May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 167 - Chapter 167: Be My loyal dog

Chapter 167: Chapter 167: Be My loyal dog

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng looked at the two intimate people walking towards her. The beautiful scene hurt her eyes.

"Congratulations, congratulations! This is a gift from your uncle and I." Ye Wei took out a brocade box and handed it to Qin Sheng.

Ha Siqi was afraid that Qin Sheng would feel awkward. He reached out to take the gift and opened the brocade box. Inside was a couple's ring. It was a huge diamond, clearly of great value.

"Thank you, Uncle!" Ha Siqi thanked them immediately. He had prepared everything for Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng glanced at the gift. She had never cared about such things in the past.

"Please come in." She smiled politely.

Ye Wei didn't dare to let Gong Mochen stay too long. She held Gong Mochen's arm and walked into the banquet hall. She had to find a sofa for Gong Mochen to sit down on.

Qin Sheng and Ha Siqi continued to welcome the guests. The Qin family members had also arrived. Qin Ze and Ha Siqi's father sat happily at the main table and chatted.

The importance of this marriage was too great for their country. Many media outlets were speculating that their nation would be the only country with significant power from now on. The stocks of the Ha family and the Qin family would surely soar the next day.

There was only one person missing from the grand banquet, and that person was Sikong Jue. It was rumored that his girlfriend was undergoing a bone marrow surgery at the hospital today.

It was said that the most elite doctors in the entire hospital had been hired by Sikong Jue, and they were only allowed to look at his girlfriend for a day.

His power seemed so great that he'd almost been able to hire the entire hospital.

Chu Xia sat beside Qin Sheng, ready to watch the ceremony.

"Qin Sheng, are you really going to get engaged to Ha Siqi?" she asked softly.

Qin Sheng's gaze swept past the man sitting on the sofa not far away. "Yes, I am going to get engaged to Ha Siqi."

Chu Xia was taken aback. She didn't expect this result. "Then I wish you the best. Seeing that Husky is a loyal dog, you will be happy!"

Qin Sheng laughed softly. She remembered that they had called Ha Siqi Husky in the past.

He was indeed a dog, and was very loyal.

Ha Siqi waved at the guests and walked to Qin Sheng's side. "What are you laughing at? Why are you so happy?"

"I'm laughing at Husky!" Chu Xia quickly said with a smile.

Ha Siqi's face darkened. "Don't call me Husky anymore!"

What was all this about? Why was she still calling him Husky?

Qin Sheng stuck out her tongue at the man. "Don't you want to be my loyal dog?"

Ha Siqi was stunned. "Of course I'm your loyal dog!"

Chu Xia rolled her eyes. "So. you're actually happy to be a Husky? Make your mind up!"

Ha Siqi nodded. "A husky it is. As long as my Qin Sheng is happy, I'll be anything she wants me to be!"

A group of male students rushed over. "Class Monitor, aren't you and Qin Sheng going to kiss?"

"That's right! He should at least give her a kiss, right?"

"Give her a kiss! Give her a kiss!"

Very soon, the students gathered around, wanting to see Qin Sheng and Ha Siqi kiss.

Qin Sheng and Ha Siqi stood together.

Ha Siqi was afraid that Qin Sheng would be unhappy and scold her classmates.

"What's the fuss about? We're only engaged; we're not married yet!"

"Class Monitor, who doesn't know that you're going to register your marriage overseas? Don't tell me we're going to have to follow you overseas to see you kiss? We want to see it in advance!"

"That's right! Class Monitor is so stingy!"

Qin Sheng was rather generous. She acted like a macho woman and grabbed Ha Siqi's tie to pull him to her side. She generously kissed the man's cheek. However, her peripheral vision drifted to the man on the sofa.

Instantly, the entire place was filled with cheers.

For a moment, Ha Siqi felt like he had lost his way. He blinked at the girl who was grabbing his tie, and then pulled her into his embrace. He lowered his head and kissed her small face.

Waves of applause rang out. Everyone was congratulating Qin Sheng and Ha Siqi.

Ye Wei looked at the man beside her nervously. She didn't understand why Qin Sheng had changed her tune so quickly. In just one day, she had started flirting with other men. The question was, could Gong Mochen withstand such stimulation?

No one knew better than her how injured Gong Mochen was. His hands were shaking, especially when Qin Sheng and Ha Siqi kissed.

"One more kiss! This time, on the mouth!"

"Yes! Kiss with tongues!"

Everyone cheered and asked the two of them to give it a try.

Ha Siqi was hugging the woman he loved. He had long lost his composure. There was no need for them to jeer; his gaze was already fixed on the girl's lips.

The sight of her cherry-like lips made him want to taste her.

He lowered his head and was about to kiss Qin Sheng, but just as he was about to kiss her, he stopped himself, turned around, and blocked the girl.

From the back, no one suspected that the two of them weren't kissing.

Only they themselves knew that they hadn't kissed. There was still a distance between them.

"Thank you," Qin Sheng said softly.

"No need." Ha Siqi smiled bitterly. At the last moment, he'd seen the pain in the girl's eyes and the direction of her gaze. She'd been looking at Gong Mochen.

Because of this, all his passion was extinguished. Qin Sheng didn't accept him at all. He knew she only did it to provoke Gong Mochen.

And he didn't want to take advantage of her. He loved her and wanted equal love.

Ye Wei felt a layer of cold sweat on the man's palm. "CEO Gong, it was you who made them do it. If you regret it, I can go and explain it to Qin Sheng."

Her heart throbbed with extreme pain. She couldn't bear to see his injuries.

"No, I want her to be happy," Gong Mochen said.

All his pain would be gone once he died. It was only temporary. He only wanted her to be happy and safe.

Love... It was silent, but powerful.

Ye Wei bit her bottom lip. They were only together, not in love. And that made her heart ache. She couldn't help but want to use her love to comfort this man.

At that moment, the bell rang. It was the time that the two families had decided on.

Ha Siqi held Qin Sheng's hand and led her to the rostrum. Their engagement ceremony had officially begun.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the prince and princess on the stage.

He Fen and Zheng Min were so angry that their lungs were about to explode. All of this originally belonged to Qin Yunting, but now it had become Qin Sheng's!

Zheng Min suddenly saw a figure flash by in the corridor. Her eyes widened in surprise.

Was it Qin Yunting? Her daughter was here?

A person in a black suit walked towards Ha Siqi and whispered in his ear.

After some consideration, Ha Siqi looked at Gong Mochen and nodded.

The concierge carried the brocade box to the rostrum.

Qin Sheng saw the ring in the box. It was given to her by Ye Wei and Gong Mochen.

The space between her eyebrows wrinkled.

The master of ceremonies' voice called out, announcing the official start of their engagement.

"Young Master Ha and Miss Qin, please put on each other's engagement rings."

Ha Siqi picked up the ring and was about to give it to Qin Sheng when she struggled free from him and jumped off the rostrum. She walked towards Gong Mochen.