May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 149 - Chapter 149, capture it for me

Chapter 149: Chapter 149, capture it for me

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Gong Mochen's eyes were filled with desolation. Maybe that person in the silver mask hadn't left, but had just started to set up a plan? It clearly wasn't for anything else, but to take his life!

Regardless of whether it was to take Ye Wei or Qin Sheng away, the person's ultimate goal was to take his life!

"Get the people from Ye Wei's place to escort Ye Wei away. Dispatch the people from the company to Ye Wei's clinic in an emergency. The number of people here can not be reduced. All of you must move out to look for Qin Sheng!" he ordered sternly.

Nie Feng's face twitched. Such a decision put Ye Wei in danger...

The people from the company were further away from Ye Wei's clinic than the ones from here were. He was afraid that Ye Wei's people wouldn't be able to hold on for much longer!

However, this was Gong Mochen's order. He could only follow it and send his men to search for Qin Sheng.

At the Grand Banquet, all the guests were still having a nice time. Gong Mochen even invited many celebrities to come and sing for everyone.

Those superstars made all the socialites present so excited that they wanted to rush onto the stage. No one noticed what was happening in the background.

Gong Mochen led his men into the mountains to search for Qin Sheng and Chu Xia. This place was very close to the mountain. He was afraid that the person in the silver mask would hurt Qin Sheng.


In Ye Wei's private clinic, she stood in front of the glass window and watched the exciting battle downstairs. Her heart was in her throat. Shen Tong was hidden in the basement. If she was discovered and taken away, they would lose the chance to ask for the antidote from His Highness Yu!

Her brows furrowed into a knot. The bodyguards downstairs were obviously not as good as the people who were attacking, and the rescuers had not arrived yet!

She looked into the distance anxiously, hoping that the rescuers would come quickly!

Finally, she saw a group of people running towards her private clinic.

She was relieved. With so many people, they should be able to protect her clinic.

However, what she didn't expect was that those people were not Gong Mochen's people. As soon as they arrived, they attacked Gong Mochen's bodyguards together with the people who were attacking the clinic.

Her heart tightened. Why would there be two groups of people who wanted Shen Tong?

It was obvious that the bodyguards guarding downstairs couldn't hold on any longer. There were too many groups attacking the clinic.

Ye Wei frowned and quickly ran out of the room, running downstairs.

"Miss Ye, President Gong asked us to take you back!" a bodyguard ran over to report to her.

"No, if I retreat, they will find Shen Tong!" Ye Wei immediately shook her head.

Even if the girl was in the basement, it was still a place that could be found. Once they retreated, those two groups of people would search wantonly. Sooner or later, they would find her.

This was Gong Mochen's last hope. She couldn't leave Shen Tong alone!

Her eyes flicked open wider. She pulled the bodyguard over and said a few words.

"This won't do! We have to ask Gong Mochen for instructions! We need to send out a call for help! Say it's urgent!" She didn't know what to do without Gong Mochen's orders... She could only ask for instructions.

"Have you got that? Please, hurry up!" Ye Wei urged.

The bodyguard picked up his phone and dialled, but he couldn't get through to Gong Mochen or Nie Feng. Their phones weren't connecting.

"If Gong Mochen isn't contactable, we'll have to go with another plan! You have to listen to me! Follow my lead, okay?" Ye Wei was anxious; she beckoned the bodyguard over and told him her plan. They couldn't delay any longer. If they delayed any longer, the enemy would get into the basement!

The bodyguards had no choice but to do as Ye Wei said. They went down a secret staircase to the basement to protect Sheng Tong, Ye Wei following after them.

The people from both sides rushed into the basement to look for Shen Tong. They saw a few men carrying a stretcher, opening a secret door and running out.

The people from both sides immediately chased after them.

Li Ang's subordinate, George, called Li Ang. "Duke, I don't know where the group of people came from. They are fighting for Shen Tong with us!"

"There are still people fighting for Shen Tong? Have you caught them? You must catch them!" Li Ang ordered.

George accepted the order, "Yes!"

The silent street rang with gunshots. A few bodyguards carried a stretcher into an ambulance and drove away at break neck speed.

Behind, there were dozens of cars chasing after them.

Unfortunately, the ambulance's speed wasn't as fast as the small cars. Soon, it was surrounded by dozens of cars.

George jumped out of the car and pointed his gun at the ambulance. "Get out, or I will blow up your car with a grenade!"

The bodyguard jumped down. "There's a patient in the car. You can't do this!"

"The Duke has commanded it. I'll do what I want! We'll go and see the patient now!" George waved his hand to signal his men to open the the ambulance..

"There are two groups here that want our cargo, but who should get it? You're going to have to discuss it!" one of Ye Wei's bodyguards said.

Since both sides wanted to catch Shen Tong, he wanted to start a fight between them, then they could take advantage of the chaos and escape.

George snorted and looked at the person opposite him, who was part of the second group who'd invaded the clinic. "I don't know where our friends came from. Our Duke wants the people here. If you can give them to us, our Duke will be grateful. How much does your master want? Name your price!"

The people opposite him were all dressed in black, with half a silver mask on their faces.

The leader walked out. "Our master only asked us to help the Duke catch Shen Tong, but didn't ask us to take her away. Since Gong Mochen's people have been cornered and will be giving Shen Tong to the Duke, our mission is complete. We'll take our leave!"

He waved his hand and took his men away.

Gong Mochen's men, who were standing in front of the ambulance, instantly broke out in cold sweat. This hadn't gone to plan! What were they going to do?

It was already too late for them to call for more people to resist George's people. Just then, George's men rushed towards the ambulance.

All of Ye Wei's bodyguards were captured by George's men. George walked into the ambulance and saw a woman covered with a white sheet lying on the stretcher.

He lifted the white sheet and the woman on the stretcher sat up.

"Don't even think about taking Shen Tong! I won't give Shen Tong to you!" Ye Wei said fiercely.

George sneered. "Doctor Ye, the Duke said that we want YOU and Shen Tong. Since you're willing to deliver yourself to our door, we'll take you both!"

He called for his men to capture Ye Wei, tie her up, and bring her out of the ambulance.

Ye Wei was put into the car. Why did the Duke's men want to capture her? Utter shock filled her.

Her brain couldn't react in time. She had disguised herself as Shen Tong and was carried out in order to lure both of the groups away and ensure Shen Tong's safety.

She'd thought that it was a good plan. At most, it would've been discovered that she wasn't Shen Tong. But by then, Gong Mochen's rescuers should have arrived at the clinic. Her plan looked to be useless now...

Why did they want her, anyway? She was completely useless to the people who'd captured them!

But everything was different from what she'd thought. George actually said that the Duke wanted her too!

As the car drove away, Ye Wei's heart was pounding. What did Li Ang want her for?


In the deep forest, the silver-masked man stood on the edge of the precipice. His phone rang with music.

He picked up the phone.

"Master, Ye Wei was captured by the Duke's people. We retreated according to the plan."

"Well done." He laughed in a low voice, taking advantage of his silver mask and the cold moonlight. "It's getting more and more fun. Put Qin Sheng away. I want to see who Gong Mochen will save!"