May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 152 - Chapter 152: Uncle comes to save you

Chapter 152: Chapter 152: Uncle comes to save you

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Smart, I deleted your information so that you wouldn't know that you could match Shen Tong's bone marrow." Li Ang waved his hand and asked the doctor to speed up the work, "Hurry up!"

He turned around and walked out of the basement. His people should've brought the antidote back.

However, what he received was not a box of medicine, but a pot of flowers.

"What the hell is this? Flowers?" Li Ang asked.

"Mr. Sikong asked us to give this pot of flowers to you," George said.

Li Ang's eyebrows sank. "Dig out the flowers and see what's inside."

George obediently dug out the flowers. In the soil, there was a wooden box with a glass bottle containing a small bottle of white powder.

"Duke, I found it!" He took out the thing and handed it to Li Ang.

Li Ang held the medicine bottle and snorted. "He made it a long time ago, but he wouldn't give it to me! Sikong Jue's scheming is far more complicated than his life."

He put the medicine bottle into the safe and blinked his bewitching eyes. With this, Qin Sheng was his!


Deep in the mountains, Chu Xia was staggering. She couldn't tell north from south, east from west, but Qin Sheng was still hanging. She was so anxious that she cried.

A voice came from the forest, "Who's there?"

She heard someone talking, and quickly shouted, "It's me, I'm Chu Xia!"

"Chu Xia! You're here. Where's Qin Sheng?" Nie Feng rushed out from the trees.

"She's hanging on the cliff! Where's CEO Gong? Hurry up and save her!" Chu Xia shouted.

It was a blessing from heaven that she had bumped into Gong Mochen's people.

"President Gong is here!" Nie Feng said.

Gong Mochen was behind them, but his movements were stiff and he walked very slowly.

Nie Feng ran over with Chu Xia. "President, Miss Qin has been found. Qin Sheng is on the cliff. I'll bring people to save her! Chu Xia, do you still know the way to the cliff?"

"I do. I saw where they hung Qin Sheng! I'll take you there!" Chu Xia said.

Gong Mochen raised his hand and signaled Nie Feng to hurry. When the team was some distance away, he asked his bodyguard to carry him to the road at the foot of the mountain.

He couldn't go on. If he went, he would let that person know that he had been poisoned. Only from a distance could he fool that person.

He issued a series of orders, asking everyone to come to rescue Qin Sheng.

Chu Xia, who followed Nie Feng to the cliff, was surprised that Gong Mochen didn't come to save Qin Sheng personally.

At that moment, Gong Mochen's phone rang. It was Li Ang's number.

"Gong Mochen, Ye Wei is here with me. I want Shen Tong and you want Ye Wei. How about we trade? It's very fair, right?"

"It is indeed fair. My men will exchange for Ye Wei," Gong Mochen said.

For a moment, Li Ang couldn't believe his ears. Gong Mochen actually agreed so easily!

It seemed that Ye Wei still held some weight in Gong Mochen's heart!

"Okay, it's a deal. Get your men to send Shen Tong over!" Li Ang said.

"Wait here. My men will send Shen Tong to your building immediately," Gong Mochen said and hung up the phone.

Li Ang's building was heavily guarded. If he wanted to attack and save Ye Wei, he would have an 80% chance of winning. However, in his current situation, he couldn't even walk. He couldn't save Ye Wei and couldn't find the bone marrow that would save Shen Tong. If he left Shen Tong behind, Sikong Jue wouldn't give him the antidote.

However, Ye Wei's return could still help him to suppress the poison.

He immediately ordered his men to send Shen Tong to be exchanged for Ye Wei.

Li Ang hung up the phone. A cold smile appeared on his lips. Gong Mochen's men were indeed capable. They found his building so quickly...

"George, see if the doctors have finished extracting Ye Wei's bone marrow. Tie her up and prepare to send her out to exchange for Shen Tong," he ordered.


The sky was already glowing white. Qin Sheng heard gunshots. She looked up at the cliff but couldn't see what was happening above.

"UNCLE!" she called out. Her voice was soon drowned out by the gunshots.

Nie Feng, who was on the cliff, led his men to attack the people who were watching Qin Sheng. He had to get close to Qin Sheng before he could pull the rope up and save her.

However, the people on the other side were too strong, so he couldn't get close to Qin Sheng for awhile.

"Master, just kill that girl!" a bodyguard said.

The man in the silver mask snorted, "Keep her alive. The game will be more fun! Keep an eye on her. We'll take care of Gong Mochen's people one by one!"

It was obvious that Nie Feng's men couldn't gain any advantage in this battle. The men in the silver mask hid behind the trees and attacked his men.

The man in the silver mask stood on the edge of the cliff and looked at the girl below. "Qin Sheng, your uncle didn't come, it's Nie Feng! But I heard Gong Mochen's men are going to save Ye Wei now. If he's not here, where is he?"

Qin Sheng's heart skipped a beat. "You're talking nonsense! I don't believe you!"

"Well, tell me, why didn't your uncle come to save you?" the man in the silver mask asked Qin Sheng cunningly.

Qin Sheng bit her bottom lip. "Uncle won't ignore me!"

She would never believe this man's words.

"You're so confident. Let's play a game. I'll point a gun at your head. Do you think he'll appear?" said the silver-masked man, and he lowered his hand and pointed the gun at Qin Sheng's head.

Qin Sheng's heart trembled. Would Uncle appear to save her?

Suddenly, a figure appeared on the road and her tears flowed uncontrollably.

"UNCLE!" she shouted loudly.

"Qin Sheng, don't be afraid, Uncle is here to save you!" Gong Mochen said as he gave his men a look.

He held a sniper rifle in his hand and aimed it at the silver-masked man's heart.

The sky was slightly bright. The empty mountain and the quiet road allowed the voice to reach Qin Sheng's ears clearly.

She nodded at the man. She knew that her man would save her!

The silver-masked man's gaze focused on Gong Mochen's hand. According to his calculations, Gong Mochen should have been taken down by the poison a long time ago. How could he still hold a sniper rifle?

Once this poison kicked in, the human body would become stiff. Finally, all the organs would also become stiff, just like a corpse.

The corner of his lips under the mask curled up coldly. "Gong Mochen, let's see who can shoot accurately. Are you going to kill me, or am I going to kill Qin Sheng?"

Only Gong Mochen and the silver-masked man knew how torturous this was for them...

"Okay. Count down from three," Gong Mochen said.

The silver-masked man's lips twitched. Gong Mochen really dared to take this attack!

He turned around and looked at the situation behind him. Nie Feng's men were blocked by his men. It was impossible for them to fight back. In other words, he would definitely win this round!

The distance between Qin Sheng and him was much closer than the distance between him and Gong Mochen. If Gong Mochen was even the slightest bit off, Qin Sheng would die!

Moreover, could Gong Mochen really kill him?

"Begin! One, two..."