May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1548 - Chapter 1548: I Want my child and you 248

Chapter 1548: Chapter 1548: I Want my child and you 248

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Wen Xin stared into Su Bei's eyes and felt suffocated. Su Bei did not want this child.

She did not blame Su Bei for his reaction. No Man could really accept the child that his woman gave birth to with another man. It was already his mercy that Su Bei did not ask her to abort the child from the start.

"I know I was too selfish. Please forgive me for being selfish. You should find a better woman. Su Bei, I'M NOT WORTHY OF YOU! " She stammered.

She could not be so selfish and ask Su Bei to take this risk with her. Whether she was alive or dead, whether she could have children in the future, it had nothing to do with Su Bei. She could not be harsh on Su Bei, so she could only let him find a better woman!

Su Bei's eyes turned cold. "What do you mean? You want me to find another woman? You want to break up with me because I told you to abort the Child? "

His heart ached. He had never thought that in Wen Xin's eyes, he was so light that she could abandon him at will!

Wen Xin could see the hurt in Su Bei's eyes "No, that's not what I meant. I know you're thinking of my safety, but I just feel that I'm not worthy of you "Su Bei, I'm just saying what I think. I'm not good enough, not perfect enough, and I don't love you enough "You're such a good man, you should find a woman who loves you wholeheartedly! "

Su Bei's hand touched Wen Xin's face "silly, if you think that way, I love you, so I should give it up for you, do you understand "I won't allow you to say such things anymore. The woman I love is you. I've fallen in love with you since we went to school. God knows how surprised I was when I saw you at the company!

At that time, I thought, if you're still single, then I must pursue you Later, I saw the words "unmarried" on your resume. You know how happy I am, but I'm also worried that Ouyang Mo is your boyfriend because my family background is not as good as Ouyang Mo's. Although I heard at that time that Ouyang Mo ended his family's company and went overseas, I'm afraid that he went overseas to develop.

I only knew that you and Ouyang Mo had broken up after chatting with you. When I heard this sentence, I wanted to fly into the sky. "I felt that it was just the greatest luck that the heavens had given me.

"If a person can have 99 times of luck in his life, then I'm willing to use 98 times to exchange for the chance to meet you. The remaining luck will allow me to be the person who will accompany you for the rest of your life. "

Su Bei said affectionately. When the initial ignorant love turned into reality, he felt that he was the happiest person in the world.

Wen Xin's tears were contained in her eyes, and she felt an indescribable bitterness. She knew that she should love this man. Su Bei really loved her very much. However, when she looked at Su Bei, she was more grateful, but she could not find love.

She hated him so much that she wanted to slap herself. She did not understand how cheap she was. After being treated like this by Nangong ye, she still could not turn back and fall in love with Su Bei.

Her voice was choked with sobs. At this moment, she thought that she should make the next decision. She could not let down the man in front of her who loved her deeply for the sake of a scumbag man.

"You, you should call the doctor. I have agreed to the surgery, " she said softly.

Every word was heart-wrenching pain.

When she thought about how her child was going to leave her, she felt that her life was going to be lost!

The moment she said that, she regretted it. "I... "

She was about to take back her words when she heard the doctor's Sigh.

"That was close! You actually managed to save it! The bleeding has stopped and your child is temporarily saved. What did you say to me just now? " The doctor asked.

"I, I didn't say anything. Thank you for helping me save the baby. " Wen Xin quickly thanked him.

She gasped for breath. Fortunately, the baby was very strong and survived.

Su Bei's eyes darkened. When Wen Xin said that she had agreed to have an abortion, he was still happy that Wen Xin had finally accepted him. However, at that moment, the situation reversed. This child was just like teasing him, and he stayed on.

At this moment, he could not say anything to let Wen Xin have an abortion. Otherwise, Wen Xin would ask him to find another woman.

"Is the baby out of danger? " He asked in a deep voice.

"No, what I said just now is that the baby is temporarily saved. It's only temporary. These few days are critical. If it's fine for a week, then it's saved. I'll get the nurse to send you back to the ward, " the doctor said.

"Okay. Thank you, doctor, " Su Bei said.

The nurse pushed Wen Xin's stretcher and took the elevator in the emergency room, going straight to the ward upstairs.

Su Bei did not follow Wen Xin's stretcher into the elevator. He still had a pile of bills to pay and a pile of documents to sign. These were the rules of the hospital.

The doctor wrote out the bill and handed it to Su Bei. "You pay for the hospitalization procedures. "

Su Bei stood beside the doctor and did not move. "Doctor, how many months did my fianc��e say the child was? "

"She said more than two months, " the doctor replied.

"Can you change the date to more than a month? " Su Bei said.

"Why? " The doctor was surprised.

"because I'm afraid that my family will suspect the identity of the child. You also know that if the child's identity is questioned, the mother-in-law will not treat the daughter-in-law well. The child is mine. I don't want my woman to be wronged. " Su Bei gave a reason to explain.

"As long as the child is yours, won't you be able to have a blood test when it's born? " The doctor said.

"It's possible to have a blood test when it's born, but my wife was questioned by my family when she was pregnant. She will be wronged for a few months! Please help. No matter who asks, they will say that it's a child of more than a month. " Su Bei said.

"Alright, I see that you are so considerate of your lover, so I will agree to your request. This girl is quite lucky to find a man like you who has always been considerate of her. " The doctor sighed He tapped on the computer and changed the medical records.

"thank you, Doctor. Then I will go pay the fee. You must remember that no matter who asks, the Child will only be a month and a half, " Su Bei reminded him worriedly.

"GOT IT! Seeing that you two are so loving, of course I will help you! " The doctor waved at Su Bei and asked him to pay the fee.

Su Bei walked out of the emergency room and went to the toll booth to pay the fees.

As Su Bei's figure disappeared into the corridor, Nangong ye walked out from the end of the corridor and walked towards the emergency room step by step.

The door of the emergency room opened and the doctor walked out. He saw Nangong ye standing at the door.

"Sir, are you looking for someone? " He did not know Nangong ye, but he knew the man's clothes. He was wearing a big brand, so he naturally had to speak more politely.

"where is the girl who was saved here just now? What illness did she have? " Nangong ye asked.

"She fell and caused a threatened abortion. The child has been saved. This child is really lucky! " The doctor said.