May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1776 - Chapter 1776. This man belongs to me

Chapter 1776: Chapter 1776. This man belongs to me

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Xiao Hui hurriedly straightened her body, afraid that she would crush Wen Xin's stomach.

"It's nothing. It's just a small matter. "I heard that you're filming here, so I came over to see what filming looks like. I didn't expect to see someone causing trouble. "In this day and age, right and wrong are really reversed. It's not wrong to beat someone up, but it's wrong to be beaten up. Those who break the law are innocent, and those who don't save those who break the law are actually in the wrong? " Wen Xin said.

Fang Yuan was so angry that her face turned pale. "Wen Xin, it's none of your business here! "

"Xiao Hui is my friend. Her business is my business. I just can't stand it when people distort right and wrong And there are people who can't differentiate between right and wrong Have People's Consciences Been Fed to dogs Or are you guys trying to take the opportunity to make things difficult for Xiao Hui What exactly did Xiao Hui do wrong SAY IT OUT LOUD!"Wen Xin said angrily.

She could not stand it anymore. The whole thing was fang yuan making trouble for no reason, and those people were just following the trend of slandering Xiao Hui. Jian Zhang was slandering Xiao Hui for the sake of slandering her There was no reason, no reason. She just used a reason that was not a reason to criticize Xiao Hui.

Everyone was rendered speechless by Wen Xin's question. Wen Xin's words had indeed hit a sore spot.

"Wen Xin, who do you think you are? You're just the lady boss of a small company. Your family's company doesn't even have the assets of a small branch of my family's company! " Fang Yuan said in disdain.

"My family's company is small, very, very small. However, my family will not do anything illegal. Your family's company is big, but if you do something illegal, you should be punished. Now, you still want to use public opinion to force Xiao Hui to help you look for Young Master Nan Gong and ask Young Master Nan Gong to save your parents. If Young Master Nan Gong saves them, he won't be able to distinguish right from wrong! " Wen Xin said.

Fang Yuan choked and held her breath. "It's not your place to interfere in MY FAMILY'S MATTERS! "

She was so angry that her entire body was trembling. Now that someone had stood up for Xiao Hui, it was even more impossible for Xiao Hui to look for Nangong ye.

"It's naturally not my place to interfere in your family's matters. However, since you're bullying my friend, I HAVE TO INTERFERE! Fang Yuan, don't shamelessly come and harm Xiao Hui! " Wen Xin said.

Fang Yuan was completely infuriated by Wen Xin. She stretched out her hand and hit Wen Xin. "If you don't let my family have a good time, none of you will have a good time! "

If her family collapsed, she would no longer be a missy. How was she going to survive?

Her family's House and bank account had been seized. She could no longer take out any money. Thinking of how she was going to live a poor life without her parents, she lost all her rationality and started to hit Wen Xin.

Fang Yuan grabbed Wen Xin's hair and hit her stomach. "Fang Yuan, you're crazy. Let go of me! "

"Let go of Wen Xin! " Xiao Hui stretched out her hand to push Fang Yuan. Fang Yuan was pushed to the ground by her.

She pulled Wen Xin, who had almost been knocked to the ground by Fang Yuan.

"Wen Xin, are you okay? " She hugged Wen Xin and asked.

"I... My stomach hurts. " Wen Xin's hand covered her stomach, and cold sweat seeped out of her forehead.

Xiao Hui was shocked. She knew that Wen Xin had had a hard time protecting her fetus. "quick, Send Wen Xin to the hospital. Call an ambulance! "

She was confused and did not know what to do.

Moreover, the people who had gathered around to watch the commotion looked at Each Other as the two women cried out that their stomachs hurt. No one wanted to meddle in such matters.

"I'll send her to the hospital. " Han Qi ran over and helped Xiao Hui to support Wen Xin, who was in so much pain that she was about to fall to the ground.

"Thank you, brother Qi! " Xiao Hui quickly thanked him.

"No! I say, brother Qi, do you still think that it's not a big deal? If you want to send this woman to the hospital, what if there are rumors? You're a celebrity, you can't have rumors! " Zi Yang ran over to stop him.

The entertainment circle was a circle full of rumors. If there were rumors about you today, they could say that you were pregnant tomorrow. Male artistes were even more miserable. They absolutely could not have rumors. Otherwise, if the fans scolded them to death, their fans would turn into haters!

He was afraid that this matter would hurt his artiste.

"then you go and send him off! " Han Qi turned his head and ordered Zi Yang.

Zi Yang's heart froze. was there such an unreasonable person?

"It's not appropriate for me to send him off, is it? " He quickly said.

"If you're not going, then I'll go and send him off. " Han Qi said as he carried Wen Xin horizontally and walked out of the crowd.

"Don't! Don't! My ancestor! I'll go and send him off. I'll go and send him off, okay? " Zi Yang shouted and chased after him. Destroying him was better than destroying his own artiste, right?

Anyway, he was not afraid of rumors. Of course, no one would spread rumors about him. He was not a celebrity.

Han Qi handed Wen Xin over to Zi Yang. "see that she's fine. Come back again. Otherwise, you don't have to come back! "

He ordered.

F * Ck, Zi Yang's heart had been racing with countless MOTHERF * Cker S. he could send her off, but he still had to wait for her to be safe?

Excuse me, what does her child have to do with him?

"LEAVE QUICKLY! Don't just stand there! " Xiao Hui urged.

Zi Yang had no choice but to brace himself and carry Wen Xin to his car. He drove Xiao Hui and Wen Xin to the nearest hospital.

Fang Yuan Lay on the ground and no one dared to care. She kept screaming in pain, and a pool of blood had already flowed out from under her body.

She looked at the cold crowd around her in pain. She gritted her teeth until they were crushed.

By the time the ambulance arrived, she already felt that the meat in her stomach was about to fall out.

She was carried to the ambulance by the nurses and sent to the hospital.

As the ambulance drove away, a few small celebrities surrounded Zhao Yingying.

"Sister Yingying, do you think Xiao Hui will be taken away this time? I saw Xiao Hui Push Fang Yuan! "

"Yes, I saw it too. It was Xiao Hui who pushed Fang Yuan. "

Zhao Yingying's brows sank. "But she pushed Fang Yuan to protect Wen Xin. "

"Hai! This kind of thing will depend on how the news reports it. Will it cover the whole matter, or will it only cover Xiao Hui who pushed Wen Xin? " A small celebrity said.

Zhao Yingying looked at this small celebrity, Yang Yujiao.

This small celebrity was from the northern drifter tribe. She had climbed from a small-scale actor to a third-rate small celebrity. She might be a third-rate small celebrity, but Yang Yujiao could go from a passerby to a third-rate small celebrity It was obvious what Yang Yujiao was capable of!

"Yujiao, you're really smart, " she said.

"Even if I'm smart, I'm not as well-connected as sister Yingying. I can't talk to these reporters, " Yang Yujiao said.

Zhao Yingying's lips curled into a cold smile. "It's okay. I'm familiar with these reporters. I'll get someone to talk to them later. "

"Sister Yingying is still well-connected. I heard that sister Yingying's boyfriend is the boss of the news agency, " Yang Yujiao said fawningly.

"He's not really a boyfriend. He's just an ordinary friend. " Zhao Yingying quickly denied it. How could she admit that she had a boyfriend No matter how far all men went, they could only be ordinary friends. Otherwise, how could she develop other boys with potential?

"Yes, yes, he's just an ordinary friend. I made a mistake, " Yang Yujiao quickly said.

Zhao Yingying took out her phone and sent a message to her boyfriend, asking him to tell her reporters how to report.

Her boyfriend very cooperatively agreed. The News of celebrities hurting people was far better than the news of celebrities saving people. This kind of thing became more and more popular.