May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 170 - Chapter 170 dug up this news

Chapter 170: Chapter 170 dug up this news

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

In a flash, Li Ang lowered his head and kissed Qin Sheng's lips.

Qin Sheng pushed the man away. "Drive! Look ahead!"

"I pressed auto cruise. There are no cars on the road now, what's there to be afraid of? Since you've agreed to be my girlfriend, why don't you let me kiss you?" Li Ang was playing with her.

"In your dreams. I'm just asking you to pretend to be my boyfriend! Pretend, understand?" Qin Sheng said.

Li Ang forced a smile. "I understand. You haven't let go of Gong Mochen yet! You don't believe that he has changed his mind, do you? Do you want me to torture him?"

Qin Sheng leaned her head against the back of the chair and looked out of the window. She didn't want anyone to see the hurt in her eyes.

After a while, she finally said, "Isn't it ridiculous? I still don't believe it! Did you know? He gave me a hundred billion yuan dowry... He even gave me the evening dress that he promised me."

Her voice became softer and softer as she spoke. She couldn't help but want to cry. Did he truly not love her anymore? He'd held her hand and watched her get engaged with a smile. There seemed to be no regret in his eyes.

"So? Because of this, you began to suspect that he still has lingering feelings for you? But then why didn't he change his way of thinking? He dumped you! He would rather spend a hundred billion in dowries, and would rather go back on all the promises he made you!" Li Ang said.

"Li Ang! Shut up!" Qin Sheng was instantly enraged, and she raised her hand to hit Li Ang. What was originally a rather emotional scene had actually been interpreted as such a resolute one.

F*ck... He would happily spend a hundred billion to dump her... How much did Gong Mochen f*cking hate her?

Li Ang's lips twitched. "Such honest advice... If you don't believe me, then forget it!"

He stepped on the gas pedal and drove Qin Sheng straight to the mansion in the suburbs. He swiped his finger across his phone screen and dialed a number.

"How's Shen Tong? Did the surgery succeed?"

Not only was Qin Sheng due to be engaged today, but Shen Tong had also been saved. He and Sikong Jue were not only friends, but they were also best friends.

Li Ang might've been using Sikong Jue for his own gains, but he still considered his personal feelings, still considered him a friend. He wanted to know how Sheng Tong was after her surgery.

Sikong Jue's voice came out of the phone. "The surgery was a success. Shen Tong was sent to the recovery room. After a while, she will recover."

"Congratulations! You finally saved your wife. When she recovers, I will invite you to my castle to stay for a few days," Li Ang said.

"Yes, when she recovers, I will bring her back to see Godmother. Oh and before I forget, your mother sent a message asking when you'll be bringing your wife back!" Sikong Jue said.

Li Ang glanced at the person beside him. "Tell her soon. I will bring my wife home to bed soon."

As he spoke, he hung up the phone.

Qin Sheng slapped him. "Who wants to sleep with you?"

Li Ang looked at Qin Sheng innocently "Did I say that we'd sleep in the same bed? That's you jumping to conclusions! Anyway, don't you want to sleep on a bed? Or do you want to sleep on the sofa, the bathtub, or the table? Or do you want to have a field battle with me? Dear me, your thoughts are too dirty!"

Qin Sheng scowled. Who the hell was dirty?

"Enough! I'm not thinking about any of that! It's what you said that's ambiguous. You misled me! I'm warning you, we're just a fake couple!"

"Got it, fake couple," said Li Ang.

Li Ang muttered to himself, "Qin Sheng, I'll wait for you to beg me to marry you!"

"In your dreams!" Qin Sheng was speechless. She didn't understand where this man got such confidence from!

"Is that Shen Tong Sikong Jue's wife?" she asked.

"Yes, Sikong Jue's fiancé. The two of them have been engaged for a long time," replied Li Ang.

"Is she sick?" Qin Sheng continued to ask.

"Leukaemia. She just had a bone marrow transplant today. She'll recover if nothing unexpected happens." Li Ang glanced at Qin Sheng. "I'm not done with my own business yet. Don't worry about others. Didn't the Tao family name Chu Xia as their goddaughter? Stay out of her and Sikong Jue's business!" Li Ang said.

Qin Sheng rolled her eyes. She was upset that her thoughts were exposed by the man just like that.

"Your friend's wife is in the hospital. Aren't you going to visit? Let's go take a look!"

She wanted to see Sikong Jue and his fiancé. After all, she was the only one who knew that Chu Xia's child was still alive. She still hoped that Chu Xia could be with Sikong Jue. She finally understood why he wanted her to abort the child.

Li Ang snorted. "Fine. I'll satisfy your curiosity and bring you to see Shen Tong... But you need to persuade Chu Xia to give up on Sikong Jue, okay? Sikong Jue will not marry her!"

He turned the steering wheel and brought Qin Sheng to the hospital. Since they were going to pretend to be a couple, they had to show their relationship to everyone. There were quite a number of people in the hospital...

Qin Sheng followed Li Ang through the hospital. As soon as she entered, she was surrounded by many reporters who were waiting to interview Sikong Jue.

"Miss Qin Sheng, I heard that your engagement ceremony was interrupted today. What happened? Can you tell us?"

"Yes, we also heard that the engagement was interrupted! Have you come to the hospital with Li Ang because you want to be with him and not Master Ha?"

"Is that true? Can you tell us something?"

The reporters asked one after another. No one knew the true reason for the interruption at the engagement. If they exposed this news, they would have made a meritorious contribution to the news agency!

Li Ang's arm was wrapped around Qin Sheng's shoulder, and his bewitching gaze landed on the faces of the reporters.

"How boring would it be to say it out loud? Take a guess!" he said as he brought the woman to the inpatient department.

The reporters were so angry that they wanted to curse. The Duke was too devious. How could they guess the truth? He was simply playing them!

They didn't hold back and posted the news on various websites. If they were supposed to guess, then they would take a wild guess! See how Li Ang liked that...

Soon, the news swept across the nation. Some people guessed that Li Ang had kidnapped Qin Sheng, while others guessed that Qin Sheng had fled the marriage to be with Li Ang.

Some people even guessed that Li Ang and Ha Siqi had fought, and Li Ang had won Qin Sheng's heart.

No matter what people guessed, it was true that Qin Sheng was in Li Ang's hands!

In his villa, Gong Mochen sat in the hot spring pool and continued to let the blood leeches suck his blood to reduce the poison in his body. The poison would automatically increase, and if he wanted to control it, he could only be sucked every day.

Nie Feng stood on the edge of the pool. "President, do you want me to bring Miss Qin back?"

Gong Mochen's deep eyes closed slightly. "She's deliberately provoking me and won't come back with you. I'll go to work tomorrow and inform the people in the company and Qin Zixian."

Nie Feng was surprised. Qin Zixian came to attend Qin Sheng's engagement today. Gong Mochen asked him to send Qin Zixian home and didn't allow her to attend. Why would Gong Mochen suddenly say that he was going to inform Qin Zixian tomorrow?