May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1535 - Chapter 1535: I Want my child and you 235

Chapter 1535: Chapter 1535: I Want my child and you 235

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Willam! " Lian Lian called out Willam's name in an infatuated manner. The man she loved had almost bitten her to death!

"Don't call him anymore. Right now, he doesn't even have his own consciousness. You're pregnant, so you can't go near him. If not, IT'LL BE TOO DANGEROUS! " Ye Xinghun said.

Willam's eyes were filled with blood-red threads as he roared at Lian Lian like a wild beast that had gone mad.

Lian Lian's tears rolled down her face. Seeing how Willam was being controlled, her heart was broken. "astral soul, you have to help me find a way to detoxify the poison! "

"I know, I will help you. However, his situation is too complicated. I have already discussed it with a few elders. However, we still need time to study how to detoxify the poison "Don't be anxious. You are two people now. You can't only think about Willam. You have to think about your child as well. If you are injured, the first person to be in danger would be your child "You can't joke about the child's life and death right? " Ye Xinghun replied.

"I know about my own situation. But what about Willam? I want to take care of him! " Lian Lian replied. Willam had not eaten since the start. She was worried about his health.

"He's just like a wild beast now, and he doesn't have a mind of his own. Whether you take care of him or not, he won't be able to feel it. " Ye Xinghun replied.

Lian Lian's eyes narrowed in pain, as tears rolled down her cheeks. She had never been a crybaby, but ever since she fell in love with Willam, it was as though she was married to tears.

"Can I get my bodyguards to take care of him? I don't feel at ease with him being here alone. " She couldn't risk their child, but she couldn't let go of Willam either.

"Alright, you can let whoever you want. But you can't. Go back and take good care of your body. If anything happens to you, when Willam recovers in the future, he will know that something has happened to your child. He will feel even worse than he is now. "I believe that he definitely doesn't wish to hurt your child. " Ye Xinghun said.

Lian Lian stretched out her hand to wipe away her tears. "Then I'll go back first. You stay here and help me take care of him. I'll get my bodyguard to come over. "

Ye Xinghun's words had touched her soft spot. The child was the lifeline of both of them. She believed that Willam wouldn't wish for the child to be in any danger.

She could only walk out of the room and call for her own bodyguards.

Ye Xinghun watched as Lian Lian walked out of the room. He turned his gaze towards the tied-up Willam. A cold smile could be seen in his eyes. "What's wrong? You see me hugging your woman, and you feel so unhappy that you want to bite me to death?

Or do you want to tell Lian Lian about what happened between us Willam, give up on that thought. I can tell you now. You can forget about telling Lian Lian the truth for the rest of your life.

Do you feel that you can't control your voice now? You can only roar but you can't say a single word I've added something to your wooden chrysanthemum, causing you to lose the ability to speak.

However, who knew that you couldn't speak Your original mental state wasn't normal either. Lian Lian would only think that you've been poisoned even more."Night Star soul sneered as he spoke.

Willam used all his strength to break free from his arm, wanting to break free from the chains. However, he was unable to break free at all.

He wanted to shout, but all he could do was shout. He wanted to remind Lian Lian Lian to be careful of Ye Xinghun. Ye Xinghun wasn't a good person!

He wanted to tell Lian Lian the truth, but he couldn't say a single word.

Ye Xinghun looked at the man who was struggling on the bed and coldly said, "don't waste your time. Even puppets can't break free from these chains, let alone someone like you who hasn't become a puppet yet!

"Don't worry, I will treat your son and GAIA's son well. In the future, your sons will be my sons, and your country will be my country. Once you and GAIA are dead, I will help you to govern your country properly. "

William roared in anger. His eyes were bloodshot. He hated Ye Xinghun. He and GAIA had fought against each other, yet ye Xinghun had benefited from it. As for Lian Lian, she still did not know the truth!

Ye Xinghun laughed softly, "don't be anxious. When our game is just getting interesting, I will not let you die so quickly. If that's the case, Lian Lian will suspect me. I will slowly turn you into my puppet! "

After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the wooden house. He would do everything he had promised Ye Wei. From now on, he would be the king of these two countries!

Lian Lian asked her bodyguard to look after Willam. However, she did not know that she and Willam were getting more and more dangerous.


When the sun in the sky shone on the earth again, there was a knock on the door of Chang Yue's villa.

Chang Yue walked to the hall and turned on the walkie-talkie. She saw a woman in a wheelchair and a handsome young man.

"Who are you? Did you come to the wrong door? " Her first reaction was that they had come to the wrong door. Their family did not have many friends who came to visit.

"THAT'S RIGHT! That's right! Is this Wen Xin's house? in-laws, my son, Su Bei, and I are here to see you! " Fang Li quickly said.

Chang Yue was not used to it. It was her first time being called in-laws, but she had heard of Su Bei's name before. Her fingers pressed the button to open the door, allowing Su Bei and Fang Li to enter.

Su Bei pushed Fang Li's wheelchair and carried a pile of gifts into Chang Yue's house.

"Auntie, I'm sorry to disturb you so early. My mother is in a hurry to visit you, " Su Bei said.

"please take a seat! I'll go wake Wen Xin up. She slept late last night and hasn't woken up yet, " Chang Yue said.

"There's no need to wake her up! We'll talk about us. Let her rest well. She loves to sleep now. If it's not important, don't disturb her, " Fang Li said.

Chang Yue's face was filled with awkwardness. Her own daughter being told that she was pregnant out of wedlock would be embarrassing no matter what.

"then you can take a seat. Didn't you just undergo surgery for two days? Why did you run out of the hospital? " She sat opposite Fang Li and Su Bei and asked.

"I want to thank you in advance for the tonic soup that you made for me. We haven't even met yet, and you're already so good to me. I'm really touched! " Fang Li said.

"It's nothing. I was also seriously ill back then, so I know what patients need to pay attention to, " Chang Yue said.

"Yeah, we patients understand each other the most! But my illness isn't as important as Wen Xin's. Wen Xin is pregnant, and these two children don't know yet! I even guessed it!

"in-laws, I'm here to discuss the marriage of the two children with you I feel that our family really wants to marry Wen Xin, so we have to show our sincerity. I'll ask Su Bei to bring me to your home,"Fang Li said.

Chang Yue's expression froze, and she looked at Fang Li in surprise. It seemed that Fang Li thought that Wen Xin's child was Su Bei's!

"Oh, oh, this and that, I only just found out. SIT DOWN! I'll go make tea for you. Marriage is not a small matter. Let's chat while drinking tea, " she said and walked out of the living room. She did not go to the kitchen to make tea, but went to the bedroom on the second floor.

Wen Xin was still sleeping when her mother woke her up. "Mom, what are you doing? I'm still sleepy! "