May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1829 - Chapter 1829, palace plot 29

Chapter 1829: Chapter 1829, palace plot 29

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Lian Lian asked Owen suspiciously. This was too unexplainable. If Owen had a high iq and guessed that she was going to the Victoria fashion show, how did Owen book the tickets in advance?

She looked at Owen as if he was a monster. This was not a question that could be explained with just a high iq.

"coincidentally, there's a Countess' child in the group who has a fever. She can't come to the fashion show. She can ask anyone in the group for a ticket and she can give it to them for free. She doesn't want to waste her ticket, so I asked her for it. " Owen opened the wechat group and showed it to Lian Lian.

Lian Lian's expression became awkward. She was indeed thinking too much. This wechat group was their noble group. Usually, she was too noisy and would only get messages to avoid being disturbed, so she didn't look at the Noble Group.

The message in the group was really a message sent by a Countess in the group, asking who wanted to go. Her child had a fever, so she couldn't go. She had to stay at home and accompany her child for an infusion.

"Oh oh, what a coincidence. It's a good thing you read this group message. Otherwise, there wouldn't be anyone to accompany me to the fashion show! " She said.

"We're here. I'll open the car door for you. " Owen got out of the car as he spoke and walked over to where Lian Lian was sitting. He opened the car door and placed his hand on the door frame affectionately, afraid that Lian Lian would hit her head when she got up.

Lian Lian secretly praised Owen's gentlemanly demeanor. This young man had yet to grow up. If he were to grow up, who knew how many little girls would be harmed by him Who knew how many little girls would like such a handsome and gentlemanly young master!

She touched her belly and the baby in her belly kicked her. She comforted her baby and thought to herself, 'Yunxi, do you like this brother too? This brother is not bad! '

In the next moment, she felt that she had gone crazy. Why did she call her baby Yunxi This baby is obviously a boy?

Sigh, this boy is really poisonous!

She walked beside the boy and walked into the show with him.

Owen had arranged everything. She didn't need to do anything. She just followed Owen. She didn't even need to use her brain.

Hehe, she had to say that this boy was so thoughtful. Girls hated using their brains the most. They only wanted to follow the boy. This boy fulfilled all her needs.

Owen brought Lian Lian to her seat and helped her sit down. "sit down, I'll go buy you a drink. "

He got up and went to buy Lian Lian a drink. His eyes scanned the entire runway. If he remembered correctly, the place selling drinks should be near the entrance to the fire tunnel. Not only were there drinks, but there were also snacks there.

He walked towards the fire tunnel with ease. Everything was the same as his memories. Nothing had changed.

He had tried many times. The trajectory of this life was the same as his previous life, without any deviation.

All the events that were going to happen were the same, including Lian Lian looking for him, wanting to park the plane at his private airport, including the Countess'child having a fever, and the Countess being unable to come to the fashion show Who did the Countess ask for tickets in the group chat.

However, the Countess'ticket had not been accepted the last time. The Countess did not want to waste it, so she privately poked Lian Lian and asked if Lian Lian had any friends in France who could go to the show.

The key problem was here. Many noblewomen liked to go to the show, but unfortunately, the venue was in France. If the person was not in France, or if the person was in France and not in the city center, even if they asked for tickets, they would not have the time to rush to the show.

The Countess'son had a sudden fever. No one knew about this. The Countess had no choice. Seeing that her son suddenly had a high fever and that his fever had not subsided, she asked someone in the group for tickets Otherwise, she would not have been willing to give the tickets to anyone. After all, it was a ticket that she had fought so hard for during the pre-sale.

This time, he had been waiting, waiting to read the group's messages and fight for the tickets. He was afraid that there would be some deviation between this life and his previous life. What if Lian Lian did not remember to give him the tickets, or if the Countess did not ask Lian Lian, or if someone else had asked for the tickets.

He was worried that there would be some changes in this life that he could not control, so he snatched the ticket at the first opportunity.

Lian Lian Sat in her seat and waited for Owen to return. She was a little annoyed that she did not tell Owen earlier that she did not want cold drinks.

European and Chinese people had different physiques. European and American people grew up drinking ice-cold milk. Their drinks and sodas had to be filled with ice, but Chinese people were different, especially pregnant women. They absolutely could not eat things that were too raw and cold.

She patted her forehead and took out her phone to call Owen and tell him to buy her freshly squeezed fruit juice. In the end, she saw Owen walking over from afar with a bag in his hand.

She helplessly put away her phone. It was useless to call Owen now. She raised her eyebrows. If she were to buy it, she would definitely want freshly squeezed fruit juice. But now, she could only wait for Owen to come back and see what he bought.

"Lian Lian, I bought you freshly squeezed orange juice and cherry cake. " Owen handed the food bag to Lian Lian.

Lian Lian was surprised. "How did you know that I want to drink freshly squeezed fruit juice? "

This was completely out of line with the European and American habits. Moreover, she just happened to want to drink orange juice and was hungry and wanted to eat a piece of cake. The things that Owen bought were all the things that she wanted to eat the most.

"I, I guessed it. Didn't they say that pregnant women like to eat sour things? " Owen said.

Lian Lian's lips curled up. As she drank the fruit juice, she sighed. This boy was too thoughtful.

She was certain that if Willam was by her side, Willam would not be so thoughtful to buy the things that she wanted to eat the most.

It was a pity that she had already given birth long ago. If she were ten or eight years younger, she would really consider this boy.

"Yes, yes. You are so careful. Your future girlfriend will definitely be very lucky, " Lian Lian said.

Owen curled the corners of his lips. "Do you think so? "

"Yes, there are not many boys who are as careful as you, " Lian Lian said.

"Then if you have a daughter, are you willing to marry her to me? " Owen asked.

"Ah? " Lian Lian almost choked on her drink. "You are too old. You are already fifteen years old. My daughter will only be born in three months. "

She touched her belly and felt dizzy. Why did she say that she was a daughter, son, son? How could she forget that she was pregnant with a son?

Owen smiled but didn't answer. So what if he was 15 years younger It didn't prevent him and Yun Xi from falling in love.

Yun Xi, I'm sorry. In my previous life, I didn't protect you well, but in this life, I will protect you well so that you won't be hurt anymore.

He looked at the chandelier on the ceiling. There was a chandelier above Lian Lian's head. He lowered his head to look at the time. If he remembered correctly, the chandelier would fall on Lian Lian's head in half an hour.