May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 162 - Chapter 162 went to look for Li Ang

Chapter 162: Chapter 162 went to look for Li Ang

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Li Ang smiled evilly. "I will leave, but I will take Qin Sheng with me."

Qin Ze's old eyes were sharp and they landed on Li Ang's face. "If you want to take Qin Sheng with you, you have to test if you have the ability to do so!"

After saying that, he supported himself with his walking stick and left Li Ang's room.

Li Ang's lips curled into a cold smile. Old Qin wanted him to leave... Well, he wasn't going to!


Qin Sheng had been lying on the bed for awhile. However, she couldn't fall asleep at all. All she could think about was how Gong Mochen and Ye Wei had looked in the hot spring. Her tears wouldn't stop flowing down.

A heart-wrenching pain slowly cleaved trough her chest.

She curled up like an abandoned cat. She would never believe that Gong Mochen would abandon her after raising her for eighteen years; that he raised her for reasons other than love.

She sat up. WHY did he abandon her so suddenly and give her a huge dowry?

She definitely didn't believe that Gong Mochen gave it to her out of respect for Qin Ze!

Her phone suddenly rang. She glanced at it and saw it was Chu Xia.

"Chu Xia, you're not asleep yet?" she asked.

"I went to bed early, and woke up just now. Did you see the news? I was confused. Is it true about your uncle and Ye Wei?" Chu Xia asked.

"Chu Xia, do you think Uncle would abandon me for Ye Wei?" Qin Sheng asked.

"Ah? So the news is true? Did you see it? There's even a photo!" Chu Xia was shocked. She thought it was a rumor!

Qin Sheng's lips pursed. She didn't need to look at the photo to know what it was.

"It's true. I saw it with my own eyes." Her voice couldn't help but tremble.

"Then what do you plan to do? Why don't we leave together!" Chu Xia said.

"I'm not leaving. I want to take back my uncle and find out what happened when I was young!" Qin Sheng's eyes narrowed as she spoke.

Chu XXia nodded. "That's fair enough. You can't let Ye Wei off so easily. The relationship between you and your uncle for eighteen years can't be compared to your uncle and Ye Wei's relationship!"

"Exactly. I'll go and look for my uncle tomorrow!" Qin Sheng said.

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard He Fen's voice in the corridor.

"Oh my God! What happened? Zixian, what happened to you?" He Fen shouted in shock.

Qin Sheng's little ears almost jumped off her head. "Chu Xia, go to sleep. I'll go and see what happened to my aunt!"

She hung up the phone and walked to the door. She quietly opened the door a crack and looked at the situation outside. She couldn't help but gasp.

Qin Zixian's face was covered in blood. Her hair was dirty and scruffy. Her clothes were also a mess. She looked like she'd been dragged through a bush.

"Call a doctor quickly!" she said confusedly, then she fell to the ground.

"Zixian! Someone come quickly! SOMEONE COME QUICKLY!"

As He Fen shouted, many servants ran out and carried Qin Zixian into a room.

What was going on? Qin Sheng went out curiously. Who dared to hit Qin Zixian?

The doctor was called to treat Qin Zixian's injuries. She didn't have any injuries on her body, but to her face and head. When she was driving, the brakes had failed. Her car crashed into a street lamp. The airbag hadn't opened, so she hit the windshield and her nose took the brunt of the impact. A few of her teeth had been knocked out too.

"Mom, go and call Dad over! Someone must have done something to my car. How could the breaks have failed?" Qin Zixian cried.

He Fen immediately went to look for Qin Ze. If someone dared to harm her daughter, she would take that person's life!

Qin Sheng didn't know who would do such a thing to Zixian. She yawned. In order to have the energy to get back at her uncle tomorrow, she had to go to bed!


When the sun shone into Qin Sheng's room the next day, she had already washed up and was ready to go. She had to go and look for Gong Mochen!

At that moment, in Gong Mochen's villa, Ye Wei and Nie Feng were helping Gong Mochen put on his clothes. After a night of intense blood loss, his face was as white as paper. However, what he had gone through had reduced the concentration of poison in his body. He could at least stand or sit. He could even say a few simple words.

A wave of dizziness caused his body to wobble. Nie Feng hurriedly supported him.

Ye Wei's brows were tightly knitted together as she looked at the man with a pained expression. "You've lost too much blood. Don't go to the office today."

Gong Mochen's thin lips uttered one word, "No."

How stubborn was Qin Sheng? He wondered if she had given up yet? Not only did he want her to give up, he also wanted her to hate him. That way, Ta Luosi would not succeed.

Ye Wei brought a bowl of medicine to Gong Mochen. "This is the medicine to help with blood regeneration."

She brought the bowl to the man's lips.

Gong Mochen swallowed all the medicine in one go. His entire body was weak and he felt as though he might collapse again. He could only rely on the medicine to help him.

Ye Wei looked at the man who was drinking the medicine. She stared, unable to take her eyes off Gong Mochen. Lost in the staring, she fell towards him.

"I'm sorry!" She hurriedly got up from Gong Mochen's body. She could feel the man's arm supporting her back.

A strange feeling entered her heart then. Although there had been two fake intimate moments between them, she had followed Gong Mochen's request and climbed onto his body. In fact, they didn't have to touch each other. She had deliberately kept her distance.

This time, it was the man who took the initiative to touch her. He was supporting her on her back. It felt the same as hugging her...

Her face instantly flushed.

"It's okay," Gong Mochen said.

Nie Feng squatted down and carried Gong Mochen on his back. He brought him to the company.

Ye Wei followed behind. She couldn't leave Gong Mochen in his current state. She had to stay by the man's side at all times.

Qin Sheng went to Gong Mochen's company. Qin Zixian didn't stop her this time. She entered easily. No one dared to stop her. She also found that the women who had scolded her yesterday had disappeared.

"Where are the people from yesterday? One of their names was Du Fang," she asked the security guard.

"Those people all called in sick. They said they won't be able to work for awhile," the security guard said truthfully.

Qin Sheng's lips twitched. They actually got sick together? She was a little depressed. She wanted to settle the score with those women!

She strode into the elevator. It was more important to find her uncle, anyway.

She walked into Gong Mochen's office without knocking and saw two people sitting opposite each other eating breakfast. Ye Wei was gently feeding Gong Mochen. The scene was as warm and heartwarming as it could be.

Ye Wei turned her head and saw the girl. "Qin Sheng, you're here. There's breakfast. Come and eat with us!"

As she spoke, she walked towards Qin Sheng and held her hand.

Qin Sheng raised her hand and waved Ye Wei's hand away. She glared at Ye Wei fiercely. "I don't need your fake kindness!"

Ye Wei's face turned pale. "Mochen, I want to help Qin Sheng."

Gong Mochen's thin lips opened slightly and he said, "Get out."

The corners of Qin Sheng's lips curved up. She'd never felt so relieved before. "Did you hear that? My uncle wants you to get out!"