May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 151 - Chapter 151 of the game had just begun

Chapter 151: Chapter 151 of the game had just begun

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Of course my uncle will choose me! The person he loves is me! Everyone has seen how much he loves me!" Qin Sheng said confidently. The banquet had let her know how much the man loved her. He had even bought her Sweetheart's Love.

"Ha, ha! What an innocent girl. He spent four billion to buy you a necklace just to make you smile. Do you think he loves you? Why does he not want you if he loves you? Haven't you ever thought about what his intentions are towards you?" the silver-masked man said.

"What can my uncle want from me? Nonsense!" Qin Sheng roared angrily.

"Then let's see who he will save! Someone, hang Qin Sheng on the cliff!" the man in the silver mask ordered.

A few bodyguards walked into the cave and grabbed Qin Sheng, dragging her out.

Chu Xia pounced. "Let go of Qin Sheng!"

The man in the silver mask grabbed Chu Xia and pushed her to the ground. "Behave yourself, or I'll hang you too!"

"Even if you hang me up, I'll still fight you!" Chu Xia picked up the stone on the ground and threw it at the man.

The man kicked Chu Xia's hand with his long legs. Chu Xia's hand loosened from the pain and the stone was kicked away.

"I'll give you a chance. I'll let you go. How long Qin Sheng will hang depends on how long it takes you to find Gong Mochen..."

Chu Xia's heart skipped a beat. Did he just agree to let her send a message?

"You can't go back on your word!" she said worriedly.

"Of course not. Such a fun game has just begun. Go quickly, or Qin Sheng won't be able to hold on," the man said coldly.

Chu Xia hurriedly ran out of the cave. She couldn't save Qin Sheng alone, so she could only look for Gong Mochen!

"Master, this is different from our plan," a bodyguard said to the man in the silver mask.

"What are you afraid of? Do you think Gong Mochen can save Qin Sheng? He can't even protect himself!" the man in the silver mask said.

His dark eyes gazed at the night outside the cave, the deepest night, without a trace of starlight.

Qin Sheng's arms were tied up with ropes and she was hung on the cliff. The ground below was invisible and she couldn't reach the ledge. Her arms were in pain from hanging.

'Uncle, Uncle, come and save me!' her thoughts silently pleaded.

The crystal shoe on her foot fell into the darkness. Her tears suddenly rolled down. It was not because of the pain in her arm, but because she had lost the crystal shoe that Gong Mochen had given her.

The night wind blew on her face and body. It was very, very cold.

Chu Xia stumbled as she walked down the mountain. She wasn't sure about the way down, let alone at night. But even in the day, she knew clearly that as long as she went down, she would end up in the right place. As long as she went down, she would find the road. Then, she would take a taxi to find Gong Mochen.

Gong Mochen, who was searching for Qin Sheng in the mountains, was sweating profusely. His muscles were stiff and uncomfortable.

Nie Feng saw the problem. "President, what's wrong? Is the poison making you weak?"

There were people around him, so he didn't dare to speak to loudly.

Gong Mochen nodded. "Speed up the search!"

He was about to collapse, but it shouldn't be like this. According to Ye Wei's calculations, he would only have such symptoms when the poison took full effect.

And according to Ye Wei's calculations, it should be half a month away.

Obviously, the time when the poison was to take effect had been brought forward.

Nie Feng received a phone call. In a flash, he hung up and reported.

"President, Ye Wei was captured by the Duke's men. But Shen Tong is fine. When we rushed over, Ye Wei had lured the Duke's men away. Shen Tong wasn't discovered."

Gong Mochen's brows furrowed into a knot. Ye Wei had been captured... The only person who could maintain the poison in his body was gone, taken away from him.

"Inform our people to go rescue Ye Wei. We must find her!"

"Yes, more of my people will be arriving soon. They should be able to find the place where Li Ang hid Ye Wei." Nie Feng's hands broke out in cold sweat. Ye Wei had to be rescued. Otherwise, what would Gong Mochen do?


In a small, hidden building, Li Ang stood in front of the window and drank his red wine.

The banquet had already ended. Ye Wei had also been brought over to him. Though he didn't have Shen Tong, he still had the key to her illness. Because Ye Wei's bone marrow matched Shen Tong, which meant that if he held Ye Wei, no one would be able to change Shen Tong's bone marrow. In that case, Shen Tong's life was still in his hands.

His finger pressed on his phone. "Sikong Jue, I've found the bone marrow source that matches Shen Tong. As long as you give me the antidote, I'll give the person to you!"

Sikong Jue was stunned. "You found the person?"

"Yes, I'll give you the matching report. Take a look for yourself!" Li Ang said as he sent out a document.

Inside was the matching report.

Sikong Jue read the string of letters. A match of ten points could usually be matched to five points. It could be considered half-matching, and then a bone marrow transplant could be carried out. If ten points could be matched to ten points, it would be a complete match. It would be the best bone marrow match.

This person was not related to Shen Tong by blood. It was already a miracle that they could match up to nine points. It could be said that this person was the best donor.

If this person's bone marrow could be transplanted into Shen Tong, it would be no problem for her to survive.

"I'll give you the antidote, but Shen Tong is in Gong Mochen's hands. You have to retrieve Shen Tong for me!" Sikong Jue said.

"This can be done. Don't worry. As long as you give me the antidote, I can get Shen Tong!" Li Ang said.

"Ask your people to come and get it," Sikong Jue said.

Li Ang hung up the phone and ordered George to go and get the medicine.

In the basement of the small building, a few doctors tied Ye Wei to the bed.

"What are you doing? Let go of me!" Ye Wei shouted.

"Stop screaming. I just want your bone marrow, I don't want to kill you!" the evil voice rushed into the basement.

Ye Wei stared at the man who walked in. "What do you want my bone marrow for?"

"I want to cure a disease and save someone. You're bone marrow is the perfect match! Saving a life is better than building a seven-storied pagoda. I'll help you to save the person and accumulate virtue. No need to thank me," Li Ang said.

Ye Wei's mind was in a mess. "Li Ang, I'd happily save that individual. But do you really need to kidnap me and tie me up? Who do you want to save with my bone marrow?"

Ye Wei, who never scolded people, wanted to scold this man. If he'd asked her, she would've gladly donated her bone marrow.

"We must save this person now. Just take out the bone marrow! Tie her up tightly and don't hurt her. I want her to be fit and healthy. She may still be useful!" Li Ang said.

Ye Wei suddenly thought of something. "You want to use my bone marrow to save Shen Tong? Did you delete my information in the bone marrow bank?"

She had put Shen Tong's information into the bone marrow bank for matching, but she had never found a match. Her information was in the bone marrow bank. Because the match was not successful, she thought that she wasn't a match. However, there was another possibility. Someone had deleted her information, so it didn't show that her bone marrow and Shen Tong's were compatible...