tell him, so he did not press on. Anyway, he looked at Lian Lian's confident look and felt that Lian Lian must have planned out an escape route.

The plane flew to an open space in the forest. Lian Lian instructed Owen to hide the plane in a Bush. She then asked Owen to cover the plane with vines. Then, she brought Owen out of the forest. Before they left, Lian Lian told Owen to leave She marked a location on the electronic map on her phone so that it would be convenient for her to look for the plane in the future.

The clearing here was very small. It was only enough to land a small helicopter like Lian Lian's. The planes that had been chasing after her all this time could not land at all. If they wanted to land, they had to find another spacious place.

When the planes landed on the highway and the men in black on the plane ran into the forest to look for Lian Lian, Lian Lian and Owen had already run away.

Lian Lian and Owen ran onto the highway and hailed a taxi to the city of this country.

Owen looked at the signs on the roadside and realized that this was Myanmar!

"We came to Myanmar? " He was surprised.

"Yes, we passed by here, " Lian Lian said. In fact, her final destination was not here. She came here only to shake off the people who were following her. She was going to an island in the sea.

Owen looked at the time on his phone and suddenly raised his eyebrows. "Lian Lian, which city is this in Myanmar? "

"Mandalay, " Lian Lian answered indifferently.

"driver, let's go to the stone gambling street. You take us there! " Owen said to the driver.

"Ok, " the driver agreed readily.

This time, it was Lian Lian's turn to be surprised. "Why are we going to the Stone Gambling Street? "

Owen's lips curled into a confident smile. "I'll take you to the Stone Gambling Street! Have you ever played stone gambling? "

"No, do you know how to play stone gambling? " Lian Lian asked.

"No, but I can learn, " Owen said.

The driver listened to the conversation between the man and the woman in the back seat. They could understand Chinese. "Sir, you're going to the stone gambling street. Are there any shops you can contact? "

"No. We have just arrived here, " Owen said.

"Then let me introduce you to a shop. I see that this is your first time playing stone gambling, so I am kind enough to take you to a reliable stone gambling den. Let me tell you, there are many counterfeiters in the stone gambling den. If you can't buy it, you can buy a stone or an emerald made from jade powder. "Stone gambling is very deep here. Even an old master can't guarantee that he can see it with 100% accuracy! " The driver said.

This was definitely not an alarmist. Forgery was too common here. Stones were painted with green paint and they dared to sell at the price of jade. The stone blocks made of jade powder and glue were sold as jade.

There were even people who were so arrogant that they inlaid the bottom of the beer bottle into the stone and then opened a skylight, selling it as imperial jade.

These people ran away after scamming people. You did not even have a place to look for them, so you could only pay tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

Of course, the driver was not afraid that his customers would be fooled. He was mainly doing it for the commission. This was the rule here. They brought their customers to the stone gambling street. No matter which shop they went to, the owner would give them a 5% commission.

Naturally, he would not let go of this opportunity to make a fortune.

Lian Lian was just about to refuse when she was stopped by Owen's gaze.

Owen said first, "then I'll have to trouble you to introduce the shop to us! "

"okay, I'll drive faster. I guarantee that we'll be there in 20 minutes! " The driver said happily. When he thought of his small money, he was all kinds of excited. These two customers were obviously rich people. He was afraid that he would make a fortune this time!

The corners of Lian Lian's lips twitched. She lowered her voice, "are you crazy? Why did you let him introduce us? How do you know that he won't lie to you? "

Her voice was very low and only she and Owen could hear it.

"Even if he doesn't lie to me, we will be pestered by others when we go to the stone gambling street. These people are all trying to earn a commission. Why don't we let this driver take us there? It will save us the trouble, " Owen said.

If they were not led by the locals, they would be surrounded by a group of locals when they arrived at the stone gambling street. They would have to introduce the shop to them. If that was the case, it would waste a lot of time. He did not have time to waste. It was already noon in Myanmar He had to buy raw stones here today.

There was an unwritten rule in the local area. If the customers of the stone gambling street were already led by the locals, no one could snatch the customers away. This way, he could save a lot of time. If his memory was not wrong, the miracle would happen today!

Lian Lian Understood Owen's words. She blinked her eyes. She did not expect this boy to know everything. He even knew what was going on in the stone gambling street. Well, other than his slightly weaker martial arts, his other skills were quite high.

The driver's speed was exceptionally fast, and he arrived at the stone gambling street very quickly.

There were many stone gambling dens on a street. These stone gambling dens were of a certain scale. There were also some small shops and small vendors who set up stalls on the street.

Don't look at the few stones placed in front of the small vendors. Just these few stones could be worth millions of dollars.

Sure enough, after they got off the car, the crowd of locals who surrounded the entrance of the stone gambling street saw that Owen and Lian Lian had locals leading the way, so they did not dare to come over to strike up a conversation. They only looked at them from afar, wanting to see if the driver would leave.

The driver introduced Lian Lian and Owen "Sir, Miss, this is our most famous stone gambling street! Let me tell you, two years ago, the world's largest piece of imperial jade, weighing 11.5 kilograms, came out from our stone gambling street! It is said to be worth three billion US dollars! US DOLLARS! "

He was afraid that the two customers would not be able to hear clearly, so he emphasized the word "US dollars" .

Lian Lian's eyes looked at the women who were setting up stalls along the street. There were also many shops, and each of them had a lot of raw stones.

She knew guns, cannons, and airplanes, but she just didn't understand these stones.

"Owen, are you sure you want to buy them? I see that the prices here are not low! " She didn't understand other things, but she could read the price signs. It could be said that the stones that were slightly bigger were not lower than six figures. Looking at the raw stones that were slightly better, the price was ten million.

She didn't understand stones, but she knew jewelry. She could see what the pieces of jade that were exposed through the closed skylight were.

"Yes, I'm sure I want to buy it! Which one do you like? " Owen asked Lian Lian.

Lian Lian's forehead darkened. She was speechless. Which one did she like, and which one would reveal the jade?

Hey, it was said that the jade didn't belong to her Did she still have to listen to her?