May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 165 - Chapter 165, please say, you love me

Chapter 165: Chapter 165, please say, you love me

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

A very quiet day passed. It was so quiet and nothing much had happened.

Gong Mochen returned to his villa after half a day at the company. The media reported that he was in love with his personal doctor. The workaholic, who never skipped work, had started to skip work to go home with his woman.

There were also rumors that the mysterious noble, Sikong Jue, had appeared in the hospital and guarded a girl who had undergone a bone marrow transplant. He seemed to be very close to the girl, and everyone was trying to guess her identity.

There was also news that Qin Yunting was still missing and couldn't be found. Meanwhile, the engagement party for the other daughter of the Qin family was to be held tomorrow.

These news headlines became the main topics of conversation all throughout the nation. Many people were guessing who would get married first between Gong Mochen and Qin Sheng.

In the Qin family's mansion, Qin Zixian threw her phone. Her nose was still covered with gauze, and her teeth were pressed down. Her face was still a little swollen.

Her phone fell on the ground and broke into pieces.

"What are you doing? Didn't I tell you that you won't be disfigured?" said He Fen, and then she asked the maid to clean up the pieces on the ground.

Qin Zixian glared at her mother. "Does anyone care if I'm disfigured or not? I didn't expect Ye Wei to take advantage of the loophole! She's now sleeping with Third Brother!"

This news made her so angry. If she lost to anyone, it couldn't be Ye Wei. At least, Qin Sheng had been raised by Gong Mochen for many years. It wasn't easy to win against a girl who'd had an eighteen relationship with Gong Mochen, but who the hell was Ye Wei?

Ever since she was brought back by Gong Mochen a year ago, in less than two years, Ye Wei had managed to climb into Gong Mochen's bed!

He Fen snorted coldly, "I've long warned you that this Ye Wei isn't simple, but you still didn't believe me! Now you know how powerful she is, right? Qin Sheng is still young, she knows how to whimper whenever she has nothing to do. Ye Wei is the dog that doesn't bite!"

Qin Zixian nodded. "Call the doctor over, I have to reduce the swelling today. I want to attend Qin Sheng's engagement party tomorrow!"

Her eyes were downcast with gloom. She didn't believe that she couldn't handle Ye Wei, who didn't have any power in this country!

He Fen nodded. "I'll call the doctor. Why isn't the Duke back? Doesn't he still want Qin Sheng? Why isn't he here?"

Qin Zixian snorted angrily. "Who does Qin Sheng think she is? Do we have to let so many people fight over her? Wouldn't it be better if he didn't come? No, if he didn't come, how would Qin Sheng's engagement party be lively? "

A sinister light flashed in her eyes.

He Fen's lips twitched. "Maybe we'll have a good show tomorrow!"

The mother and daughter smiled at each other, excited for the good show tomorrow.


In the Tao family's villa, Chu Xia received a call from Qin Sheng.

"Qin Sheng, are you okay? I called you just now, but you didn't pick up," she asked worriedly.

The more news that was released about Gong Mochen and Ye Wei, the more it proved that what happened between them was true.

"I'm fine. I just fell asleep. Remember to come to my engagement party tomorrow," Qin Sheng said.

"Yeah, I'll be there. Do you really plan to get engaged to Ha Siqi?" Chu Xia was surprised. She didn't think that Qin Sheng would let go of her feelings for her uncle so soon.

"Someone has already arranged everything for me. If I don't do as they say, I would seem too ungrateful. You don't have to worry about me. I'm not that fragile. I saw the news about Sikong Jue. Are you okay?"

Qin Sheng spoken in a loud voice. Her parents died when she was born. She was able to live fine until now. Her strength was definitely beyond everyone's imagination.

"Sikong Jue? If you didn't speak about him just now, I would have forgotten about him. He can stay with whoever he wants. I'm just waiting now. When your engagement party is over, we can go abroad to study together," Chu Xia said without a care in the world.

Qin Sheng forced a smile. Everyone had a soft spot that couldn't be touched, just like with Chu Xia and Sikong Jue.

If she really forgot about him, how would she know the contents of the news?

"Yes, yes, that all sounds good to me. See you tomorrow then." Qin Sheng hung up the phone.

Ha Siqi didn't dare to leave and stayed at home with Qin Sheng for the day. The originally noisy girl seemed to have changed into a different person. The quiet one didn't seem like her.

Although he liked quiet girls, the unusually quiet Qin Sheng made him prefer her when she caused trouble. At least if she caused trouble, he would know that she was normal.

A phone rang. In a hidden cave in the mountain, the phone was particularly ear-piercing.

The man in the silver mask picked up the phone.

"Why is the Duke calling me?"

"To discuss a deal with you," Li Ang said.

"I didn't think the Duke would want to make a deal with me," Ta Luosi said.

"You already helped me capture Ye Wei. Why wouldn't I make another deal?" Li Ang's voice came out of the phone.

"Yes, and I was happy to help," Ta Luosi said.

"Have you forgotten? When you captured Ye Wei, you asked your men to leave a number for me. If you don't help me, what purpose do you have?" Li Ang said indifferently.

He had always known about this number, but he hadn't needed to call it... until now...

"What do you want me to do?" Ta Luosi asked.

"Qin Yunting is in your hands, right? I need her," Li Ang said.

The corners of Ta Luosi's lips twitched under the silver mask, and he instantly guessed Li Ang's intention. "She will appear tomorrow."

"Very well! I wish us a happy cooperation!" Li Ang hung up the phone.

Ta Luosi laughed coldly. Working with the devil, naturally, he would have to pay the price, but Li Ang didn't know what the price was yet...

He ordered his men, "Go and deliver Qin Yunting's clothes. Make her ready for her appearance tomorrow."


The day of peace finally passed with all kinds of undercurrents hidden under the peace.

When the new day began, Qin Sheng sat in front of the dressing table, combing her hair and putting on makeup.

Ha Siqi couldn't take his eyes off the obedient girl. Could they live in peace in the future?

"Qin Sheng, you're so beautiful. I'll help you with your makeup in the future, okay?"

He was itching to help the girl with her eyebrows.

Qin Sheng turned to look at the man and smiled. "Ha Siqi, if I still can't love you in the end, will you hate me?"

"No! I will wait until you love me. I will wait for as long as it takes. I believe that one day, you will fall in love with me!" Ha Siqi said.

"Thank you, Ha Siqi. Really!" Qin Sheng stood up, walked to the man and gave him a big hug.

Ha Siqi felt that his brain couldn't process it. His hand patted the girl's back stiffly. Happiness seemed to come too quickly.

"Qin Sheng, there's no need to say thank you!"

'If you can, please say that you love me,' Ha Siqi thought to himself.