May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1784 - Chapter 1784, this man belongs to me, 136

Chapter 1784: Chapter 1784, this man belongs to me, 136

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Yes, yes. Sister Yingying, I'll leave my matters to you. You and brother Qi are the best. People of our position don't even have the right to speak to brother Qi. " Yang Yujiao flattered Zhao Yingying.

"We are sisters. If I can help you, I will naturally help you, " Zhao Yingying said.

She and Yang Yujiao were both artistes from the same entertainment company. Naturally, they were sisters from the same sect.

Upon hearing Zhao Yingying's words, Yang Yujiao's heart suddenly lit up with hope. She had always been very confident in her looks. From a small-time northern drifter to a small-time c-list celebrity, she had relied on her beautiful face Her face was not the stunning type, but the playful and cute type. She had always acted as a simple and kind supporting actress, and her reputation in the industry was very good.

If she could hook up with Han Qi this time, even if it was just a rumor with Han Qi, she was sure that she would be able to cling onto Han Qi's thigh and fly to the position of an a-list celebrity!

Many artistes could not become popular, so they could stir up a rumor and immediately become popular.

If a small-time c-list celebrity like her could not find a sponsor to invest heavily in her acting as the female lead, the fastest way to become popular was to stir up a rumor.

She followed Zhao Yingying to the hotel with great expectations, hoping that this strategic plan would allow her to enter the first-rate ranks!

When Xiao Hui and Han Qi arrived at the hotel, many actors had arrived. Everyone was waiting for the director to arrive so they could start the banquet!

"Brother Qi! You sit here. " Zhao Yingying walked over to invite brother Qi. She arranged for Han Qi to sit next to the director, and only Han Qi was qualified to sit next to the director.

Xiao Hui also walked over. She was not familiar with the other actors, so she wanted to sit closer to Han Qi so that it would not be so awkward.

Just as she was about to sit next to Han Qi, Yang Yujiao sat down on the chair.

Yang Yujiao looked up at Xiao Hui. "Xiao Hui, I want to ask brother Qi something. Can I sit here for a while? "

Her voice was not soft, and everyone in the room could hear her request. Moreover, her tone was very sincere, as if she was begging Xiao Hui.

Xiao Hui's face was embarrassed. How could she refuse with such a tone If she refused, people would definitely question her harshness.

"No, I don't mind. You can sit. " She could only take a step back.

"Xiao Hui! Sit here with me! " Zhao Yingying Beckoned Xiao Hui over and stretched out her hand to pull Xiao Hui over to sit beside her.

Xiao Hui was pulled over, so she could only sit beside Zhao Yingying. She looked at the man beside her, Gu Tianyu, who was acting as the supporting actor. This man could be considered a b-list celebrity. He was a fresh young star who had just debuted and was already popular.

"Sister Xiao Hui, it's my honor to sit beside you. " Gu tianyu smiled very amiably.

Xiao Hui was so embarrassed that she didn't know how to respond to Gu Tianyu's words. She and Gu Tianyu were only acting and talking. They had never spoken in private.

"You're too polite. I'm also very happy to sit next to you, " she replied.

Gu Tianyu's eyes twisted Xiao Hui's blushing face as he spoke. The corners of his lips curled up with a hint of wickedness. There were all kinds of women in this circle, but it was too difficult to find a woman who could blush even when talking.

He reached out and poured Xiao Hui a glass of wine. "drink this. This kind of red wine has a very low alcohol content, just like beer. It's especially suitable for girls to drink. No matter what, they won't get drunk. "

Xiao Hui looked at Gu tianyu gratefully. "thank you. "

She was most afraid of drinking, and Gu Tianyu's thoughtfulness had saved her. She looked at Yang Yujiao and Han Qi. It seemed that Yang Yujiao really had something to say to Han Qi, and Han Qi would occasionally say a few words and nod.

She was really thinking too much. She thought that Yang Yujiao was deliberately stealing her seat, but it turned out that Yang Yujiao really had something to say.

The door to the private room opened, and the director walked in.

"everyone is here! " The director walked to the main seat and sat down.

"everyone is here. Director Wang is here too. LET'S START THE BANQUET! " Zhao Yingying said as she picked up her wine glass.

Everyone raised their wine glasses and knocked the bottom of their glasses on the circular glass turntable on the table. It was considered a toast with everyone.

Because there were too many people, if they really had to clink their glasses one by one, it would take too long. This method was simple and fast.

After drinking a glass of wine, Zhao Yingying immediately poured wine for director Wang.

Director Wang raised his wine glass again. "Xiao Hui's scandal will be cleared tomorrow. Everyone raise your glasses to celebrate. I hope that there won't be any more scandals in my drama in the future! "

"congratulations, sister Xiao Hui. The scandal has been cleared! "

"Sister Xiao Hui, the worst is yet to come! "

"Sister Xiao Hui has become famous in one shot! "


Everyone said their blessings one by one.

Xiao Hui raised her glass and toasted everyone. "Thank you, Director Wang. Thank you for your blessings. I also hope that there won't be any more scandals in the future. "

A glass of wine was poured into her stomach. She was really grateful to Gu Tianyu. If he hadn't given her such a low-alcohol wine, she would definitely be drunk if she continued to drink like this.

The others also wished the director and the movie a great success. After a round of toasts, everyone ate the food on the table.

Zhao Yingying said, "how about we play a truth or dare game? "

"Okay! " Many people echoed.

Zhao Yingying took out the truth or dare game cards from the single room. "since I suggested it, then let's start drawing cards from me! "

The cards were shuffled in her hands time and time again. Her slender fingers seemed to be born for Shuffling. The cards flipped in her hands, looking especially good.

Yang Yujiao's lips curled into a smile. Everyone in her company knew that Zhao Yingying was an expert at playing cards. She had learned it on purpose from a master teacher. As long as Zhao Yingying shuffled the cards, she would have whatever cards she wanted.

As she drank, she waited for a good show. She came up with a reason to ask Han Qi for advice. She did ask a question, which was how to sign a cross-border contract with an artist, as well as tax matters.

Of course, she already knew the answer to the question. She only came up with this reason so that she could sit next to Han Qi.

Zhao Yingying's hand stopped, and with a flip of her hand, a king appeared. The corner of her lips curved. "Aiyo, my luck is really good. It's the king. Who should I choose to ask the question? "

She smiled faintly as she looked around the entire private room.

At this moment, everyone's nerves were tensed up. The person who drew the king could randomly ask questions. Everyone wanted to be a bystander, and no one wanted to be drawn.

Zhao Yingying's gaze swept past Xiao Hui, and finally stopped on Han Qi.

"Our biggest star here is brother Qi. If I don't ask brother Qi first, it would show that I don't respect brother Qi! Brother Qi, do you want truth or dare? " She asked gently.

Han Qi had seen this kind of scene many times. Who else could be more reckless and crazy than those in the entertainment industry when playing dare?

"I choose truth, " he said.

"Then I won't be polite and ask. Brother Qi, if you were to choose a girl to have sex and dream in a single room, who would you choose? " Zhao Yingying asked.