May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1804 - Chapter 1804, Gong Mou 4

Chapter 1804: Chapter 1804, Gong Mou 4

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Fang Yuan? You're Fang Yuan? " The reporter asked.

"Of course I'm Fang Yuan. What do you want to know? " Fang Yuan said hurriedly. She had finally found a reporter who cared about her.

"What are the results of the DNA test of your aborted child and President Nan Gong? " The reporter asked.

As his words left his mouth, the reporters beside him also heard the voice and turned to look at this reporter. They also saw Fang Yuan in front of this reporter.

"Fang Yuan is here! Everyone, turn around and look! " A reporter shouted.

In an instant, all the reporters turned around like dominoes. They changed their direction and surrounded Fang Yuan.

"Fang Yuan, what's the result of the test? "

"What is it? "

"Is there a relationship between your child and President Nan Gong? "

The reporters asked loudly.

Fang Yuan pursed her lips into a line. Back then, these people had respectfully called her Miss Fang. Now that her family had fallen from grace, they were all calling her by her name. They no longer had any respect for her.

With her family gone, no one looked up to her anymore. A sharp glint flashed in her eyes. She would let these people know that she, Fang Yuan, was not so easy to bully!

The Fang family was gone. As long as she was around, she was the Fang family Everything she had lost would be taken back, and she would take it back with interest!

She restrained her gaze and listened to everyone's questions. The more anxious they were, the less anxious she was. Now was the time for them to beg her.

She coughed lightly, as if her throat was very uncomfortable.

Immediately, a reporter handed a bottle of drink to Fang Yuan.

"DRINK! Drink this to moisten your throat, " the reporter said.

Fang Yuan took the drink without any courtesy and opened the bottle cap to drink a few mouthfuls. This was the attitude one should have when begging others!

"This is too sweet. I want to cough even more after drinking it. " She threw the drink on the ground in a pretentious manner.

"I have green tea. This isn't very sweet! " Another reporter handed the drink to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan took a sip and continued to throw it on the ground. "It's too light. "

The reporters were speechless. They did not know what this woman wanted to drink.

"I have grape drinks here! Miss Fang Yuan, please try this, " a female reporter ran over and said.

She placed the grape drinks in fang yuan's hands. They were all women. She could tell that Fang Yuan was deliberately making things difficult for the other reporters. Anyway, she would not slap a smiling person. She would be more polite to Fang Yuan and quickly get what she wanted.

Fang Yuan was very satisfied with this female reporter. This female reporter was more sensible and gave her a bottle of grape drinks. This was imported from Korea. It was pure grape juice and grape pulp. Back then, she liked to drink this. Of course, she could not afford to drink it now.

She opened the can with satisfaction and drank the drink inside. "The sweetness is just right. I like to drink this. "

The female reporter finally let out a sigh of relief. "It's good that Miss Fang likes to drink it. Um, can you tell us the results of the DNA test now? "

Fang Yuan raised her eyebrows. "I didn't see the results of the test. I don't know the results either. "

"Ah? " Instantly, the crowd let out a wave of sighs.

F * Ck, you don't know either. Why were you being so f * Cking pretentious just now?

The female reporter was about to go crazy from anger. She had fed her drinks to the dog.

Fang Yuan looked at the female reporter's dark expression and continued, "don't be anxious. Let me tell you. Although I didn't see the test results, I know the results. "

"How do you know the results? " The female reporter asked.

"Of course I know the results. The child is mine. I naturally know who the father of the child is, " Fang Yuan said.

"Who is the father of the Child? " The female reporter asked.

"It's Nangong Ye! My child is his, " Fang Yuan said.

"Hehe, but CEO Nan Gong has already denied it, " the female reporter said.

"He has denied it. According to normal theory, if my child isn't his, shouldn't he announce the result at the first moment and cut off all ties with me? " Fang Yuan said.

Everyone nodded and felt that Fang Yuan was right.

"That's right. What you said makes sense, " the female reporter said.

"according to the time calculation, the results are already out. Why has Nangong ye been suppressing the results of the examination report and not releasing it If the child was not his, would he suppress it and not release it "unless the child is found to be his, he would not release it, right? " Fang Yuan said.

"Yes, what you said makes sense, " the female reporter continued to ask "then you mean to say that Nangong Ye deliberately did not release the results when he knew that the child was his. He deliberately hid the truth and then took all the blame for you? Saying that you framed him? "

She continued to guide Fang Yuan. When reporters exposed the truth, they could not add their own comments. They could only tell the truth. If they added their own comments, they would have to take responsibility for their own words.

Therefore, they were used to guiding the interviewees and telling them the results they wanted. This way, they would not have to take responsibility and could still get the results they wanted.

Fang Yuan listened to the reporters'words. She had seen many reporters. This kind of trick had long become commonplace. Did they really take her for a fool They even wanted to guide her to speak.

However, these were what she wanted to say. In fact, even if the reporters did not say it, she would say it herself. She snorted coldly in her heart.

"Yes, you're right, " she said.

The reporter was stunned. He did not expect Fang Yuan to kick the ball back, saying that she was the one who said it.

"No, I did not say these. You said it just now. Let me help you summarize it. Miss Fang, do you think my conclusion is correct? " The female reporter wanted to pull back her words and continue kicking the ball back.

"That's right. Your conclusion is very good, " Fang Yuan said.

In any case, she didn't care what she said. Her Fang family was finished, so she wasn't afraid at all. She had kicked the ball back to the female reporter just now to let the female reporter know that she wasn't a fool.

The female reporter finally heaved a sigh of relief. "Miss Fang, do you have anything to say to President Nan Gong? "

"I do. ". "I have asked President Nan Gong to publish the test report. Whether my child is yours or not, come out and tell me clearly. Don't suppress the report. I believe that the eyes of public opinion are clear and will definitely return me my innocence, " Fang Yuan said loudly.

She spoke passionately to the camera, as if she had suffered a great injustice.

The female reporter added to the camera, "This is my station's interview with Fang Yuan. We also hope that President Nan Gong can release the results as soon as possible so that we can know the truth. "

She spoke in an ambiguous manner, as if she believed Fang Yuan, but also as if she believed Nangong ye. She wanted Nangong ye to announce the truth.

How could she dare to go along with Fang Yuan? Nangong ye was someone she could not afford to offend.

In the Nangong Corporation, Nangong ye sat in his office and looked at the news report on the big screen with a ferocious expression... ...