May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 160 - Chapter 160:100 billion dowry

Chapter 160: Chapter 160:100 billion dowry

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

There were two people in the hot spring...

Qin Sheng bit her lips, but her lips were made of wood and her heart was made of stone. She didn't feel any pain. She felt so empty that it made her feel as if she had fallen into a bottomless abyss.

Her mind was completely blank. She had even forgotten how long she had been standing there. But then she snapped out of her trance and walked away from the villa...

In the hot spring, Ye Wei saw Qin Sheng leave and immediately climbed out of the water. She was glad that she was wearing a strapless undershirt and leggings. Otherwise, her whole body would have been attacked by the blood leeches.

She grabbed the blood leeches and threw them back into the hot spring. The places where the blood leeches had been latched on were covered in the blood dissolving agent released by the leeches. It was very difficult for the wounds to heal. The wounds on her legs kept bleeding. It was so gory that it looked like a horror film.

Gong Mochen looked at Ye Wei. "Thank, thank you..."

His vocal cords were struggling to make sounds. If Ye Wei hadn't jumped down to help him, Qin Sheng would have barged in and found out the truth about him.

Ye Wei looked at the man in shock and completely forgot that her leg hurt. "Oh my God! You can make sounds now!"

She didn't expect that her whimsical idea would actually work!

Gong Mochen's lips had lost all color. The poisonous blood had been sucked out by the blood leeches and the poison had lessened. He was also severely ischemic.

He closed his eyes slightly and the stiffness in his body eased. Because of the lack of blood and fatigue in his body, it was difficult for him to say a single word.

"Yes. Qin Sheng..."

Nie Feng ran in. "President, Miss Qin is walking towards the Qin family mansion. She fell down twice on the way. She is fine, but she is injured. She has been crying and looks very sad."

He hurriedly reported to his boss. He knew that Gong mochen would be worried about Qin Sheng, but his words would probably make Gong Mochen even more worried.

Gong Mochen closed his eyes in pain. How hurt was she? How much pain did she feel? But now, not only did she have to give up on him, he also wanted her to hate him. Only if she hated him, would she not fall for Ta Luosi's trick!

"Dark... guards," he ordered.

"Yes, our dark guards have been following Miss Qin. The young master of the Ha Family should be at the Qin family mansion by now," Nie Feng replied.

According to Gong Mochen's arrangements, Qin Sheng hated him and would receive comfort and love from Ha Siqi.

Nie Feng didn't know how much pain Gong Mochen was feeling. He could only watch the girl he loved fall in love with another man under his own scheme...

Gong Mochen's deep eyes were filled with darkness. All of his emotions were mixed together and entangled to the point that he could not breathe.

"Also, President, Miss Qin went to the Gong group to look for you just now. The fourth miss slapped her and hurt her wrist. There were also a few female employees who scolded Miss Qin and her mother," Nie Feng reported truthfully.

Gong Mochen's eyes instantly shot out a fierce glare. "Beat them... Punish them!"

"Yes!" Nie Feng immediately received the order and ordered his subordinates to beat those employees to avenge Qin Sheng.

The employees who'd scolded Qin Sheng were all attacked on the way home that night. They were beaten until their heads were swollen and their teeth were scattered all over the ground...


Qin Sheng didn't know how long she had walked for. When she saw the Qin family's mansion, she finally found her thoughts.

She looked up at the sky and realized that it was almost dark.

She walked in and bumped into a man's warm embrace.

"Qin Sheng, why are you back so late? My mother came to propose marriage. Our marriage has been decided." Ha Siqi smiled happily.

Qin Sheng looked up at the boy who was smiling as brightly as the sun and her tears rolled down uncontrollably.

"Don't cry! What happened to your face? Who hit you? What happened to your leg?" Ha Siqi asked.

The girl was in a sorry state. He didn't know what she had gone through to be hurt so badly.

All of Qin Sheng's broken thoughts were caught by Ha Siqi's questions. "I'm fine. What did you say just now?"

"I said we're engaged. Qin Sheng, believe me, I'll make you happy!" Ha Siqi held the girl's hand.

Qin Sheng took a few seconds to digest Ha Siqi's words. Although she heard Qin Zixian say it, she didn't believe it at all. Even if Ha Siqi told her personally now, she still couldn't accept it.

She pushed Ha Siqi away and ran towards the living room. The mountain of things on the coffee table shone brightly in her eyes.

"Qin Sheng, look. These are the betrothal gifts my family gave you. There are twenty eight pieces of gold, ten gemstone necklaces, and diamond rings. These are all for you to keep. Our wedding ring will be bought according to your wishes. My mother said that you can choose whatever you like!" Ha Siqi guided the girl over to the betrothal gifts.

Qin Sheng's gaze swept over the dazzling jewelry. There were several more boxes of jewelry on the coffee table. There were emeralds necklaces and various colored gemstones. There was so much there that she wouldn't be able to carry it all by herself.

Qin Ze walked over. "These are the dowries that grandfather prepared for you. The jewelry is your grandmother's."

He paused for a moment. The jewelry wasn't He Fen's, but his first wife's; Qin Sheng's biological grandmother.

Qin Sheng looked at the stack of documents at the side and reached out to pick them up. She wanted to read the words on them, but her tearful eyes made it hard to see, making it impossible for her to read them clearly.

"These are the dowries that your uncle gave you. There are five office buildings, including the Gong Group building where his current company is located. There are also a few plots of land, half of the shops on the business street, as well as shares of the Gong Group and overseas companies," Qin Ze explained.

Zheng Min and He Fen, who were standing at the door, were so angry that they looked ready to explode. If these things were added to Qin Sheng's dowries, it would amount to hundreds of billions. Qin Sheng would never be able to spend that even if she lived a few lifetimes.

It turned out that she was holding a land deed in her hand.

Qin Sheng finally knew what she was holding in her hand. Had Uncle given her all this to buy off their eighteen year relationship?

It had to be said that Gong Mochen was really generous. Not only had he raised her for eighteen years, but he had also spent so much money to give her everything they had!

The land deed in her hand fell to the ground.

The tears that had built up in her eyes finally rolled down uncontrollably. They trailed down her cheeks and wet her clothes.

The pain was gut wrenching. And gradually she became numb, until she couldn't feel the pain anymore, as if all her nerves had been severed.

She was so numb that she felt like she was just a shell without a soul. She even forgot to breathe for a moment.

Ha Siqi picked up the document that Qin Sheng had dropped. "Qin Sheng, believe me, we will be very happy! Even if you don't have your uncle, you still have me!"

As if she had been deprived of oxygen for too long, Qin Sheng's body subconsciously took a deep breath. The hard breathing helped her regain some of her composure.

"I didn't agree to the engagement! I won't marry you!"