May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1630 - Chapter 1630 I want my child and you 330

Chapter 1630: Chapter 1630 I want my child and you 330

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Xiao Hui had been hiding upstairs. She had already prayed 10,000 times that Nangong ye would not call her. However, Nangong ye still called her. Her eyes closed in pain, as if she was about to die. She came out from behind the pillar and walked down the stairs.

Mrs. Fang looked at the little maid who came down. She almost died. How could a little maid have a higher education than her daughter? She was beautiful and graceful?

She gritted her teeth. "Mrs. Nangong agreed to let her son marry a maid? Aren't you afraid that the Nan Gong family will become a laughingstock in the rich world? "

Her hands were clenched into fists. What made her most angry was that her daughter had actually lost to a maid.

Qin Sheng raised her eyebrows. She felt that she had used up all her good temper in this life. "My son will only become the laughingstock of the rich world if he doesn't dare to marry her if he wants to, right? "

Her tone was calm, but every word was clear, making Mrs. Fang unable to refute her words.

Mrs. Fang choked and couldn't say a word. "In other words, Your Nan Gong family will definitely marry a maid? "

"As long as my son likes it, it's not a problem to marry anyone. However, my son doesn't like it. It's impossible to force him to marry anyone, " Qin Sheng said coldly.

"since your family has such an attitude, there's nothing I can do. I'll get my daughter to find another rich family to marry. At the same time, I'll get your Nan Gong family's son to be raised by someone else, someone else's surname! "

Qin Sheng's gaze suddenly narrowed. "Nan Gong family's son? What do you mean? Fang Yuan is pregnant? "

"Of course. My daughter's pregnancy was detected yesterday. Today, I brought her to the hospital for a check-up early in the morning. She's already one month pregnant. This time coincides with the day of their scandal, " Mrs. Fang said.

"IMPOSSIBLE! " Nangong Yesen said coldly. He had never touched Fang Yuan!

"Why is it impossible? My daughter is pregnant now. Don't you want to admit your debt? It's fine. I don't want you to be in charge. Anyway, there are plenty of wealthy families who want to marry my daughter. I'll just give this child to anyone, " Mrs. Fang said with a cold snort.

"which hospital did your daughter have a check-up at? " Qin Sheng asked.

"Is Mrs. Nan Gong afraid that our family will fake it? " "Our Fang family is also a well-known figure. We can't joke about our daughter's innocence, right? " "We did a check-up at Qian Zihao's hospital. Qian Zihao and your family are family friends. You can call him to verify it, " Mrs. Fang said.

"Mom, there's no need to check. Fang Yuan and I have never had sex. I deliberately created that scandal. I didn't have any relationship with her, " Nangong Ye said.

"Mrs. Nan Gong, you'd better ask Qian Zihao clearly. WE WON'T LIE! " Mrs. Fang said.

"Okay, I'll give Qian Zihao a call. " Qin Sheng took out her phone and tapped on the screen to dial Qian Zihao's number.

The call was answered very quickly, and Qian Zihao's voice came through the phone. "Auntie, how did you have the time to call me? If there's anything, just tell me, " Qian Zihao said.

"Zihao, did Fang Yuan go for a check-up somewhere? Is She pregnant? " Qin Sheng asked.

"Yes, I had a check-up this morning. She's one month pregnant, " Qian Zihao said.

"okay, I got it. " Qin Sheng hung up the phone.

"How is it? Our family didn't lie, right? " Mrs. Fang raised her Chin and said proudly.

"Even if Fang Yuan is pregnant, can it prove that the child is mine? Hehe, are you trying to use a bastard to deceive me? Do you really think that our family is so easy to deceive? " Nangong ye said. At least he knew what he had done and what he had not done.

"That's right. How do we prove that the child is my son's bloodline? " Qin Sheng questioned.

"We can test the DNA. If it's Nangong Ye's DNA, then the child is Nangong Ye's. There's no dispute about that, right? " Mrs. Fang said.

"If it's my son's DNA, I will naturally recognize the child's identity, " Qin Sheng said.

"As long as it's Mrs. Nangong's. But let's be clear. If the child is Nangong Ye's, how will you compensate our Fang Yuan? " Mrs. Fang questioned.

"If the child is really Nangong Ye's, I will let them get married and the Nangong family will officially marry Fang Yuan, " Qin Sheng said.

"It's a deal! Then I will let Fang Yuan Take care of the baby. She will be able to test the DNA in four months. When that time comes, you have to fulfill your promise! " Mrs. Fang said aggressively.

"okay, it's a deal. Xiao Hui, go see the guests off! " Qin Sheng instructed Xiao Hui to send the guests off. She really didn't want to see Mrs. Fang and Fang at all.

After getting a satisfactory answer, the Fang couple walked out of Nangong Ye's villa happily.

"Mom, you don't need to negotiate with them. That child is definitely not mine! Fang Yuan and I have never done it before. You don't doubt that I don't even know if I've done it or not, right? " Nangong ye asked his mother.

"I do believe you, but the Fang family's attitude is very firm. I don't know where their confidence comes from, and they even took the initiative to ask for a DNA test. " Qin Sheng frowned. If that child didn't belong to the Fang family.. How could the Fang family speak so confidently?

Nangong Ye's brows also sank. "maybe they are deliberately trying to deceive us. Maybe they want to ask me for another contract in the next two days. "

This was the reason he could think of, but it also seemed a little different. He knew the truth, and Fang Yuan also knew the truth. Fang Yuan should know that she had framed him for having a relationship with her. It was impossible for him to give any more contracts to the Fang family.

"It's not very likely, because they know that you won't give it to them. Let's do it this way first. Let's see what tricks they are going to play next. " Qin Sheng's mind was also in a mess. She could not think of a single clue. The only thing she could do now was to wait and see.

"okay, then let's see what tricks they're going to play. Mom, I'm going to the company. Xiao Hui, come with me. " Nangong ye beckoned Xiao Hui.

Xiao Hui lowered her head and followed Nangong ye. She followed him into the car. She really didn't want to go out with Nangong ye. This scene was too tiring. She was afraid that she would accidentally fall too deep into the act.

"What's wrong? Young Master, did I mistreat you? Or did I pay you less? I bought you such expensive clothes. Can you at least smile for me? " Nangong ye said.

"Master, can I return the clothes to you? I don't want to smile, " Xiao Hui said.

The corner of Nangong Ye's lips twitched. "It's too late. They're all worn by you. You even cut the tag. You can't return them anymore. Why don't you compensate me for the clothes? "

Xiao Hui wanted to die. "six-figure clothes. If you want me to accompany you, it's not worth six-figure even if you sell me! "

"Alright then. I'll reluctantly accept you. Consider it as compensation for my clothes, " Nangong ye said.

Xiao Hui almost vomited blood. Why did it seem like she had lost herself? "Master, stop playing around. Xiao Hui will be played to death by you sooner or later. Where are you taking me? "

"To attend the wedding, " Nangong Ye said faintly.