May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1834 - Chapter 1834, Gong Mou 34

Chapter 1834: Chapter 1834, Gong Mou 34

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"You won? " Lian Lian's lips twitched slightly. Won Such a big hotel, and he won it by accident Only now did he know that the mysterious new owner of the hotel was actually this youth in front of him.

"Yes, the young owner of the hotel likes to gamble, so I played with him all night and won this hotel. " Owen's tone was relaxed, and he only described one thing casually.

Lian Lian was unable to combine the owner of the hotel with this youth. Wasn't it too easy to earn money?

"You can cheat? " Her first reaction was that this youngster could cheat.

"How can I cheat? The cameras are all focused on me and the young owner of the hotel. None of us can cheat. I won with my own strength, " Owen said.

Lian Lian placed her hand on her forehead. From then on, she had a new understanding of the term strength. Gambling was also a form of strength.

"You're only 15 years old. How did you develop your gambling ability? This seems to require time to train. Did you often gamble in the past? " She was puzzled that Owen's entire family didn't know how to gamble Owen had nothing to do with gambling at all. How did Owen get stuck?

Owen's lips were suffused with his smile. "This is a secret. If you want to know, I'll find time to tell you in the future. Now, I'll bring you to your room. which room do you like to stay in? "

Owen extended his hand and gestured for Lian Lian to choose a room.

The presidential suite usually had four bedrooms. There was also a game room, a screening room, a dining room, a conference room, a swimming pool, a leisure room, a study room, a roof, and a private landing pad. There was a dedicated plane for you to use.

In short, a presidential suite could satisfy all your needs.

Lian Lian followed Owen to choose a room that she liked. She chose a room with a balcony. The balcony in this room was planted with many flowers. There were also Rattan chairs, Rattan tables, and a chaise lounge. If she were to stay here for a long time, she wanted to stay in this bedroom.

This bedroom was too suitable for her to raise her fetus. Every afternoon, she could lie on the Chaise Lounge and bask in the sun while sipping tea.

Owen chose to stay in the room next to Lian Lian's bedroom. He wanted to be closer to Lian Lian so that he could take care of her.

The hotel waiter brought out the food that Owen had ordered.

Owen brought Lian Lian Lian to the dining room for lunch. After Lian Lian had her lunch, she went to the cinema to watch a movie. Watching a movie by herself was simply too enjoyable. She could lie on the Sofa and watch the curtains.

Owen even thoughtfully brought some popcorn and drinks for Lian Lian.

Lian Lian leaned comfortably on the SOFA cushion. She had a feeling that this was not an escape but a vacation. She had never been so comfortable in her life.

Owen settled Lian Lian Lian down and went to the study to control his stocks. His memory was exceptionally good. In his previous life, he had been very interested in stocks. He was able to get rid of the control of a few uncles and devote himself to researching stocks. From his age.. He had used his own money to buy stocks.

It was just that in his previous life, he did not have the ability of a prophet, so his accumulation of wealth was very slow. However, in this life, the situation was completely different. He remembered all the bull stocks and even the day when the stocks would go up by the daily limit. He even remembered what miracles he had created.

He had used his super strong memory to buy the bull stocks in his previous life and started a profitable business.

As for why he could win this hotel, there was indeed no way to explain it to Lian Lian.

In his previous life, the young master of this hotel had also lost the hotel because of gambling. However, he was not the one who had won the hotel.

At that time, the news was very sensational. The news even showed the entire process of the young master of the hotel gambling.

He had an extremely strong memory and remembered the order in which all the cards were played, including the cards that the young master and the person who had won the hotel had each won.

In order to win this hotel, he had gone to Las Vegas in advance and attended the party that the young master of the hotel had attended. Then, he had used some means to make the person who had won the hotel in his previous life fail to attend the party because of diarrhea.

And he took the place of the young master who deliberately provoked the hotel and set up a bet with the young master.

In fact, when the two of them set up the bet, the bet was only 10 million. If the young master of the hotel lost, he would lose 10 million. But if he lost, he would lose 10 million.

On the day of the real gambling, the young master of the hotel lost red-eyed. Starting from 10 million, he kept raising the stakes and finally bet on the entire hotel.

He became the mysterious new owner of the hotel. Because he wore a mask the whole time, no one knew his identity. He just existed like a mystery and became the new owner of the hotel like a mystery.

Of course, he could not tell Lian Lian about these things.

His finger pointed at the trading platform in the stock system and bought the shares of two companies at a low price. The corner of his lips curled into a victorious smile. Tomorrow, the two stocks would rise by the limit. Not only would they rise by the limit.. The market value of the stocks would increase tenfold within a month.

Lian Lian finished watching the movie and went back to her bedroom to take an afternoon nap.

In the afternoon, she was bored. Owen came to her room.

"Do you want to play? " Owen asked.

Lian Lian's eyes flashed. "You want to bring me to play the lottery? "

"Yes, if you're interested, I'll bring you there, " Owen said.

Lian Lian's eyes turned. "But I don't like to lose money. Can you guarantee that I'll win? "

"Yes, I can guarantee that you'll use 100 yuan to earn 10 million yuan, " Owen said.

Lian Lian's jaw was about to drop. How could she earn 10 million yuan with 100 yuan?

She quickly ran to the changing room to change. "Wait for me, I'll change immediately. "

She was wearing casual clothes from home. She could not wear these to the casino. She had to wear formal clothes. She changed into a small gown.

Owen stood in the bedroom and waited for Lian Lian. Soon, Lian Lian walked out. She was dressed in a light green gown with a fluffy hem that covered her stomach perfectly. Her straight hair was draped over the back of her head and she wore a lace headband There was not a hint of makeup on her fair little face. She was as elegant and refined as a lotus flower that had just emerged from the water.

"I'm ready. Let's go win 10 million, " Lian Lian said excitedly.

It was too exciting. She had never encountered such a good thing in her life. She hoped that a miracle would happen.

Owen took Lian Lian to the Casino in the hotel by elevator.

It was Lian Lian's first time in such a place. She looked around curiously. There were many areas in the casino. Some played cards, some played roulette, and some played slot machines and other gambling games.

There were also some small rooms for rich men to play alone with their friends.

Lian Lian walked around the Casino. Any Roulette would cost at least 20 yuan per round. The odds were not very high. How could she win 10 million?

Her eyes sparkled as she looked at Owen. "What about the 10 million you said? "