May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1777 - Chapter 1777. This man belongs to me. 129

Chapter 1777: Chapter 1777. This man belongs to me. 129

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Not long after, Xiao Hui's incident of hurting people was exposed on the media's news website. Everyone was watching the incident to see if Nangong ye would appear?

In the hospital, Wen Xin was sent to the emergency room. Xiao Hui and Zi Yang were waiting for Wen Xin outside the emergency room.

"F * Ck, what kind of life do I have? I still have to wait here for a woman to come to the emergency room. The key is that this woman has nothing to do with me! " Zi Yang complained. He was angry when he saw his flowery shirt stained with blood If it was hugging a beautiful woman, he wouldn't have a problem with it. The key was that it was a pregnant woman!

It was fine if it was a pregnant woman, but it was a pregnant woman who wanted to have an abortion. What did he do wrong?

Xiao Hui was using Wen Xin's phone to contact Wen Xin's husband, Su Bei. However, no matter how hard she tried to call him, no one picked up.

"You can leave now. You don't have to wait for Wen Xin to come out, " Xiao Hui said.

"I wanted to leave, but my celebrity wouldn't let me. He insisted that I wait for this woman to be fine before going back. F * Ck, what did I do wrong? " Zi Yang muttered.

Xiao Hui was troubled by Zi Yang's words. "stop arguing. I can't even hear you on the phone. "

She was anxiously contacting Su Bei, while Zi Yang kept nagging.

At this moment, a nurse walked over. "Who is Wen Xin's family member? Go and pay the hospital fees and first aid fees. "

"I, I am a family member. How much do I have to pay? " Xiao Hui asked.

"Pay 10,000 first. If it's not enough, you can pay at any time. HURRY UP AND PAY! " The nurse handed the hospital fees and a stack of bills to Xiao Hui.

Xiao Hui was a little troubled when she heard the money count. She had already paid the down payment for her parents'house. She did not have 10,000 in her card!

"What are you waiting for? GO QUICKLY! " The nurse looked at Xiao Hui and urged her.

"I, I don't have so much money in my bank account, " Xiao Hui said hesitantly.

"You still want to see a doctor without money? Do you think our hospital is a charity organization? Let me tell you, if you don't pay, don't blame US FOR CHASING THEM OUT! " The nurse said coldly.

"Don't! Their family is rich, but I can't contact their family right now, " Xiao Hui said.

"then think of a way to borrow it. This is a private hospital, HURRY UP! " The nurse said unhappily.

Xiao Hui turned to look at Zi Yang. "brother Yang, lend me some money first. When I contact Wen Xin's family, I'll return the money to you. "

Zi Yang was depressed about his own clothes. "What does it have to do with me? Brother Qi only asked me to wait for her to come out. He didn't ask me to lend you the money. I'M NOT LENDING IT! "

He already had various opinions about Xiao Hui, so of course he would not lend it to Xiao Hui.

Xiao Hui's finger pressed on the phone screen, and she could only call Nangong ye.

The call was quickly picked up. "young master, Fang Yuan came to find trouble with me. Wen Xin helped me speak up, but in the end, Wen Xin was pushed down by Fang Yuan. Now that Wen Xin is in emergency treatment, the hospital wants a deposit of 10,000 yuan. Young Master, can you lend it to me first? "

She explained the situation to Nangong Ye.

"I'll transfer the money to your account, " Nangong ye agreed without any hesitation.

"Okay, thank you, Young Master! " Xiao Hui hung up the phone, and her phone rang with a notification, informing her that the money had been transferred.

She looked at the nurse. "I have money now. Go and pay. If anything happens to my friend, WE WON'T SPARE YOUR HOSPITAL! "

She said fiercely, "since you don't have money, then chase her away. If you have money, then you're the boss. " She put on the airs of a boss!

The young nurse was rendered speechless by Xiao Hui. She rolled her eyes and did not say a word. Xiao Hui had no choice but to pay the money. She could only endure it.

Another woman who was about to have a miscarriage was sent into the hospital. The head nurse informed the young nurse to push her to another emergency room.

The young nurse quickly ran away. However, this woman was not so lucky. When she was sent in, the child was already gone.

"The child is gone. You can sign it. " The doctor asked Fang Yuan to sign it.

Fang Yuan waved the form that the doctor handed over. "I'm not signing it. You guys can save the child for me. I want my child. "

"You can't keep it anymore. Your child's Placenta has already been peeled off. Even immortals can't save you. Hurry up and sign it so that we can perform the Qing Gong surgery on you. Otherwise, you won't be able to keep your life! " The doctor said.

"No, I can't lose my child. You guys go and look for Ye Xinghun. He has a way. He will definitely be able to help me keep the child. " Fang Yuan cried out.

"What Ye Xinghun? Is this woman crazy? " The doctor said.

"I think she looks like a lunatic too. We will treat the patients who don't have the ability to act and don't have the family members of the patients. " The doctor said.

"Alright, I will go fill out the form and turn on the camera, " the nurse said.

For patients who had family members, the hospital had to notify the family members and get them to sign the form. For patients who did not have family members, the doctor would notify the patient and get the patient to sign the form. If the patient was incapacitated, then the hospital had the responsibility to treat the patient according to the prescribed medical procedures.

Of course, the hospital had to keep all the medical records to prove that their treatment was correct.

The nurse gave Fang Yuan a half-body anesthesia and was ready to prepare for the palace cleaning operation.

"No, I don't want the surgery. I WANT MY CHILD! " Fang Yuan shouted.

"The placenta is completely detached and the fetus is dead. The patient is delirious. Prepare for the removal of the uterus, " the doctor ordered.

The entire procedure was recorded to prove that their treatment was justified.

No matter how much Fang Yuan cried, the dead fetus had to be taken out.

The door of the emergency room opened and a man in a black uniform walked in.

"My CEO has ordered that the fetus be kept for DNA testing. The money has been transferred to your hospital's account. This is the approval form of your director, " the bodyguard said as he held the approval form of the director.

"Yes, yes! " The doctor said quickly.

He placed the stillborn fetus into a storage device, took out the stillborn fetus's blood, and handed it over to the doctor who came in to take the blood for testing.

Fang Yuan's face turned ashen as she looked at the doctor who took the blood away. was she going to lose her secret?

She no longer felt any pain. All her thoughts had been cut off, and the last Straw was gone!

The doctor did not care about Fang Yuan's reaction. He performed the surgery according to the rules and got the nurse to send Fang Yuan to the ward.

Xiao Hui paced back and forth in the corridor, anxiously waiting for Wen Xin to come out.

Her eyes suddenly lit up when she saw the man walking over. Her eyes widened in surprise. "Young Master, why are you here? "

She walked towards Nangong Ye.

"I'm here to take care of something. How's Wen Xin? " Nangong ye asked.

"She hasn't come out yet. I don't know the current situation. I tried to contact her husband, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't reach him, " Xiao Hui said.

Nangong Ye's brows furrowed. He took out his phone and called his subordinate. "Go and find out where Su Bei is. "

"Yes, " his subordinate accepted the order.

The door of the emergency room opened and the doctor walked out. "Who is the patient's family member? COME AND SIGN! "