May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1747 - Chapter 1747. This man belongs to me. 100

Chapter 1747: Chapter 1747. This man belongs to me. 100

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Xiao Hui was covered by her mouth. She felt that she had been violated. She raised her leg and kicked the person who was grabbing her. She opened her mouth and bit the person who was covering her mouth.

In any case, she could not let others bully her. This was her principle. A person could be kind, but he could not be weak and bullied. This was what Nangong Ye had taught her.

"Ah! " The lighting master's hand opened in pain. His palm was bitten open.

He slapped Xiao Hui's face. "B * Tch! You F * Cking dare to bite me? "

The men stopped as well. They gathered around to look at the wound on the lighting technician's hand.

"F * CK! What a big wound. Let's go to the hospital quickly! "

"Let's go, I'll drive you there! "

Xiao Hui took advantage of the men surrounding the lighting technician and turned around to run.

"catch her for me! " The lighting technician shouted at the men.

The photographer quickly caught Xiao Hui who was about to run away. "I caught her, she can't run! "

The lighting technician slapped Xiao Hui's face again. "You bit me and you still want to run? I'll F * Cking beat you to death! "

One of Xiao Hui's arms was grabbed by the photographer, and she couldn't avoid it even if she wanted to. She raised her arm to block the photographer's slap, but the photographer hit her repeatedly. After all, he was a man, and a man's strength was many times stronger than a woman's Her face and body were all slapped.

The photographer frowned and quickly stopped the photographer. "Hit her a few times to calm her down. That's enough! She still has to film in a while! If she can't cover up her injuries, the director will blame her! "

The photographer was extremely unconvinced. "The director naturally understands the rules of our industry. If she doesn't follow the rules, then she deserves to be hit! "

"Don't forget, her relationship with President Nan Gong might not be good, " the cameraman reminded the lighting director. He didn't say the rest of the words, but everyone understood.

"Don't worry, she's just a bed-crawler. President Nan Gong is just playing with her. If President Nan Gong is serious about her, why would he let her stay in a double room? She would have stayed in the presidential suite a long time ago, " the lighting director said.

"that being said, it's better to be careful, " the cameraman reminded.

Xiao Hui understood what they were thinking, so she quickly said, "It's not that I don't want to stay in the presidential suite. I think I'm a newcomer, so I should stay low-key "since President Nan Gong can make me the female lead, he can help me take revenge "I'll tell him how you bullied me just now "think about the consequences if you offend President Nan Gong! "

She threatened the men.

The men looked at each other and unconsciously took a step back, afraid that they would be implicated.

"We don't want to do anything to you, so don't say anything. "

"Yes, we're just here to watch the show. "

"Yes, we're just here to watch the show. Let's go to work! "

When the lighting master saw that the few men were about to leave, he immediately said coldly, "do you want to wash up now? Even if she says so, I'll tell President Nan Gong that you all participated in the show just now. "

The few men were dumbfounded. Why did they have to participate in the show for no reason?

"Don't, we're just here to do chores. It's not easy for us either. "

"That's right. We didn't do anything, right? We just scared her a little. "

When the lighting technician saw that the three handymen wanted to clean themselves, he sneered, "what exactly did you guys do? It depends on how happy I am. If you guys want to be fine, we'LL STICK TO OUR STORY! I guarantee that everyone will be fine! "

"How do we stick to our story? " Everyone asked together.

"Why did we surround Xiao Hui just now? Tell us! " The lighting technician said.

The photographer was used to this kind of trick. He spoke first, "Xiao Hui was the one who called us over, right? "

The staff and the men who did the odd jobs understood what he meant.

They quickly agreed, "yes, she was the one who called us over. "

"Yes, yes. We were doing our jobs well. She called US over. "

"That's right. She even asked us to play the big wheel together. "

"What a slut. She saw that we weren't going up, so she insisted that we go up. "

The lighting technician looked at everyone with satisfaction. "Yes, I came over to scold her for being shameless. She even bit me. She bit my hand and refused to let go. All of you pinched her in order to pull her away. "

He was afraid that the few people just now were too ruthless. Xiao Hui's body would leave a mark, and he would be able to complete the whole story.

The few men listened to the lighting master's words and nodded in admiration.

"Yes, this is the truth! The truth is this! "

"slut, who do you think we are? Do you think we can hurt everyone? HEHE! "

Xiao Hui's eyes widened in shock as she looked at the few men who were lying. These men's lies were flawless. Even if she told the truth, no one would believe her!

"YOU'RE LYING! You're bullying us! " Tears welled up in her eyes. She just wanted to put on a good show. Why was it so difficult?

"You're right. We're bullying you. What can you do to us? You don't know how to appreciate favors! Do you think that your life will be complete if you coax the director to be happy?

Let me tell you, if my light doesn't hit you, it will hit the person who is acting with you. She will become white and tender, and you will be black, yellow, black, and yellow. Tell me, who do you think the audience will like when you are in the same scene?

"Let me tell you again, as long as the cameraman's lens throws you out of the picture and gives you a bust, you will be extremely ugly!

"Also, if you don't serve the cameraman well, they will not torture you to death "They will make you unable to sleep for a day! "

The cameraman said fiercely. These rules in the industry were not something a rookie could understand.

If an actress wanted to stand in front of the camera beautifully, she would need to please many people to serve her. Many times, it was not because the actress did not work hard, it was not because the script was not good, and it was not because the acting was not good.

Xiao Hui's face turned pale when she heard that. She believed what the lighting master said. When she was injured, the teacher had told her all these things that she needed to pay attention to, especially when arranging the scenes. They could put together the scenes that you wanted to act and let you shoot.. After you finished shooting, you could go back to sleep.

You could also break up the scenes that you wanted to act in and place them in a 24-hour schedule. Then, you would not be able to sleep for a day.

"You guys are going too far! " She said fiercely.

"Hehe, how is this called US going too far Whoever treats us well, we naturally have to take care of them. Do we have to take care of someone who treats US badly "When we are arranging the cameras, why do we have to put yours together and scatter others' ? " The lighting master said.

Suddenly, a figure of a man walked over from afar. "What are you guys doing? "

His gaze landed on Xiao Hui's blushing face.

Everyone looked towards the source of the sound and saw Han Qi walking over!

"Brother Qi! Why are you here so early! " The lighting master immediately went up to greet him. He was a big star, so he naturally had to suck up to Han Qi.

This was the so-called "big shop bullies, big customers bullies the shop! "!