May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 174 - Chapter 174 was exclusive to him

Chapter 174: Chapter 174 was exclusive to him

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"It's not that I don't want to give up. There are some things that I haven't done yet. I want to do it now," Qin Sheng said coldly.

Even if they were to break up, she had to make things clear with Gong Mochen.

"Alright then, I'll bring you to him," Li Ang said.

He held the girl's hand and walked into the banquet hall as if nothing had happened. However, he discovered that Gong Mochen had already left.

Qin Sheng and Li Ang didn't leave the hotel until the banquet ended. Throughout the second half of the banquet, the two of them became the object of attention of all the reporters. It was as if they were already lovers.

After the banquet ended, Qin Sheng asked Li Ang to return to the Qin family's residence. Qin Ze probably wouldn't ignore the news that had just been released. He would definitely ask Gong Mochen to return home to deal with Qin Zixian.

When she reached home, Gong Mochen had just arrived. She was a little curious about where Gong Mochen had been all this time...

In the next moment, she smiled self-deprecatingly. Who else could he have been with besides Ye Wei?

Gong mochen glanced at the girl in front of him. His deep eyes hid feelings that no one could understand.

He strode into the living room to see Qin Ze.

Qin Sheng vaguely heard Qin Ze asking about the news. She didn't continue listening. Instead, she ran back to her room to tidy up her things.


Gong Mochen's footsteps finally came from the corridor. Qin Sheng, who was leaning against the door, thought that she would never mishear his footsteps for as long as she lived.

She raised her hand to open the door and looked at the man in the corridor. "Uncle, can you come in for a moment?"

As if she was sure that the man would come in, Qin Sheng didn't care about his reaction. She left the door open and turned around to walk into the room.

Gong Mochen's eyes were deeply focused on Qin Sheng's back as he followed her into the room.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

The trembling in his voice was well controlled by him, so the girl didn't hear it.

Qin Sheng opened the gift boxes on the table and said without looking at the man, "These are the birthday presents you bought for me every year. These are the things you gave me. They are all here, including Sweetheart's Love. Look carefully. The clothes in the walk-in-wardrobe are also here."

The jewelry on the table glittered, which could make any girls' eyes shine, but Qin Sheng returned them to Gong Mochen.

Gong Mochen's heart suddenly twitched. Did she want to settle the score with him?

"These were for you. You don't have to return them to me!"

"That won't do. My boyfriend doesn't like the things you bought for me, so I'll return them to you!" Qin Sheng said coldly, turning her head to look at the man.

"Boyfriend? Li Ang? I said you couldn't be with Li Ang... If you want to marry, you can only marry Ha Siqi!" said Gong Mochen sternly, taking a step forward.

Qin Sheng seemed to have heard a joke and laughed. "Who I want to marry is my decision. It's none of your business! Ha Siqi already has a child with my cousin. I won't marry him!"

"Yungting refused to accept an ultrasound examination in the hospital. It's very strange. She had a miscarriage when she was forced to have the ultrasound. Just now, Ha Siqi reported the whole thing to me. It mightn't have been his child. It's like Yungting wanted to do something to stop you. Can't you tell?" Gong Mochen said in a deep voice.

Qin Sheng laughed lightly. "Of course I can tell. Cousin doesn't want me to marry Ha Siqi. But, can't you tell that I don't want to marry Ha Siqi?

"I have no feelings for Ha Siqi, but I've discovered that I'm in love with Li Ang. Since he wants me to marry me, I'll marry him!"

She looked at the man aggressively. She wanted to see what he would say!

This was the last time. She was given their relationship one last chance.

"I don't agree. You will not marry Li Ang! I raised you for eighteen years! Your blood and your flesh are mine!" Gong Mochen grabbed the girl's arm. His eyes were bloodshot, like a wild beast that was about to explode!

"Do you think that I can't marry Li Ang? Haven't I made myself clear?" Qin Sheng didn't struggle to shake off the man's hand. Instead, she took a step forward and almost jumped onto his body.

"And you're trying to pay me back by returning all the gifts I gave to you? Do you think that will settle things? I will not back down! No matter what you do!" Gong Mochen pursed his lips angrily.

He wanted her to give up and let Ha Siqi take her away. He thought she'd agreed to marry Ha Siqi, and that everything was going according to plan. But it clearly wasn't... This threw a spanner in the works. She now suddenly wanted to be with Li Ang...

He was so angry. Did she know what kind of person she was going to provoke? And did she know that Li Ang was someone she couldn't provoke?

Qin Sheng didn't care about the man's angry face at all. "I haven't gone to university yet. I don't have a job. Naturally, I can't pay you back with money... My parents gave birth to me. They gave me blood and bones. You raised me. At most, I owe you meat! I'll pay you back with meat!"

As she spoke, she took out a dagger that she had prepared and cut her own arm. Blood instantly flowed out.

Gong Mochen snatched the dagger and threw it on the ground. "Look at you! What do you look like? You're being crazy!"

He had carefully raised the girl for eighteen years, and he could easily hurt her. But he wouldn't allow her to hurt herself, not for anyone, not even for him!

"Uncle, I'm paying my debt! I'll cut off my flesh and give it to you. From now on, we'll be settled!" Qin Sheng said with a chuckle.

Gong Mochen felt as if someone had stabbed him in the heart. It hurt so much that he was almost suffocating. There was nothing between them!