May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1836 - Chapter 1836, Gong Mou 36

Chapter 1836: Chapter 1836, Gong Mou 36

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

The woman's scream alarmed everyone. Everyone looked in the direction of the woman. Even the uncle who had beaten her stopped his fists. He did not know what had happened to the woman behind him, causing her to scream so loudly.

Owen took the opportunity when the uncle stopped. He quickly got up, pushed through the crowd, and ran over. He recognized that the voice was Lian Lian's.

"What's wrong with Lian Lian? "

Everyone also ran over to Lian Lian to see what had happened to Lian Lian?

"money, Owen, so much money! " Lian Lian exclaimed in shock.

She still couldn't believe her eyes. She had played the slot machine according to Owen's instructions. After only playing five rounds, she had thrown up a lot of chips from the slot machine.

The chips were thrown up from the slot machine as if they didn't need money.

It turned out that she was only playing the slot machine as a test. In fact, she didn't really believe what Owen said.

After all, Owen was only a 15-year-old child. She had probably heard it as a joke. Even if Owen had the ability to play bridge and win a hotel, playing bridge required his brain and the skill to play cards. The slot machine was different There was no skill to speak of. It was completely a stroke of luck.

And her luck had never been very good. She did not think that she could really win 10 million. She just played casually with the mentality of playing.

She had just seen a bunch of people hitting each other. She had not gone over to join in the fun. She was still pregnant and was afraid that someone would touch her stomach, so she had come to play the slot machine.

She had not expected that Owen had really hit the nail on the head. She had spent 100 yuan to win a bunch of chips.

Owen's hand touched the blood on his face. Luckily, Lian Lian had won this sum. If she had to lose, she might as well lose to Lian Lian. This was a year's net profit for his hotel

He leaned against the slot machine. "where did you go just now? Do you know how worried I was about you? "

He was really worried that someone else would play with this slot machine.

"I went to the bathroom! " Lian Lian replied. She looked at Owen's face. "You were the one who was beaten up just now. Do you have nothing better to do? Are you going to fight? "

Owen's forehead was streaked with black lines. He was fighting to let her win money, okay?

If he had not fought, this slot machine would have been played by others long ago.

"I am bored to death. Take the chips and EXCHANGE THEM FOR MONEY! " He was speechless.

"fighting when you are bored to death? Your Hobby is quite weird, " Lian Lian ridiculed.

A few staff members heard the commotion and ran over to help Lian Lian clean up the chips on the ground.

The crowd was stunned for a long time before they woke up and burst into screams.

"Oh my God, that's a lot of money! "

"Did this woman win the lottery? "

"It should be the biggest prize for the slot machine! 10 million! "

"What kind of luck is that? I heard that this award only comes once in a hundred years and the probability is extremely low. "

"This woman's luck is too good! "

The uncle who had beaten the man was so angry that his face turned black. He had wanted to play with this slot machine just now, but because of 200 yuan, he had missed this opportunity to make a fortune.

"Rascal, it's all your fault for delaying my fortune, " the uncle shouted at Owen angrily.

Owen spread his hands and said, "uncle, how did I make you rich? You took 200 yuan from me and haven't even returned it to me yet. You even beat me up? Oh right, let's calculate the medical fees. "

"I wanted to play this slot machine just now. If I had played just now, I would have earned 10 million now, " the middle-aged man said angrily.

The crowd let out a sigh. No one believed the middle-aged man's words. They felt that this middle-aged man was too unreasonable.

"seeing others win money, you say you want to play this slot machine too? "

"I wanted to play this slot machine just now. "

"Right, if I knew I could win money, I would play this slot machine too. "

"You stole money from others and even hit them. Uncle, you're too unreasonable. "

The crowd was discussing.

The uncle's hand was clenched into a fist. "believe it or not, I really wanted to play this slot machine just now. It will delay my fortune. This matter is not over yet. "

As he spoke, he stepped back. If Owen called the police and asked him to pay for his medical expenses, he would have to pay a lot of medical expenses.

He wished that he could become invisible and quickly disappear into the crowd.

Owen was only trying to scare the uncle. He did not want the uncle to pay for his medical expenses. It seemed that the uncle had run away on his own.

The staff collected all the chips and exchanged them for 10 million at the cashier's counter.

"Miss, do you want to deposit the money into your account or do you want to take the cash? " The staff asked.

"deposit it into my wechat account. This way, it will be more convenient for me to spend it, " Lian Lian said.

The staff accepted the order and transferred the 10 million yuan into Lian Lian's wechat account.

Lian Lian was satisfied and followed Owen back to her presidential suite.

"How's the injury on your face? Do you want me to apply some medicine for you? " She asked.

"No need. I can apply some medicine myself. " Owen rubbed his nose. This 10 million yuan was too terrible to earn.

"Owen, how did you know that the slot machine would definitely pay 10 million yuan? " Lian Lian asked.

"I guessed, " Owen said arrogantly.

Lian Lian's forehead darkened, "do you dare to guess more accurately? Did you tamper with the slot machine in advance? "

Owen looked at Lian Lian with interest, "Do you think I would tamper with my own slot machine and deliberately lose the money to you? "

Lian Lian was stunned. The young man in front of her was the owner of this hotel. How could Owen deliberately lose the money to her?

"That's right. Your brain isn't damaged. "

"Your brain is damaged. Now go and have a good rest and raise Yunxi to be healthy, " Owen instructed.

Lian Lian felt that something was wrong. Owen was clearly a 15-year-old teenager, but he actually ordered her. Owen had always given her the feeling of a mature man in his 30s or 40s.

"Owen, how did you guess? Tell me, and I'll go and rest. " She was too curious about how Owen had guessed it?

It seemed that this teenager was too evil. He could own a hotel and even helped her win another 10 million.

Owen stroked his chin with his finger and said in a serious tone, "have you heard of the prediction master? I'm the only prediction master in this world. I can predict the future. "

Lian Lian's lips twitched. She had never believed in these supernatural things, but she knew that the witch tribe had the ability to predict the future. "Are you from the witch tribe? "

"Witch tribe? What is that? I don't belong to the witch tribe. The prediction master and the witch are two different concepts, okay? " Owen said.

"Okay, the witch tribe and the prediction master are two different concepts. If you are so powerful, can you help me predict how many children I have? Who is my man? " Lian Lian raised her eyebrows and asked Other than her parents and her brother, no one else knew about her secrets.