May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1837 - Chapter 1837, palace plot 37

Chapter 1837: Chapter 1837, palace plot 37

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"You have three children, two sons, and a daughter. Your man is Willam, not your current husband, Gaia, " Owen said.

Lian Lian's face stiffened. The secret between her and Willam had been revealed by Owen. "How did you know? "

This was definitely a world-class secret. Once this secret was exposed, the Middle East and Riesians would fight. The Middle East would definitely not tolerate the matter between her and Willam.

"I said, I'm a master of prediction. I can naturally figure out who your man is, " Owen said.

"Wait a minute, why did you say I have three children? I think I only have two children at most, " Lian Lian said.

"three. This is the youngest child. It will be born very late, " Owen said.

"then who is the father of my third child? " Lian Lian asked. With his and Willam's current situation, he would definitely not give Willam another child.

"It's Willam. You will return to the Royal Palace of Switzerland and become the Queen Mother of Switzerland, " Owen said.

Lian Lian's expression was extremely unsightly. She hated the royal palace the most in her life. "I think your predictions are not accurate. Firstly, it's impossible for me to reconcile with Willam. Secondly, it's impossible for me to enter the Royal Palace. "

"believe it or not, this is the result of my prediction, " Owen said.

"Can you help me predict when Tu Lu's people will catch up to me? " Lian Lian Thought of this question again.

Now it was Owen's turn to have an unsightly expression. He had changed the course of history. Many things were different from his previous life. How could he predict when Tu Lu would catch up to him?

According to the time in his previous life, Lian Lian should be fleeing for her life in a sorry state. Willam had also mobilized his men. However, none of this had happened. Lian Lian was staying in the Presidential Suite while Willam did not know anything!

"I can't predict this. " Owen really could not make it up. If he casually mentioned a time and Tu Lu's men did not come, how would he explain himself?

Lian Lian rolled her eyes. "Didn't you say that you are a Master of prediction? Is this very difficult to predict? "

"A master forecaster can't predict everything in detail. I can only predict some important events. For example, your son Simba will run away from home, and your daughter will marry a man much older than her, " Owen said.

Eh That wouldn't be cute.

Her son would actually run away from home. What kind of concept was that?

"Then why did my son run away from home? " Lian Lian asked.

"How would I know? You have to ask him yourself, " Owen said.

Lian Lian sighed lightly. Her son was only two years old now. How was she going to ask him?

However, she also realized that Owen could only predict very long-term things.

"Alright then. I'll spare you today. I'll go back and think about what else I want to know. You can help me predict it again. "

She walked back to her room to rest and recuperate.

The peaceful days passed like this for more than two months. Lian Lian's condition had been very stable. He was in Owen's hotel, and every day was as comfortable as a vacation.

Whenever she had nothing to do, she would tease Owen, this fresh meat. Life was very enjoyable.

The only thing that made her worried was Mo Fei, this demon. Every night, he would come and chat with her. Whenever he had nothing to do, he would flirt with her. She really wanted to tear Mo Fei apart

"little sweetheart, did you miss me? " Fei Niemeng left a message.

"I didn't! " Lian Lian replied.

"I realized that you are a type of medicine, " Fei Niemeng replied.

"You are the medicine! " Lian Lian replied.

"You are not the medicine? Then why can I feel at ease only by eating you? " Fei Niemeng said.

Lian Lian's mind was filled with countless thoughts. What was this Brat's identity He actually dared to eat her?

"If there's nothing else, don't take medicine. Just change your heart and lungs. I think the hearts and lungs of Da Bai and da Huang are suitable for you. I'll get the imperial physician to change them for you one day, " she replied.

Willam looked at Lian Lian's reply and frowned. Who Were Da Bai and Da Huang?

He immediately clicked on a friend's profile picture and left a message, "is there anyone named Da Bai and da Huang in the palace? "

This was the spy he had planted in the Middle East Palace. It could help him pass on all the information.

Very quickly, his spy replied to him, "big white and big yellow, one is a dog, the other is a wolf. "

William snorted coldly and changed Mo Fei into a heartless dog. It was not bad.

No, it was him and Lian Lian who were texting each other. Lian Lian said that he was the one who wanted to change the heartless dog.

He continued to reply to Lian Lian, "we were blown by the same gust of wind. Does this count as hugging? We passed by the same alley. Does this kind of heartache count as a coincidence? "

When did this man start to talk nonsense again Lian Lian thought to herself.

"A gust of wind blew the sea of people away. Do you want to hug everyone? " There were many people who passed by the same alley, but they were less jealous. If you went to the swimming pool, wouldn't that count as having intimate contact with everyone? The water would definitely touch your skin and then run to touch someone else's skin."

"That's not a bad idea. When will the two of US go swimming together? I heard that there's a chance of getting pregnant in the swimming pool. Does that count as US having sex? " Fei Nimeng replied.

Lian Lian suddenly felt that she could not continue her sentence. She had seen shameless people before, but she had never seen someone so shameless.

"Are you saying that you want to sow seeds in the swimming pool? So you're so easily aroused, " she replied.

"If there's no reaction when I go swimming with you, wouldn't that be an insult to you? I should at least be a little firm to show my respect. " Fei Ni Meng replied.

Lian Lian was speechless. No one could compare to Mo Fei in terms of shamelessness.

At this moment, she received a message.

'Did my aunt miss me? It's been so many days since we've contacted each other. My heart is about to break. Am I so unimportant to you? But you're so important to me. Without your news, I can't feel at ease, ' Mo Fei said.

Lian Lian looked at the name of the account and her eyes widened. This account was also Mo Fei's.

Mo Fei had three accounts. She knew all three, but mo Fei usually liked to use Fei Fei's account.

But what was the situation now Was Mo Fei using two accounts to chat with him?

Obviously, Mo Fei wouldn't be so stupid.

He immediately replied to Mo Fei, "why are you using this account? Don't you usually like to use Fei Ni Meng's account? "

Mo Fei replied, "I don't know why I can't log in to that account. I said that my password was wrong. I found the password and complained, but I still can't log in. "

Lian Lian's eyes narrowed. Mo Fei always liked to call her little Auntie and didn't often call her baby. Moreover, Mo Fei's reason was very real. If this person was Mo Fei, then who was the one who kept logging in to Fei Ni Meng's account and flirting with her in the middle of the night?