May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1809 - Chapter 1809, Gong Mou 9

Chapter 1809: Chapter 1809, Gong Mou 9

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Lian Lian Thought of that handsome little face and a smile appeared on her face. She opened the photo album on her phone and forwarded a photo.

Willam's phone rang and a notification sounded. He immediately saw the photo that Lian Lian had sent. The person in the photo was smiling sweetly, revealing two small dimples.

His forehead darkened. The most handsome person that Lian Lian had mentioned in the world was actually his son. His face darkened. Shouldn't Lian Lian's most beloved person be him?

He was actually outdone by his own son. Even if it was his son, it was unforgivable.

"Men, " he ordered.

The door to the room opened and a guard walked in. "Your Majesty, what are your orders? ''

"Take Xin Ba to the training field and find ten of the strongest coaches to teach him martial arts, " Willam instructed.

"Yes. " The guard accepted the order and left the room. He went to Xin BA's bedroom and took Xin ba to the training field to learn martial arts.

Xin Ba usually learned martial arts, but he had never had such intensity as today. His father had actually found him ten of the strongest coaches.

He was on the training field, learning martial arts from ten coaches. He was so tired that his sweat dripped on the floor. Countless mud horses had run through his mind. He was sure that this was Willam's revenge. What had he done wrong?

A plane was parked on the tarmac in the Middle East Palace. Inside were the things Lian Lian needed.

When Lian Lian received the report from the airport, she drove to the airport to look for the captain and take her things.

The captain brought two people down from the plane. Each of them was carrying two boxes.

"Miss Lian, we have brought the things you wanted, " the captain said.

"Okay, put them in my car. " Lian Lian opened the trunk of the car and asked the captain to put the things in.

The airport completed its mission and continued to fly back.

Lian Lian brought a few boxes of things to the Repair Department of the palace.

As soon as she walked into the repair department, the people in the department immediately stood up. No one had expected the Queen to personally come to their department.

"Your Highness, what are your orders? ''Thee captain of theRepairrDepartmentt asked.

"I saw that the surveillance cameras in the palace were a little old, so I bought a batch of surveillance cameras. You guys install these cameras on the city wall at the North Gate of the palace. Recently, there have been quite a number of rebel officials wanting to take advantage of the king's illness to rebel, so the surveillance cameras must be replaced with new ones. We can't give the rebel officials and thieves the chance to break into the palace,"Lian Lian said.

"Yes, we will definitely install the surveillance cameras, " the leader of the renovation team said.

"come out and take a look at the surveillance cameras that I bought, " Lian Lian instructed.

The team leader led his people out of the repair department.

A few people moved the box out of Lian Lian's trunk. When the box was opened, everyone was stunned. They had never seen this kind of surveillance camera before.

"Your Highness, where did you buy your camera from? I would like to contact the manufacturer. I have never seen this kind of camera before. I am afraid that it will not be installed properly, " the team leader said.

This kind of camera looked similar to an ordinary camera in terms of appearance, but it seemed to be much more sophisticated. There were many differences between the Lens and the fuselage. He was afraid that he would not install it properly.

"even if this kind of camera is of high quality, it is only a camera. Don't you even know how to press this? " Lian Lian's tone was filled with dissatisfaction

The captain's heart stopped. It seemed that his question had angered her highness the Queen.

A man walked over. "I have seen this kind of camera before. I know how to install it. "

The captain looked at the man in front of him as if he saw his savior. This man had been newly recruited two days ago. Now, he was practically saving his life.

"Paul, I will leave the installation of the camera to you, " the captain instructed. He turned to look at Lian Lian. "Your Highness the Queen, we will install these cameras. Don't worry. "

Lian Lian nodded her head in satisfaction and said, "then hurry up and install them. The Sky will be dark soon. "

Paul immediately drove his men to install these cameras.

Lian Lian was worried and followed Paul's car to the North City Gate.

Paul led a few men and instructed them on how to install the cameras. The installation of these cameras was not a problem. It was the same as installing normal cameras. It was just that the angle was a problem. The angle of these cameras had to be very precise.

Lian Lian walked to Paul's side and lowered her voice. "When can you install them? "

"Don't worry, missy. Give me two hours and I'll be able to install these devices, " Paul said.

He was a technician sent by Nangong Ye to the palace two days ago. He had entered the palace to install these VR devices for Lian Lian.

Lian Lian nodded. "They won't be discovered, right? "

"They won't be discovered. These cameras can be used as VR cameras or ordinary cameras. It all depends on how you control them. I have the remote control in my hands, " Paul said.

With such high-end black technology, if they didn't activate the black technology side, these treasures would just be ordinary cameras. No one would be able to discover them. What was the difference between these cameras and other cameras At most, they would look more sophisticated than the other cameras

"Alright, prepare well. The big show tonight will depend on you, " Lian Lian said.

"Yes. " Paul accepted the order. Completing GAIA's VR image output was his task. After he finished this task, he could leave the palace.

Lian Lian returned to her bedroom to rest and waited for Paul to send him the information that the installation was completed.

Paul's installation technology was very good. Indeed, within two hours, all the equipment had been installed.

When the deep darkness of the night covered the entire palace, Lian Lian's eyes were bright as she looked at the endless black night. The big show that she had directed was about to begin.

Outside the North Gate of the palace, a few luxury cars drove over. Tu Lu got out of the car, and a few of the royal relatives also got out of the car

"Uncle, why did you call us here? " A man asked.

"Did something happen? Did Mo Fei die in the palace? "

"80% . I think Mo Fei is courting death. He actually entered the palace and didn't come out. I'm sure he wants to break away from uncle's control. "

"Didn't he think about who helped him back then? If it wasn't for uncle helping him, how could this illegitimate son of his become a Lord? "

The few men discussed, all defending Tu Lu.

When Tu Lu heard Mo Fei's name, he was so angry that the veins on his forehead bulged. How could he be willing to let the puppet he had raised break away from his control?

According to his plan, once Gaia died and Mo Fei inherited the throne, he could become the regent King and control the government. With Mo Fei's carefree appearance, he would definitely hand over all the government to him, and he would become the uncrowned King!

Unfortunately, Mo Fei entered the palace, and all his plans were disrupted!