May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 147 - Chapter 147 was like the devil

Chapter 147: Chapter 147 was like the devil

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Yunting snorted coldly, "We're scolding a dog! Who do you think we're scolding?"

These days, Qin Yunting was proficient at insulting people thanks to her time spent in the nightclub. She had long practiced insinuation...

Chu Xia was choked by Qin Yunting, so much so that she couldn't say a word. She could only watch Qin Yunting and Yan Fei leave.

When she looked away, a figure suddenly slipped passed her gaze. Her eyes opened wide in shock.

"What's wrong? You look like you've just seen a ghost," Li Ang said.

"I-I just saw a man wearing a silver mask and black clothes! He looked so scary, like a devil!" Chu Xia said.

Li Ang followed Chu Xia's gaze, but all he saw was pitch black.

"What man?"

"It's true. He disappeared just like that," Chu Xia explained.

"You say you saw a man wearing a silver mask?" Nie Feng heard Chu Xia's voice and walked over.

"Yes, I'm sure I saw a man wearing a silver mask just now," Chu Xia repeated.

Nie Feng's brows tightened as he ran in the direction that Chu Xia was pointing.

He didn't expect that the person that the CEO wanted to capture would actually appear here!

Li Ang's eyes narrowed. The person that Nie Feng wanted to capture must be a real person... He raised his hand and called for his own people to secretly follow him.

Anything that was important to Gong Mochen could become a bargaining chip for him to blackmail the man.

After Qin Sheng and Gong Mochen finished their dance, Gong Mochen handed Qin Sheng over to Ha Siqi and let Ha Siqi and Qin Sheng dance the second dance.

Everyone was a little surprised. According to their status, it should've been Li Ang or Qin Sheng's grandfather who had the second dance.

It could be seen that Gong Mochen valued Ha Siqi more. That meant that Gong Mochen had acquiesced, and Ha Siqi became the second most important person in Qin Sheng's heart.

Qin Sheng didn't care too much about who she danced with. After all, it didn't matter who she danced with. She just wanted to finish dancing as soon as possible, so that she could be with Gong Mochen.

After all the misunderstandings were resolved, she only wanted to love him.

When Gong Mochen walked off the dance floor, Nie Feng reported to him that the man in the silver mask had appeared. He immediately ordered all his subordinates to be on guard.

He wouldn't appear for no reason, so why did he dare to come here?

Qin Zixian, who was bored, walked around with a glass of wine in her hand. Ever since her virginity had been taken away by the man in the silver mask, her spirit had been low, and she felt disheartened.

She wasn't clean anymore, and there was no chance for her to marry Gong Mochen...

Therefore, she was very quiet. She didn't look for Gong Mochen, nor did she pay attention to Qin Sheng.

She didn't go into the crowd. She only wanted to find a quiet place to drink. When she was drunk, she might forget that she had been raped by a strange man...

She leaned against a big tree and looked at the brightly lit place. The girl who was held in the man's arms really made her jealous.

Suddenly, a hand reached out from behind and grabbed her shoulder.

Qin Zixian was so scared that she wanted to scream, but the man covered her mouth with his other hand.

"Don't scream. It's me," the man said coldly.

Qin Zixian's heart almost jumped out of her throat.

"You... What are you doing here?" her words escaped through the man's fingers.

"Why are you so afraid of me? Is it because of my mask, or because I'm too strong in bed?" the man asked arrogantly.

Qin Zixian was poked in the sore spot by the man. "All my family members are here. If you dare to do anything to me, I guarantee that you will be punished by my third brother!"

The man smiled coldly. "It seems that you are afraid of what I will do to you. Don't worry, I do anything to you today. You still have to work for me."

"Do what?" Qin Zixian trembled.

The man took out a small glass bottle and put it in the woman's hand. "Put this into Gong Mochen's wine."

Qin Zixian picked up the small bottle and looked at it. It was very small with some white medicinal powder inside. The amount of medicinal powder was pitiful.

"What medicine is this?" she asked.

"It's not something you should know. Take it and do it. Think of a way to make Gong Mochen drink it." After the man gave his instructions, he disappeared into the darkness like a ghost.

If Qin Zixian wasn't still holding the small glass bottle in her hand, she would have thought that she was dreaming.

She put the small glass bottle into her handbag and quickly returned to the crowded area. She didn't dare to stay alone anymore.

After Qin Sheng and Ha Siqi finished dancing, she didn't want to dance anymore, so she went to look for Chu Xia.

Along the way, she was pulled over by the socialites, so that they could look at Sweetheart's Love. The girls kept clicking their tongues in envy.

Qin Sheng finally reached Chu Xia's side. "Why are you back? Darling, this is such a surprise!"

"You don't know? When we were about to board the plane, President Gong's people suddenly stopped us and didn't let us board. They said that we should stay another day and take President Gong's private plane tomorrow," Chu Xia said.

Qin Sheng's lips curved into a crescent moon. "So, Uncle knows everything. He even knows that I sent you to the airport..."

There was nothing that made her happier than knowing that Gong Mochen cared about her so much.

"Yeah, your uncle loves you so much! Qin Sheng, you're so happy," Chu Xia said enviously.

"You're also happy now. Father and Mother Tao are doting on you. They're even willing to stay with you for another day. It shows that they care for you," Qin Sheng said.

"Father Tao said that President Gong helped to catch the murderer of Tao Bin. The Tao family want to thank Gong Mochen, and to save him the hassle, we don't need to take his private plane tomorrow. Father Tao managed to book the plane tickets again.

"After attending your banquet, we're leaving tomorrow. They also asked me to return the money from the school to you. They said that they should pay for my tuition fees," Chu Xia explained.

"You don't have to give me the money. Keep it for yourself. Treat it as a gift from me to the baby. When he is born, you can use it to support him," Qin Sheng said.

Chu Xia nodded. "Okay, I'll put the money onto a separate card. The money to support the baby will come from there."

She knew Qin Sheng's temper. Qin Sheng wouldn't take back the money. However, she kept in mind how much money she owed Qin Sheng.

She thought that she must learn from her experiences and pay back all the money she owed Qin Sheng in the future.

Qin Sheng looked around. "Chu Xia, have you seen Uncle?"

"President Gong was here just now " Chu Xia looked around too.

"Qin Sheng, are you looking for Uncle? Uncle is in the auditorium. Didn't you know?" Qin Yunting said.

Qin Sheng stood up to look for Gong Mochen, but was stopped by Chu Xia. "Why would she be so kind to tell you? Qin Yunting, you've been kicked out of the Qin family. Do you still have the right to come here?"

Qin Sheng stopped in her tracks. Qin Yunting would never tell her out of kindness! It was true...

Qin Yunting's eyes flashed. "Believe it or not..."

She was about to walk away when she saw Yan Fei running over. "President Gong fainted in the auditorium. Call an ambulance."

Qin Sheng was stunned. "Why did Uncle faint?"

"How would I know? I'm not a doctor. Why don't you go see for yourself?" A cold light flashed across Yan Fei's eyes.