May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 157 - How much will she hate you for Chapter 157?

Chapter 157: How much will she hate you for Chapter 157?

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Qin Sheng, why aren't you going to sleep?" A devilish man's voice rushed over from behind Qin Sheng and Ha Siqi.

Ha Siqi stood up. "You don't need to worry about Qin Sheng and me. We are about to get engaged."

"Oh dear. You're still on that horse! I'm on a horse too, but mine is faster than yours!" Li Ang teased.

Ha Siqi's heart skipped a beat. If he were to bicker with Li Ang, he knew that no one would be able to defeat the Duke.

"Qin Sheng, let's ignore him! I'll bring you home. You don't live here anymore."

Li Ang crossed his arms over his chest. His long and narrow eyes were fixed on Qin Sheng's small face. "I'm interested in telling you what you want to know. You can choose to listen or not."

Qin Sheng pursed her lips. She understood Li Ang's meaning.

She stood up and said to Ha Siqi, "I'm going back to the Qin family mansion. You can go home."

Ha Siqi grabbed Qin Sheng's hand. "Why are you listening to his nonsense? He's lying to you. Come with me. My Ha family can protect you."

Qin Sheng lowered her eyes. "No matter what happens in the future, we're not engaged yet. I don't want to stay at your house."

She was sad because she saw Gong Mochen and Ye Wei, but she wouldn't get engaged to Ha Siqi because of that.

Ha Siqi frowned. "Qin Sheng, I won't force you if you don't want to get engaged. We have plenty of time anyway, but you don't have to stay here, okay?"

Qin Sheng pursed her lips again. "We're not engaged, so it's not convenient for me to stay at your place. Thank you for coming to see me, but I'm going home now."

She withdrew her hand and turned to walk into the Qin family's mansion.

Li Ang looked at Ha Siqi with a smile. "There's no first come, first served way of chasing a girl. You'd better save your energy! Without Gong Mochen, what right do you have to chase Qin Sheng?"

He smiled and followed Qin Sheng. He was worried about Gong Mochen, but not Ha Siqi. His eyes flashed with confidence. Qin Sheng was destined to belong to him!

The two of them walked to the corridor on the second floor. Qin Sheng pulled Li Ang into her room.

"Baby, don't be anxious. Why are you so proactive?" Li Ang teased the little woman.

"Get lost. Didn't you say you can tell me what I want to know? Let me ask you, my uncle went abroad a year ago, but where did he go? Why did he bring Ye Wei back?" Qin Sheng asked.

Li Ang frowned. "Miss, can you ask something else? For example, how much I love you? I will answer that. The moon represents my heart. How romantic is that?"

Qin Sheng's lips twitched. "Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year."

A string of birds flew around Li Ang's forehead...

"Buddha said that it takes an instant to reach out and many years to hold hands. No matter who you meet, he is the person in your life who should appear. It is not a coincidence. If there is no debt, how could you meet him?"

Li Ang's voice was calm and soft, causing Qin Sheng to be in a daze.

Such depth of thought was not his usual style.

"No matter why you appeared, I just want to be with my uncle. What do you know that you can tell me?"

"I know that it was a mistake for you to fall in love with him, and all he can do for you is hurt! Believe me, whether he comes to the Qin family or to you, he is definitely not as simple as you see!" Li Ang said.

The corners of Qin Sheng's lips twitched. "Come to the Qin family? He was a stray child that Grandpa picked up at the door of his home."

"How much do you know about Qin Ze? Qin Ze is an insufferably arrogant figure, but don't you think that he is too respectful to your uncle?"

"Gong Mochen was raised by Qin Ze. Therefore, Gong Mochen should be submissive and obedient towards him, right?

"What kind of leverage does he have on your grandfather to make him be so apprehensive towards him?" Li Ang said coldly.

Qin Sheng's eyes darkened. Li Ang was right. Qin Ze was indeed not an ordinary person. He was someone who could make the country tremble. She remembered that when she was young, Qin Ze's attitude towards Gong Mochen was different to how it was with his other children.

It seemed that in one night, Gong Mochen went out to open his own company. Qin Ze retired and left the company to Gong Mochen and Qin Zirui. However, Qin Zirui managed the overseas company, while Gong Mochen managed the company at home.

"Then do you know the reason?" She looked up at Li Ang.

"Not much, just a little. But it's enough to know that Gong Mochen is not simple. Qin Sheng, come home with me and I'll protect you for the rest of your life.

"And I'll tell you about the things that happened when you were young. I'll tell you everything when you go back with me," Li Ang said.

Qin Sheng knew that her memories were fragmented. She couldn't make her brain remember. Why did everything suddenly change? Gong Mochen must've doted on her for all these years for a reason.

"Let me ask you, does my uncle really like Ye Wei?"

"Girl, you've asked the wrong person. Gong Mochen should answer you! But you saw that he has been sleeping in Ye Wei's clinic. What do you think?" Li Ang asked back.

Qin Sheng's eyebrows pressed down. Her uncle had betrayed her and made two men say that they wanted to marry her. It seemed that this night was too much to handle

"What's so good about me? I'm wilful and disobedient. Why do you want to marry me?"

Li Ang looked at the woman in front of him indifferently. "Indeed, I can't find any good in you. However, you might not have any good points, but I do. We can complement each other."

Qin Sheng almost choked on his words. How could he be so shameless to praise himself?

"Get lost! If you don't want to tell me, then go away!" She raised her hand to push the man. He didn't intend to tell her about the things that happened when she was young. If he didn't tell her about Gong Mochen, why should she let him stay?

"Don't push me away! Didn't I tell you? Our meeting was not a coincidence, it was inevitable. You are destined to be mine!"

With a 'bang', Li Ang was shut out of the room by Qin Sheng.

The corner of Li Ang's lips twitched. "Stupid girl, wait until I bring you home! Watch how I torture you!"


In Ye Wei's private clinic, the darkness of the night shrouded everything. The country was in a deep sleep, and the darkness covered all sins.

A dark figure walked into Gong Mochen's ward like a ghost.

The person on the bed and the person standing beside the bed looked at each other. In their eyes, there wasn't an emotion that anyone could understand.

"Do you hate me?" Ta Luosi asked softly.

Of course, he knew that Gong Mochen couldn't answer him. He continued, "You hate me, right? Just like how I hate you. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be living like this.

"I'll give you one more chance. Follow the plan. If all the damnable people die, I'll give you the antidote. Otherwise, I won't do anything. You'll be on your way soon.

"You know very well that the Yun family found Li Ang and want to use his power to take Qin Sheng away. Even if she doesn't die, she'll still be taken away.

"Once she goes back and knows all about her past, how much do you think she'll hate you? Why don't we follow my plan? What do you think?"