May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1818 - Chapter 1818, Gong Mou 18

Chapter 1818: Chapter 1818, Gong Mou 18

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Ye Xinghun was punched in the face for no reason. He Bounced Up from the Sofa and kicked towards Sikong Yi.

"Sikong Yi, are you crazy? Why did you hit me? "

"What? I'll kill you! " Sikong Yi's eyes were filled with terrifying red blood vessels. The reason why he returned this time was to take a look at the Gu poison in Willam's body, and to kill Ye Xinghun, this scourge!

Ye Xinghun was reprimanded by Sikong Yi. He could not understand how he had offended Sikong Yi.

"What the hell did I do to offend you? SPIT IT OUT! " He roared angrily as he fought with Sikong Yi.

His martial arts weren't very good. He could deal with ordinary people, but against a martial artist like Sikong Yi who had been practicing martial arts since he was young, he really wasn't Sikong Yi's match.

Seeing that he was about to be beaten to a corner by Sikong Yi, he hurriedly asked.

Sikong Yi didn't give Ye Xinghun the chance to speak at all. He also didn't explain to Ye Xinghun the reason for his rage. Just like that, he forced Ye Xinghun to a corner and ruthlessly swung his fist down.

"You deserve to die! " His fist carried the wind as it smashed into Ye Xinghun's stomach.

Ye Xinghun only felt that his internal organs were about to be punched out by Sikong Yi. And now that he was forced to the corner of the wall, he did not even have the chance to escape!

He stretched out his hand to take out the things in his pocket. His poison was his life-saving Talisman.

However, Sikong Yi noticed Ye Xinghun's actions. His fist did not give Ye Xinghun the chance to put his pocket on, but smashed into the back of Ye Xinghun's hand.

Ye Xinghun's hand twitched in pain. He was most afraid that the bones in his hand would be broken by Sikong Yi!

"Ah! Sikong Yi, you F * CKING BASTARD! " He roared angrily.

Ye Xinghun lived in a small building that was different from the other palaces. He wasn't a member of the royal family, so he wouldn't send guards to protect him. There were only two maids cleaning the small building.

When the maids saw this situation, they were so frightened that they ran out. They didn't know who they were going to look for. It seemed like they were going to kill someone.

Arthur, who was walking along the boulevard, saw the maids running out in a panic.

"Why are you running? You two have worked in the palace for many years as maids. Is this your rule? " He reprimanded. He was in charge of the trivial matters in the Harem, including managing these maids.

Clearly, the two maids'loss of composure did not meet the palace's requirements for maids.

"Sir Arthur! It's not that we don't understand the rules, it's just that it's too scary! Just now, Mr. Sikong Yi rushed into the small building and violently beat up Mr. Ye Xinghun. "

"You scared me to death, Sir Arthur. Quickly go and take a look. I'm afraid someone's going to die! "

The two maids hurriedly said. Sikong Yi had been staying in the palace for a period of time to treat Willam's illness, so they all knew Sikong Yi.

Arthur was stunned. In the blink of an eye, he hurriedly ran into the small building. He was also surprised by Sikong Yi's actions towards Ye Xinghun. Logically speaking, these two people did not have much interaction, so they should not be able to fight!

When he ran into the small building, he saw Ye Xinghun wailing in pain. Both of Ye Xinghun's wrists were grabbed by Sikong Yi. One of Sikong Yi's hands ruthlessly smashed onto ye Xinghun's body. It could be seen that he had used all his strength. It was as though he wanted to kill Ye Xinghun.

"Stop! " He hurriedly ran over to stop Sikong Yi from hitting Ye Xinghun.

His leg flew towards Sikong Yi, in order to distract Sikong Yi's attention and use him to lure Sikong Yi away.

Sikong Yi felt a cold wind blowing from behind him. He grabbed Ye Xinghun and threw him towards Arthur like a dog.

Ye Xinghun's body was originally thin. How did Sikong Yi grab him and throw him away, smashing him heavily onto Arthur's body.

Arthur hurriedly held onto ye Xinghun, preventing him from falling to the ground.

"BASTARD! I'll kill you! " Ye Xinghun roared in anger. He took out some medicinal powder from his pocket and threw it towards Sikong Yi.

Sikong Yi spun in the air, dodging the flying poison. He landed behind Ye Xinghun and Arthur.

"Hehe, with this little bit of ability of yours, you still dare to fool around in front of me? Let me tell you, the reason I spared your little life today is because your little life is still useful. Otherwise, I'll send you to your death! " Sikong Yi ruthlessly said as he strode out of the small building.

The medicinal powder flew to the ground, instantly turning the floor black.

"What the Hell is going on? Why did he pick a fight with him? " Arthur asked.

In the past, the two of them weren't on good terms, but it hadn't reached the point where they had to fight. ,

"How the F * ck would I know what that mad dog Sikong Yi is biting? " Ye Xinghun was so angry that he punched the wall. This time, he was really being beaten up for no reason.

His mind spun wildly. The only person who could make Sikong Yi go crazy was Lian Lian. And he had never harmed Lian Lian before. His lips were pursed into a straight line, as though he had guessed the reason.

It was because of Nangong ye!

The corner of his lips was filled with a cold smile. In a battle between experts, loneliness was the most frightening thing. If there were no opponents of the same level, even if one won, it would be meaningless.

Because winning was only a result. What one truly enjoyed was the process of winning, the satisfaction of being admired by one's opponent.

No one knew about Nangong Ye's matter. He watched the news about Nangong ye every day, and everyone was guessing crazily. How much he wanted to announce that he was the mastermind behind the scenes, to make everyone admire his skills and his gene extraction and modification skills.. Unfortunately, he couldn't say it.

Now that Sikong Yi had guessed it, a sense of satisfaction arose in his heart.

He was certain that the reason why Sikong Yi didn't kill him was because he wanted to save him so that Nangong ye would be able to get rid of the suspicion that he had abandoned Fang Yuan!

Sikong Yi, you've discovered my ability, right Did you tremble in fear?

HAHAHA He laughed maniacally in his heart. Thinking back to how Sikong Yi had wanted to kill him earlier, he knew how afraid Sikong Yi was in his heart, afraid that he would continue to harm Nangong ye while he was still alive.

Arthur looked at the smile on Ye Xinghun's lips in astonishment. "have you been beaten silly? You still dare to laugh after being beaten to such a state? "

Ye Xinghun moved the area where he had been hurt. "He doesn't dare to kill me! Hehe, but I can kill him at any time. "

Arthur's lips twitched. "where did you get your confidence from? Your martial arts are inferior to Sikong Yi's. You can brew poison, but Sikong Yi can detoxify it. In the end, your skills are inferior to Sikong Yi's! In a duel between you and Sikong Yi, the one who loses can only be you! "

Ye Xinghun's gaze landed gloomily on Arthur's face. "I'll let you know very soon. How did Sikong Yi get played to death by me step by step! which part of his abilities are not worth mentioning in front of me? He's just a Boor! "

Arthur laughed coldly "I only saw that he was about to beat you to death Dream on, I'll be leaving first. Oh right, be careful when you go out. Don't bump into Sikong Yi again. I can't protect you 24 hours a day. Also, it's best if you don't provoke Sikong Yi in public. Willam is the bodyguard for Sikong Yi. He has someone protecting him the entire time now. You can't challenge him."

"Do I still need to challenge him? I can toy him to death with a flick of my finger! " Ye Xinghun said coldly.