May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1598 - Chapter 1598: I Want my child and you 298

Chapter 1598: Chapter 1598: I Want my child and you 298

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Don't be anxious. That's what we're talking about, " Nangong ye continued "since we've grown up together, I moved the morning fashion show of the other companies forward by an hour. The afternoon fashion show was moved backward by an hour. This way, we'll have two hours of free time from noon to the afternoon for the jewelry show. Yan Wei is very grateful to me and even offered to treat me to a full moon wine.

I asked casually. She's a few months old now. She'll probably give birth in a few months. She said that her child is already six months old. She'll give birth in three months.

Do you know what six months means?"Nangong ye asked Du Rui. Even if it was him, he could tell that Yan Wei had not left Du Rui six months ago.

After Yan Wei disappeared, Du Rui asked him to help find Yan Wei. That time was definitely less than half a year!

Du Rui's hand suddenly crushed the Glass Cup in his hand. The glass shards pierced into his palm.

"Young Master Du, YOU'RE INJURED! " The waiter saw that Du Rui's hand was bleeding and quickly shouted.

Du Rui's mind was gradually pulled back by the pain in his palm. He never thought that Yan Wei's child would be his!

At that time, Yan Wei personally told him that her child was Mu Zeyu's!

He Sat on the Sofa in a daze, unable to say a word. His mind kept replaying the last time he met Yan Wei.

Yan Wei told him word by word that the child was Mu Zeyu's, and he decisively asked her to get rid of the child!

He clearly saw the dejected look in Yan Wei's eyes. He could imagine how disappointed Yan Wei was at that time, because that child was not mu Yuze's, but his child!

His mind was as if it had been struck by lightning. It was a complete blank, and he could not grasp the right nerve.

Nangong ye looked at the dazed man and continued to drink his red wine. "Don't be in a daze! Is this news enough? You don't regret helping me, do you?

"How nice of you. You don't have to raise a woman to have a woman to give birth to your child. In another three months, you'll have a son. Will this news change your life "friendship sends you another piece of news. Yan Wei's jewelry show will start in five hours. You can still make it if you rush over now. "

Du Rui watched as the waiter walked over with the first aid kit. He wanted to bandage his wound, so he took the bandage from the waiter and wrapped it around his own hand.

"Are you sure you didn't hear wrong? " He asked worriedly. He was afraid that he would be hit by something and that the child was not his.

"I'm not old enough to hear things, am I? Besides, she's the biological mother of the child, so she won't be able to remember the time. I've already told you the news. You can think about what you want to do. I'll help you drink the red wine. You're injured, so it's not suitable for you to drink, " Nangong ye said Carrying the red wine bottle, he walked to the door of the bar. He was certain that Du Rui was not in the mood to drink. Such good wine could not be wasted.

Du Rui bandaged his wound and sat for a long time before he came back to his senses. He wanted to find Yan Wei. He wanted to ask about the child. If the child was really his, he still had a chance to start over with Yan Wei!

He ran out of the Bar, drove back to his home, and took his helicopter to find Yan Wei.

A few hours later, Du Rui's plane flew to France.

Yan Wei brought her hired jewelry model and stood behind the runway. The show was about to begin. She saw her father and Mu Zeyu sitting under the runway, seemingly talking about something.

She asked Mu Zeyu to keep it a secret from her father, so she hadn't told her father who was coming to watch the jewelry show.

Mu Zeyu and her father had just flown in. Apparently, her father was curious about whose show it was, and he kept looking around at the people who were participating in the show.

The corners of her lips curled up. These were all jewelry designs that she had completed independently. She wouldn't expose their family's name now. She would wait until the show was over before revealing their store's name.

As the music started, the show began. Her models were all wearing black gowns and various jewelry as they walked on the catwalk.

In an instant, she heard warm applause. From the reactions of the media, reporters, and the audience, her show was a success!

She smiled happily. This was the first success in her life!

Just as she was happily looking at the catwalk, her assistant called out to her.

"Miss Mu, someone has sent you flowers! " The assistant said.

Yan Wei's first reaction was that Mu Zeyu had sent her flowers. "Okay, thank you! "

She quickly walked towards the backstage entrance. This was a place where models wore jewelry and changed their clothes. Outsiders were not allowed to enter.

She could only walk out of the room to get the flowers.

The huge bouquet was bigger than a person. The bouquet blocked the face of the person who sent the flowers and his upper body.

"I am Mu Wei. Thank you for sending me flowers. Where do you need me to sign for them? " Yan Wei asked.

The bouquet was sent to Yan Wei's hands, revealing the face of the person who sent the flowers.

Yan Wei's expression stiffened. She did not expect that the person who sent the flowers was du Rui.

Her hand did not receive the bouquet, allowing du Rui's arm to hang in the air.

"I refuse to accept these flowers. I'm sorry, please take them back. " After saying that, she turned around and walked back.

"Yan Wei! " Du Rui took a step and blocked Yan Wei's path. "these are the flowers that I'm celebrating your jewelry show. Even if we are not lovers, we should not be enemies, right? You don't even accept the flowers that I sent you? "

Yan Wei's lips pursed into a straight line. "We are not enemies. We are just strangers that we are most familiar with, so I don't want to accept flowers from a stranger. "

"Yan Wei, you still hate me? " Du Rui's heart turned cold. It could be seen how much Yan Wei hated him!

"whether I hate you or not has nothing to do with you. I'm married, and my child will be born soon. I have nothing to do with you! Please go away! Don't appear in my world again! " Yan Wei said.

Du Rui's brows sank. "Child, when will the child be born? I want to see him. Is it a boy or a girl? "

Yan Wei's face turned cold. "What does a boy or a girl have to do with you? You don't need to congratulate me on the birth of my child! "

She turned around and left, not wanting to say another word to Du Rui.

"Yan Wei! Don't go. You've only been married to Mu Zeyu for three months. Is your child three months old? Even if I don't know how old the child should be in a few months, your stomach is definitely not three months old! " Du Rui said.

"Mu Zeyu and I got pregnant before marriage. You know about this. I had a relationship with Mu Zeyu when I met him. We fell for it once. My child is Mu Yuze's. What's the problem? " Yan Wei said aggressively.

Her Heart tightened when Du Rui said that. She did not understand why du Rui would question the month of the child. She was afraid that Du Rui would suspect that the child was his!

Du Rui's heart tightened. It was obvious that Yan Wei did not want to admit that the child was his!