May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 150 - Chapter 150-does He really love you

Chapter 150: Chapter 150-does He really love you

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

In the pitch-black cave, Qin Sheng rubbed her head. She finally woke up from her deep sleep.

All her thoughts flooded in and she sat up with a jolt.

"CHU XIA!" She remembered that she fainted together with Chu Xia.

She used the moonlight to look for Chu Xia, and saw Chu Xia lying not far away from her.

She got up and ran over. "Chu Xia! How are you?"

Chu Xia was woken up by the shaking and said in a daze, "Qin Sheng, it's still dark. Let me sleep a little longer. It's still too early for class."

Qin Sheng shook her head. "What class? We've already graduated from high school. Wake up quickly!"

Chu Xia, who was still in a daze, finally woke up. She climbed up from the straw mat. "Oh my God, we were sleeping! It must've been that fragrance. I just feel strange. Why was there a fragrance in the auditorium?"

"Let's not talk about that for now. How's your body? How's the baby?" Qin Sheng asked.

Chu Xia touched her stomach. "It's fine, it's fine. The baby is very settled. My stomach doesn't hurt, and I don't feel anything. I think he'll be sleeping."

Qin Sheng heaved a sigh of relief. "It's good that the baby is fine. Where are we, anyway? I'm going to take a look..."

She got up to check where she was.

It was obviously a cave, and there was an iron fence at the entrance that locked them inside.

She touched the iron chain and lock on the fence. She couldn't open it without a key.

Chu Xia also came over to take a look. "Qin Yunting is crazy. Why did she lock us up?"

Qin Sheng pursed her lips. "Could it really be Qin Yunting? Does she have the ability to capture us?"

The banquet was organized by Gong Mochen. She didn't think that Qin Yunting had the ability to transport her and Chu Xia away under Gong Mochen's nose.

"But who else could it be?" Chu Xia scratched her head. She couldn't think of anyone who hated them more than Qin Yunting.

While the two girls were talking, a figure walked toward the iron fence.

Chu Xia saw the silver mask the person wore and screamed.


The man was wearing a silver mask and a black robe. He really looked like a ghost.

Qin Sheng hugged the scared Chu Xia and her eyes fell on the ground. "Don't be afraid. Ghosts don't have shadows. Besides, why would a ghost capture us? We didn't do anything wrong!"

The man took out a key, opened the iron fence, and strode in.

"You have a good mentality. You didn't do anything wrong. But if you didn't do it, how do you know your mother didn't do it? Haven't you heard that a father pays his son, and a mother pays her daughter?" the man said coldly.

Qin Sheng was stunned. "My mother? You know who my mother is? What's her name? How much do you know about her?"

She wanted to know about her mother so much, but no one told her anything. She didn't even know her mother's name. The Qin family only told her that her mother was a hotel princess, and told her not to mention such a shameful woman in the presence of the Qin family.

The man snorted coldly. "I advise you not to ask. Otherwise, it will be more painful than you can imagine."

Qin Sheng frowned. "Then why did you catch me? Do you want to kill me? What debt do you want me to pay for my mother? Does she owe your family money?"

She was desperate to know about her mother, no matter what. She could ask these question to find out more about her, such as whether she owed money or something.

The man suddenly reached out and touched Qin Sheng's face. "Do you want to know? But it depends on my mood. I'll tell you something if I'm happy."

His eyes fell on the girl. The moonlight that came through the hole was shining on Qin Sheng. Her pink evening dress and pink diamond necklace shone with a halo, making her little face even paler.

Qin Sheng avoided the man's hand. "Don't touch me! Since my mother owes you, Chu Xia's family doesn't owe you anything, right? Let Chu Xia go!"

The man chuckled softly. "Am I that stupid? Let her go and let her inform Gong Mochen? I've decided I want to tell you more... Come here, I'll tell you now..."

Qin Sheng let go of Chu Xia and glared at the man's silver mask. "Are you really willing to tell me?"

"Yes, but not many people know this! It's a twenty year old secret. Barely any one knows it in this country... And if they did know, they wouldn't dare to tell," the man said.

Qin Sheng walked towards the man and stood on the opposite side of him. "Tell me."

She wasn't that worried about what he would do to her, as if he wanted to kill her, he would have done it long ago. He wouldn't have given them a chance to wake up.

The man slowly lowered his head. "Your mother owes someone, and you have to pay her back for me!" he hissed.

Qin Sheng pushed the man away. "Let me go! I don't want to do this anymore!"

Owe who? Did he mean money? But her mother had been dead for so long... Why now? Her brain couldn't digest the man's words, but when she thought about it, she didn't want to understand.

"But I want to collect the debt," the man said.

Chu Xia saw that Qin Sheng was at a disadvantage; the man was so close to her friend. She hurriedly picked up a stone beside her and threw it at the man.

"Let go of Qin Sheng!"

The man tilted his head slightly and pounded a fist on Chu Xia's shoulder.

Chu Xia was brutally struck by the man. Her balance grew unstable and she fell towards him. The second stone that she'd picked up to throw at the man fell out of her grasp.

The man grabbed Chu Xia's arm.

Chu Xia raised her hand to scratch the man's face, but the man grabbed her wrist. His mask couldn't be touched!

Qin Sheng took this opportunity to kick the man, determined not to give him the chance to hurt her and Chu Xia anymore.

The man was too focused on Chu Xia and wasn't prepared for Qin Sheng. He was too slow to dodge her, and before he knew it. he was kicked by Qin Sheng!

He covered his sore spot and glared at Qin Sheng. He used his other hand to grasp her in a vice-like grip.

"How dare you hurt me! I don't think you know the meaning of the word death!"

"My uncle is Gong Mochen. If you dare to touch even a hair on me, my uncle will kill you!" Qin Sheng shouted.

"Kill me? You're too confident! Girl, do you know why he hasn't found you yet? Because Ye Wei was captured by Li Ang's men. He's rushing to save Ye Wei right now!

"Do you think he really loves you? Between you and Ye Wei, the person he chose is Ye Wei!" the man said viciously.