May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 148 - Chapter 148 looking for Qin Sheng

Chapter 148: Chapter 148 looking for Qin Sheng

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng turned around and ran towards the Great Hall. The Great Hall was built by Gong Mochen's people for the people attending the banquet. When they were tired of dancing, they were able to go to the resting places inside. There was a banquet hall here, and there were also several small resting rooms.

She ran into the Great Hall, and Chu Xia followed.

"Qin Sheng, slow down!"

The two girls ran into the Great Hall, but found that there was no one there.

"Why is there no one here? Uncle! Are you there?" Qin Sheng called out.

"Are you in the lounge?" Chu Xia asked.

The two of them strode towards the lounge, but after searching a few rooms, they found that they were all empty...

"Yan Fei and Qin Yunting must've lied to us! Let's go out and settle the score with them!" Chu Xia shouted angrily.

Qin Sheng wasn't that angry. She would rather be lied to by Qin Yunting than Gong Mochen.

"It's good that Uncle is fine. Let's go out!"

The two girls walked to the door of the auditorium as they spoke.

Perhaps it was because Chu Xia was pregnant, but her nose was more sensitive than the average person's. "I'm sure I can smell a fragrance... Qin Sheng, do you smell it? What is this fragrance?"

Qin Sheng shook her head. "I don't think so."

She sniffed carefully. Then she caught a faint whiff of something, as if there was a mild fragrance in the air. "I think I smelt it..."

Her hand turned the doorknob of the auditorium, but the door made a rattling sound.

"Someone locked the door!" Qin Sheng said.

"Damn Qin Yunting, it must be her and Yan Fei! When we get out of here, see if I won't tear them apart!" Chu Xia raised her hand to hit the door, but she suddenly felt dizzy and her whole body was as weak as cotton.

"Qin Sheng, why do I have no strength..."

Before she could finish her words, she fell to the ground like a sandbag, and her eyes closed. Whether she wanted to or not, she had lost all consciousness.

"Chu Xia, you..." Qin Sheng watched Chu Xia fall. She reached out her hand to help, but before her hand touched Chu Xia, her whole body fell to the ground too.

She lost all her thoughts.

Outside the auditorium, Gong Mochen and Qin Ze sat together. The two of them exchanged greetings with a few of the Qin family's major clients.

Qin Zixian walked over. "Dad, Uncle, I brought you some wine."

"Fourth Miss is so thoughtful. She knows that we're all out of wine." The clients all looked at Qin Zixian with admiration. The fourth miss of the Qin family had always been gentle and decent. One look and you could tell that she was the kind of person who would get the job done.

Qin Zixian's lips curved into a polite smile as she passed glasses of wine to the clients.

"This is for the bosses. I'd like to propose a toast to all of you," she said as she passed the last two glasses to Gong Mochen and her father. She picked up her own wine and toasted everyone.

"Thank you, Fourth Miss!"

"For the sake of Fourth Miss, we won't look for another partner!"

The bosses downed their glasses in one gulp. Gong Mochen and Qin Ze also drank a glass with them.

"Thank you, bosses. We've been working together for a long time. I don't want our cooperation to be disturbed by anyone," Gong Mochen said.

Recently, Qin Yunting had poached a lot of big clients to other companies. He and Qin Ze took this opportunity to talk to the biggest bosses.

"Of course. Don't worry, we will never do that!"

"Is there anyone more powerful than President Gong in this nation? Working for President Gong is the best option for all of us."

The bosses expressed their opinions one after another.

Qin Zixian also drank her wine. Her eyes fell on Gong Mochen. The man's straight figure was as cold as an emperor. She was mesmerized and wanted to pounce on him.

She clenched her fists and stepped back quietly. Hatred engulfed her heart. It was because of Qin Sheng that she and Gong Mochen couldn't be together!

In front of the other table, many girls who wanted to see the necklace couldn't find Qin Sheng. They asked for her around the room.

"Qin Sheng, where is she? We still want to see Sweetheart's Love!"

"We can't afford it, but we can still take a look at it!"

A few girls whispered.

"You want to see it, but is she willing to show it to you? It's four billion yuan. Maybe she's afraid that you won't be able to get it out of your sights!" Yan Fei said sinisterly.

"Yeah, that's her thing. If you look at it like that, of course she's not willing to show it to you. She probably ran away, so she didn't have to show it to you!" Qin Yunting added.

The girls couldn't keep their faces straight.

"Qin Sheng is so stingy. Fine. We don't want to see it!"

"No matter how expensive it is, it's just a necklace and a stone."

"Forget it. We can't find her. Let's go eat."

The girls talked as they walked towards the dining area.

Gong Mochen walked towards the girls and said, "What did you say? Qin Sheng is missing?"

The man's cold voice startled the girls.

"We didn't say anything. We don't know where Qin Sheng went. We didn't ask to see her necklace.

"Yeah, we didn't say anything bad about her."

The girls quickly explained. They didn't know how much Gong Mochen had heard.

Gong Mochen's sharp eyes scanned the entire banquet hall, but he couldn't find his little woman!

"CEO Gong, have you seen Qin Sheng? I can't find her!" Ha Siqi walked over with a plate of ice cream.

He'd gone to get ice cream for Qin Sheng and Chu Xia, but when he came back, he couldn't find them.

"Nie Feng, seal the scene and look for Qin Sheng!" Gong Mochen immediately ordered.

The person in the silver mask had appeared, but Nie Feng couldn't find him. He thought that he had left. After all, he was still certain that that person didn't dare to appear when he was here.

But now Qin Sheng had disappeared, his heart suddenly jumped.

Nie Feng led his men and sealed off the scene, not allowing anyone to walk out of the banquet.

Gong Mochen's gaze landed on the Great Hall. The banquet was open-air and everyone was still in this part of the hall, apart from Qin Sheng and Chu Xia. No one had gone into the Great Hall. He rushed over hurriedly and had a feeling that Qin Sheng was in there.

However, when he turned the doorknob, he realized that the door was locked.

He frowned, kicked open the door, and rushed into the Great Hall with his men.

However, there was no one in the empty Great Hall.

"President, we haven't found Miss Qin!" a bodyguard reported.

Nie Feng rushed in from outside the door. "President, our people just came in with news that someone has attacked doctor Ye Wei's private clinic! Should we send some people in to save Ye Wei?"

What was going on! Qin Sheng was missing, and now Ye Wei's clinic had been attacked!

Which one should they deal with first? If they all went out to find Qin Sheng, then they couldn't save Ye Wei. If they saved Ye Wei, then they couldn't all go to find Qin Sheng!

One concerned Gong Mochen's life, and the other concerned Qin Sheng's life.

Nie Feng didn't know which to choose, so he could only ask Gong Mochen.

Gong Mochen's brows pressed down, a bleak expression filling his face.