May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1842 - Chapter 1842, Gong Mou 42

Chapter 1842: Chapter 1842, Gong Mou 42

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Lian Lian rolled her eyes at Owen. This boy was good at everything except for his poor martial arts and skills. "You only remembered now? It's fine as long as you sit properly. I'll take you flying! "

Owen hurriedly sat down and fastened his seatbelt. He watched as Lian Lian skillfully controlled the plane.

The propeller of the plane made a rumbling sound as the plane soared into the sky.

Lian Lian glanced at the people on the ground. From the current situation, they were basically safe.

But who were the people who had helped her?

Owen's heart finally calmed down. "Lian Lian, how did you learn how to fly a plane? "

Lian Lian smiled bitterly. "I learned it by accident. "

Owen was stunned by Lian Lian's answer. Could one learn how to fly a plane by accident?

"Are you kidding me? Why didn't I know that it was so easy to learn how to fly a plane? " He asked.

"When a person wants to escape, there's nothing that they can't learn. I've been running away for more than ten years since I was young. I've learned everything, " Lian Lian said.

She had been trapped by Willam since she was young. In order to escape, she had learned how to drive a car, drive a yacht, drive a ship, and even learn how to fly a glider and a plane.

All her hard work had not been in vain. She had finally managed to escape when she was 18 years old!

Owen was surprised. "You've been running? "

"Yes, I've been locked up for too long. I'VE LEARNED EVERYTHING TO ESCAPE! " Lian Lian said.

"Who locked you up? GAIA? I heard that you grew up in the palace of Gaia, " Owen asked.

There were many rumors about Lian Lian, but the main version was that Lian Lian grew up in GAIA's palace. The reason was that Lian Lian had once been an actress, and GAIA had spent money to make her famous.

Therefore, everyone naturally thought that Lian Lian grew up in GAIA's palace, so she had a deep relationship with Gaia and eventually married GAIA.

However, he also knew that Lian Lian's children were all William's. He had never thought about this clearly. If Lian Lian was forced to marry Gaia because of GAIA's unrequited love, and she actually liked William, then she would have an affair with Willam She had given birth to three children for Willam.

Although this thought logically made sense, it actually did not make sense. This was because Lian Lian and Willam were not in harmony. As far as he knew, Willam had always wanted to bring Lian Lian back to the palace, and Lian Lian had refused to return to the Royal Palace of Switzerland.

Lian Lian's eyes dimmed, and she brought up her sad matters. Willam only knew how to bully her. When she ran away, Willam would capture her and lock her up. If she ran again, Willam would punish her and use all sorts of methods to possess her.

She and Willam did not get along very well in the past. It could be said that it was a painful experience.

"No, I did not grow up in GAIA's palace. I grew up in Willam's palace, " she said.

Owen suddenly understood. No wonder Willam had always fought over Lian Lian with GAIA. It turned out that Willam was Lian Lian's first man!

"I see. In fact, His Majesty Willam loves you very much. Why did you run away? " He continued to ask.

Marrying the king and becoming a queen was the dream of many women.

"I don't like the palace. I also don't like to let my children grow up in the palace, " Lian Lian replied.

"Alright, this is indeed a reason, " Owen said helplessly. This was what Lian Lian had always been envied by all the women in the world. She had everything that all the girls dreamed of, but she didn't care about it at all.

He suddenly realized something. "What is that? Lian Lian, WE SEEM TO BE BEING FOLLOWED! "

He noticed that in the vast sky, there were a few small black dots in the distance. Although they were very small, they were definitely airplanes!

How could it be so coincidental that there were airplanes traveling the same way as them?

"You only just found out? I saw it long ago. There are radar on the airplanes. These three airplanes have been following us since we took off, " Lian Lian said.

If the airplanes could be seen with the naked eye in the sky, it meant that the two airplanes were already very close to each other.

Her radar could detect very far away. She had long known that there were airplanes following her.

At first, she thought that they were Tu Lu's people and was worried that these airplanes would attack her. After all, her airplanes were only helicopters and did not have any combat capabilities. Fortunately, these few airplanes only followed her at a moderate distance and did not do anything excessive It was as if they were protecting her.

She secretly speculated that these people should be in cahoots with the bodyguards in black. Who were these people?

She was certain that these people were not from the Nan Gong family. She had never told the Nan Gong family about her whereabouts. Moreover, when she came out of the palace in the Middle East, other than the Empress Dowager and Tu Lu, no one else knew about it.

All the people in the Middle East thought that she was raising her fetus in the palace!

Owen's face stiffened in embarrassment. He felt that his previous life had been in vain. Until now, nothing could compare to Lian Lian, and Lian Lian was still a girl.

"I don't understand these things, " he said softly.

"The altitude of the plane is very stable now. Come over. I'll teach you how to fly a plane. It's actually quite simple. It's easier than driving a car. At least you don't have to worry about traffic jams and crashes in the sky. " Lian Lian glanced at the radar screen again The few planes still maintained the most perfect distance from them.

"Ah? It's that easy? " Owen had always felt that flying a plane was very difficult!

"That's right. Nowadays, planes are basically intelligent. As long as you click on the mode you want and choose what you need the plane to do, it can be done. Actually, what you need to learn is how to deal with emergencies. Those various modes can't help you!

For example, if your propeller doesn't turn, you need to know which propeller doesn't turn, or if an engine suddenly doesn't turn. You need to know what kind of danger this will bring to the aircraft, and how you will deal with it..." To ensure that the aircraft can land smoothly. "I'll teach you the most basic operations now, " Lian Lian said.

Those skills could only be taught to Owen when there was nothing else to do. She would first teach owen the most basic operations.

She had already made up her mind. She wanted to properly nurture Owen and increase his combat ability. She wanted him to be able to do things in the hall, in the kitchen, in the aircraft, and in the cannon!

Otherwise, with Owen's ability, he wouldn't be able to protect her when she gave birth!

"Okay, I'll learn from you. " Owen also wanted to learn. Although he was the one who saved Lian Lian, he always felt that Lian Lian was the one who saved him at the critical moment!

He wanted to learn these skills so that not only could he protect Lian Lian, but he could also protect his Yunxi in the future!

He followed Lian Lian to learn how to operate a plane normally for a while. It was indeed not difficult to make a plane fly, so he learned it very quickly.

"Lian Lian, where are we going? " His eyes were looking at the electronic map on the control panel of the plane. The standard latitude and longitude lines and degrees on it made him feel a little headache.