May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 183 - Chapter 183, birthday present

Chapter 183: Chapter 183, birthday present

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Ha Siqi?" Qin Sheng looked at Chu Xia in surprise. Although she and Ha Siqi were engaged, Chu Xia knew that she had nothing to do with Ha Siqi. Why would Chu Xia suggest leaving with Ha Siqi?

"Yes, didn't you two discuss it? Since you're engaged, your uncle will let you go abroad together!" Chu Xia said.

Qin Sheng frowned. "Have you met Ha Siqi? Did he ask you to call me?"

Only she and Ha Siqi knew about this. After Gong Mochen came back from the underground, she didn't have time to tell Chu Xia.

Chu Xia pouted. "Qin Sheng, don't be angry. Ha Siqi came to me and told me that you were sick. He said no doctor could cure you. You don't know how anxious he is.

"Don't blame him. Even if he didn't tell me, I would have called you. You don't know that your uncle has announced the engagement with your aunt, do you?

"So, what are you still doing here? Are you going to watch him get engaged?"

Qin Sheng felt dizzy, as if everything around her was spinning. "What did you say? My uncle is going to get engaged to Qin Zixian?"

She felt like she was hearing things. How was that possible? What happened to Ye Wei? He shouldn't marry Qin Zixian, right?

"Yes... I guess the Ha family didn't dare to tell you. The matter has already been on the news. Your uncle and Qin Zixian's engagement is on Monday.

"So, let's go. Don't stay here. If that man doesn't love you, he doesn't love you. If you stay, he will only hate you, do you understand?" Chu Xia said to Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng's face seemed to be frozen. She was completely expressionless.

"Qin Sheng! Qin Sheng, are you okay? Don't scare me!" Chu Xia held Qin Sheng's hand.

In the next moment, Qin Sheng came back to her senses. "I heard you. Are Gong Mochen and Qin Zixian really getting engaged? A scumbag man and a scumbag woman. What a good couple! What do you want to buy, anyway? Let's go buy something for the baby!"

As she said that, she pulled Chu Xia away.

Chu Xia's eyes widened. Qin Sheng, who looked as if nothing had happened, made her even more afraid. This could only mean that she cared more and wanted to escape!

"Qin Sheng, if you're not happy, say something!"

She grabbed Qin Sheng's hand and refused to let go.

"What should I say? I'm wasting my breath by saying one word about those two people. Chu Xia, look at that little dress in the distance! Doesn't it look good?" Qin Sheng pulled Chu Xia along. She didn't know what she wanted to do, but she walked very quickly.

"Okay. Buy anything. As long as you're okay!" Chu Xia was nervous all over. No matter how angry Qin Sheng was, she had never experienced such a situation. She was like a mechanical doll, completely devoid of a soul. She was just a shell, doing what her basic reflexes told her to do.

Chu Xia looked to her left and right. If she had known earlier, she would've asked Ha Siqi to come with her. It would have been better to have one more person to look after Qin Sheng.

She saw a woman sliding to the ground a few meters ahead of them. Obviously, that woman was too weak. She was about to get up when she fell again.

"Someone fell. Let's go and help her!" Chu Xia said.

Qin Sheng was pulled by Chu Xia. She followed Chu Xia's gaze and her wandering mind was instantly awakened by the woman who fell.

Before she could react, Chu Xia let go of her hand.

"Wait for me here. I'll come back after I help her up!" Chu Xia said.

Qin Sheng paused for a second. In that moment, it was as if she had forgotten everything about Gong Mochen. She was only worried about Chu Xia. Most importantly, Chu Xia was pregnant!

Why would Chu Xia help that woman?

She couldn't believe this woman was here... Would Sikong Jue be close by?

Her mind was in a mess because of Gong Mochen. She hurried to catch up with Chu Xia. She was afraid that Chu Xia wouldn't be able to cope if she knew who the person was!

Chu Xia reached out to help the fallen woman up. "Are you okay? How did you fall?"

The woman's lips curved into a pale smile. "I'm fine. I just fell. Thank you. You're so kind. So many people walked past me, but no one offered to help."

"They're probably afraid that you're a scammer!" Chu Xia helped the woman sit on a bench.

The woman had fallen quite badly. She couldn't even walk properly.

"Scammer? What's a scammer?" the woman asked in surprise.

Chu Xia looked at the woman as if she was looking at a simpleton. "Are you from Mars? You actually don't know what scammer is?"

"No, I've been in the hospital for so long. Society has changed a lot, and I'm not familiar with some things. Don't laugh at me," the woman explained awkwardly.

"Oh! Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that you've been in the hospital for a long time. A scammer is someone who falls on purpose. If a person comes to help the scammer, they frame the person and say that they hit them. The scammer tries to extort money from it!" Chu Xia said.

"How can there be such a bad person? Don't worry, I won't extort money from you," the woman quickly said.

Chu Xia waved her hand. "I know. I can see that your body is weak and your lips are so white."

Qin Sheng felt that she was about to pass out. These two people could actually talk together and it was so harmonious!

She pulled Chu Xia's hand. "Chu Xia, we should go!"

"Don't go! Please, don't go! I don't have any friends here. I've just recovered from my illness and met you. Can you be my friends? My name is Shen Tong. What are your names?" Shen Tong reached out her hand in a friendly manner and wanted to shake hands.

Chu Xia shook Shen Tong's hand and said, "My name is Chu Xia. This is my best friend, and her name is Qin Sheng!"

"It's nice to meet you, but we're in a hurry, so we can't talk anymore." Qin Sheng dragged Chu Xia away.

Shen Tong held Chu Xia's hand, unwilling to let go. "Where are you guys going in such a hurry? Are you going to the mall? Can we go shopping together? I want to buy a birthday present for my boyfriend. Help me pick one!"

Qin Sheng felt suffocated. Shen Tong wanted to buy a birthday present for her boyfriend... So basically, she wanted to buy a birthday present for Sikong Jue!

"No, we don't have time. We have to go!" She rejected decisively. She was determined to not let Chu Xia find out the truth.

Shen Tong lowered her head. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to waste your time. It's just that my boyfriend is very nice to me. I've never bought him a present before. I'm afraid that he won't like it; that's why I need help to choose."

The delicate and pitiful girl in front of Chu Xia made her not have the heart to reject her. "Don't worry, we'll help you buy one! It's rare to meet a good man. We've met all kinds of scumbags. Because your boyfriend is nice to you, we'll help you pick out a present!"

Shen Tong nodded happily. "It's true! Thank you, Chu Xia! You're so nice. My boyfriend is really the best man in the world!

"I've been sick for a long time. I almost died, but he has never given up on me. He searched the whole world for the bone marrow I needed and saved my life He's really the best man in the world!

"Chu Xia, what do you think is the best gift I can buy for him?"