May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1840 - Chapter 1840, Gong Mou 40

Chapter 1840: Chapter 1840, Gong Mou 40

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"WE'RE TOGETHER! " Another group of men in Black said.

Tu Lu's bodyguard captain was stunned. Together Could it be that King Tu Lu sent a team?

Tu Lu had several bodyguard teams. If it was an urgent mission, it was possible that Tu Lu sent two teams over.

"But the king didn't inform me that he would send another team! " The bodyguard captain said.

He was the person in charge of carrying out the mission. No matter if he added or decreased the number of people, he should have informed him.

"I was sent here at the last minute. I just received the mission and we rushed over in 20 minutes. I reckon that His highness was too busy and didn't have the time to inform you. Let's GO UP AND CAPTURE HIM! " said the leader of the other group of men in black.

The leader of Tu Lu's bodyguards was at a loss. Was it because Tu Lu didn't have the time to tell him The key was that these small teams usually didn't cooperate. They were all under Tu Lu's direct command. They didn't know each other's names, so he couldn't even verify the identity of the other party now.

The leader of the other team of men in black was blocked by Tu Lu's bodyguards and could not enter. He was a little impatient, "I say, why are you still blocking the door? GET OUT OF THE WAY! WE WANT TO GO IN AND CAPTURE THEM! "

"I haven't even verified your identities. I can't let you in! " Tu Lu's leader said warily.

"How are you going to verify our identities? " The leader of the other team of men in black asked. His face under the black mask twitched slightly, and he was a little worried.

"I'll give the prince a call. Wait a moment! " Tu Lu's leader of the bodyguards said.

The captain of the other team of men in black relaxed his nerves. Fortunately, he did not ask any questions about names, or else he really would not be able to answer.

However, this person could not call Tu Lu either. He would also be exposed!

"Hehe, is the prince feeding you all for nothing Is this how you all work for the Prince At this time, if you don't arrest them, why are you still being so pretentious If they escape, is it your fault or mine If you don't want to work for the prince, don't get in my way GET OUT OF THE WAY!"The leader of the men in black pushed the leader of Tu Lu's bodyguards away.

"I'm not sure who you are, but who knows if you're one of His Highness's people? " said the leader of Tu Lu's bodyguards.

"Is there a hole in your brain How did you become a leader with such an Iq? You've wasted so much time here, so the person must have run away Don't tell me I'm not one of his highness's people, but I'm going to help you catch the person Is there a hole in your brain, or is there a hole in my brain?"said the leader of the men in black.

Tu Lu's bodyguard leader felt his heart clench at the question. They didn't seem to be from the same family. They wouldn't help to capture Lian Lian, would they?

Who was crazy?

And he was indeed worried that Lian Lian would run away!

"Alright, let's capture Lian Lian first! " He quickly changed his words. If they really delayed capturing Lian Lian Lian and Tu Lu found out, he wouldn't be able to live anymore!

The two teams rushed into the presidential suite to capture Lian Lian!

Lian Lian wasn't in the room. They ran up the stairs to the rooftop.

As it was the presidential suite, the soundproofing here was really good. Lian Lian and Owen were lying on the recliner watching a movie, so they didn't hear anything.

The recliner had its own screen. When they weren't watching, they could fold it and put it on the side of the recliner. When they were using it, they could open the bracket and place it in front of the recliner, lying down to watch the movie and TV series.

The two of them watched the movie and even commented on the acting skills of the actors in the movie.

"Damn, this acting skill is really amazing. It's so fake! " Lian Lian ridiculed.

"fake? Aren't you women all obsessed with looks? How dare you say it's fake? I heard that this actor is relying on his own face to blush half the sky. He's being chased by countless little fangirls! " Owen said.

Hua Zilun was once rated as the most handsome young hunk. Regarding his looks, he deserved the title. Girls who had just walked up to the age of 99 were all his fangirls.

However, his acting skills were really terrible. There was simply no one worse than him. It could be said that when it came to the best vase and the worst acting skills, the first thing people thought of was this young hunk.

"Tch, I'm not obsessed with looks. I definitely look at brains! " Lian Lian choked.

Owen looked at Lian Lian very seriously. "Are you sure? GAIA and Willam are both pretty, right? "

"D * MN, it's not like they only have faces. They all have brains, okay? They are all talented emperors, so you can't say that I'm a beauty addict when I'm with them? I can't go find a very ugly person just to prove that I'm not a beauty addict, right? " Lian Lian said.

WHO said that when you're with a handsome man, you must look at the man's face and not the man's brain?

However, although these two people were both intelligent and good-looking, she did not want to be with them.

Owen choked for a moment and could not find the words to reply Lian Lian, "okay, you're right! "

As the two of them were talking, Owen suddenly heard the sound of hurried running.

He flipped over and jumped down from the recliner. Then, he picked up Lian Lian who was on the Rattan Chair and ran.

"What? " Lian Lian was stunned.

"There's someone! " Owen carried Lian Lian and wanted to run to the helipad of the helicopter on the rooftop. There was a helicopter there.

However, there was not enough time. Before he could run to the helipad, he saw the men in black rush in. He Hid Lian Lian behind a big tree and instructed Lian Lian not to come out. He wanted to lure those people away.

He ran out from behind the big tree and ran in the opposite direction of Lian Lian.

The bodyguards who rushed in saw Owen and rushed towards him.

Unfortunately, Owen did not know any martial arts. He was caught after running a few steps!

Lian Lian looked at Owen being beaten up and helplessly closed her eyes. She did not know if Owen was counting on her. was he going to be beaten up today?

"Say, where is Lian Lian? " Tu Lu's bodyguard captain grabbed Owen and asked.

"What Lian Lian? I don't know! " Owen said. His hand was in his trouser pocket. He had already turned on his phone and pressed an emergency button on his phone.

"You don't know? Lian Lian Lian has always been with you, right? Quick, tell me where Lian Lian is! " Tu Lu's bodyguard captain questioned.

"I don't know, I just don't know. I'm the only one here. She went out, " Owen replied.

"I told you not to tell me! I'll beat you to death! " Tu Lu's bodyguard captain punched Owen fiercely.

That heavy punch caused Owen's mouth to spew blood!

The other black-shirted captain watched silently and had no intention of intervening.

Lian Lian stood behind the tree and watched Owen spurt out blood. She placed her hand on her forehead. This boy was good at everything, but he was too weak. Forget about protecting her, he couldn't even protect himself!

She shook her head helplessly. What was wrong with this kid's brain? He actually told her to hide and he went to distract those people?

Even if she was pregnant, her skills were better than Owen's!

How could she save him She thought.

Just as Tu Lu's leader of the bodyguards was beating up Owen, a woman's figure jumped down from the rooftop!