May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1800 - Chapter 1800 this man belongs to me. 152

Chapter 1800: Chapter 1800 this man belongs to me. 152

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

The guard handed the phone to Willam in fear. He was in a state of shock and did not know when his majesty would be furious again.

"Your Majesty, your phone. " The guard said.

Willam took the phone and logged into Fei Nimeng's account. He was so nervous that he forgot to breathe. He gripped the phone so hard that the new phone was slightly deformed.

As he logged into the account, a picture was sent to him. For a moment, he did not dare to look at the picture on the phone. Instead, he deliberately glanced to the side.

At this moment, everyone in the corridor felt a terrifying chill, like the aura of purgatory. They also felt like they were in purgatory. If they could, they would all want to run out of this purgatory to save their lives!

Willam's gaze was pulled back by all his willpower. When he saw the picture, his eyes widened to the maximum. The deathly gray color in the bottom of his eyes slowly emitted a life force Little by little, the original light flashed.

The corners of his lips curved slightly. He looked at the picture and also looked at the message sent by the little woman.

"The naked picture that you wanted, here it is. " Lian Lian's message was accompanied by a picture of the Fire Dragon Fruit.

Then, Lian Lian continued to send messages, "how is it? It's definitely a naked picture, and it's naked. "

Willam looked at the red fire dragon fruit and felt that it was the most adorable fruit in the world. It was indeed a naked picture.

STUPID GIRL He was scared to death!

F * Ck, if she dared to be seen by another man, he would kill that man!

She was his woman, so she could only be his woman. She could only be seen by him alone, so he had full authority over her.

Even a single strand of her hair was his!

His phone rang with a message tone. It seemed that he had not replied for too long. Lian Lian got impatient and replied again.

'Have you seen the photo? Speak! ' Lian Lian sent a message.

'I'm looking at your naked photo. It's so big and soft and delicious. A pinch of water, ' Willam said.

'not only is there more water, but it's also sweet and delicious! I want to take a bite or two. ' Lian Lian finally saw the reply.

Mo Fei's attitude surprised her. She thought that he would be angry if she played him. In the end, the man did not show any anger at all.

This surprised her too much. When she sent the photo again, she thought that Mo Fei would be so angry that he would jump up and down.

"It's my favorite flavor. I want to suck it up and absorb all the sweetness, " Willam replied.

Lian Lian looked at the man's reply and finally realized the problem. She had been F * Cking teased!

No wonder he wasn't angry. That d * Mn Mo Fei, he actually said such rotten words to her!

Her small face was so angry that it turned pale. She had wanted to play him, but he had played her back!

"choke you to death! " She said angrily.

"It's okay, there's so much water, I can't choke, " Willam said.

Lian Lian's mind was filled with countless mud horses. Her fingers tapped on the screen and sent an Emoji.

It was a dog that had been thrown far away. The caption on the Emoji read, "the other party has thrown 10,000 points of disdain at you, and also gave you a single dog. "

Willam looked at Lian Lian angrily sending an Emoji to scold Mo Fei and felt all sorts of pleasure. His Lian Lian was still his, and it had always been his. She would get angry if another man flirted with her.

He suddenly found a fun game, which was to pretend to be Mo Fei flirting with Lian Lian, making Lian Lian completely dislike Mo Fei!

"I'll take you in. Then we won't be single when we're together, " he replied.

Lian Lian sent a few emojis with knives. "You have to do something for me after seeing the photos. When are you going to kill Willam? "

"I'll kill him whenever you want. It's easy to kill him. However, you have to come in front of me personally and Strip for me to see, " Willam replied.

"GET LOST! If you dare to offend your superiors again, I'll send you out of the palace and hand you over to Tu Lu! " After sending the message, Lian Lian went offline. She didn't want to continue chatting with Mo Fei. After such a long time, she didn't manage to get any useful information. It was simply a waste of her time.

Willam looked at the last few words Lian Lian said. He was certain that Lian Lian was mad with anger. The corners of his lips curled into a gratified smile. Lian Lian finally hated Mo Fei.

The more Lian Lian hated Mo Fei, the more at ease he felt.

The people in the corridor looked at the smile on Willam's face in astonishment. They felt like they had seen a ghost.

Just a moment ago, this man was filled with a murderous aura, but now he was actually smiling!

The atmosphere in the entire corridor was not right. They looked at each other, not knowing if they should report this to Willam or not.

Willam looked up at everyone here. "What's the matter? "

He was in a good mood. Looking at those people whom he had despised just now, he did not hate them as much anymore.

"No, it's nothing. WE'LL TAKE OUR LEAVE! " Barzel hurriedly said. It scared him to death, but he did not dare to say that there was anything wrong with him.

Ke Dun also said, "it's fine. We're fine. "

He hid behind Barzel, wishing he could use Barzel as his shield.

Barzel glanced at Ke Dun. The two of them retreated step by step, wanting to walk down the corridor.

Willam looked at the two men retreating step by step and said, "stop! Have you forgotten something? "

Barzel was stunned. "No, we haven't forgotten anything. We're fine. I'll take my leave! "

"I'll take my leave too! " Ke Dun turned and was about to run away. Looking at the broken coffee table and broken chairs in the imperial study, he was afraid that he would become a part of the furniture.

William's eyes darkened. "You don't want your most-favored-nation treatment anymore? "

"No! We don't want it anymore! " Ke Dun hurriedly said. Why did he still have the life to ask for this?

William's eyes narrowed. "Wasn't it your country's president who requested it from me? If you say you don't want it, then you don't want it anymore? Ask Your President to call me. I want to ask, how did he train his subordinates? "

Ke Dun was shocked. What did Willam mean?

Could it be that he wanted to give him the most-favored-nation treatment F * Ck, he was scared silly. How would he have the courage to think that Willam would give them the most-favored-nation treatment.

"There's no need to trouble the president. It's my mistake. OUR COUNTRY WANTS THE MOST-FAVORED-NATION TREATMENT Just now, I was shocked by His Majesty's brilliant and powerful divine power. I forgot what I had to do "please forgive my mistake, your majesty. I have never seen such a powerful martial arts person. That's why I was so shocked that I forgot about the National Affairs! " Ke Dun said.

Barzel glanced at Ke Dun from the corner of his eyes. This flattery was really amazing.

Willam's cold expression did not change. "Barzel, go to the study and look for the document. I agree to give Andojia the most-favored-nation treatment. "

"Yes! " Barzel quickly ran to the room that looked like a ruin and went to look for the document.

Just like that His brain was not enough. What was this operation?