May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1454 - Chapter 1454 I want baby and you 154

Chapter 1454: Chapter 1454 I want baby and you 154

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

GAIA walked into Lian Lian's bedroom. "What are you thinking about? You didn't even hear me come in? "

He placed his hand on the woman's shoulder. Every time he came, Lian Lian could hear his footsteps. Then, she watched him walk into the room. Only this time, when he walked in, he did not see a smiling face to greet him. What he saw was a woman who was deep in thought with her head lowered.

It was obvious that his little woman had something on her mind and was thinking about something else.

Lian Lian took out her phone and showed it to Gaia. "This is the schedule of her wedding that Du Xi sent me. She invited me to attend her wedding. I was just thinking, what gift should we give her? "

"Du Xi? " "Aren't you on average with her? " "Do you really need to be so calculative with friends who are on average? " "You're my queen, so you can't just leave the palace as you please. You just need to find an excuse to avoid her. As for the gifts, you can give a larger portion. You can choose whatever you want from the jewelry vault, " GAIA said.

"My relationship with Du Xi is average because my mother doesn't like her mother. However, my father and du Xi's father are good friends, so my parents will definitely go to Du Xi's wedding. If I don't go, my father will be unhappy, " Lian Lian said.

GAIA's brows sank. "You want to leave the palace? "

Lian Lian's lips curved. "congratulations, you're right. I just want to return to the country to attend Du Xi's wedding and also to have a gathering with my parents. I really miss them. "

GAIA's brows gradually furrowed. He was very against Lian Lian going out. For some reason, he had a feeling that if Lian Lian left the palace, she would not come back.

"You're not allowed to go, " he said in an uncontrollable cold tone.

Lian Lian's face suddenly sank. "You're not allowed to go? GAIA, are you ordering me? I'm marrying you to be the queen, but I didn't sell it to you! I still have my personal freedom! Unless you want to put me under house arrest! "

GAIA's face stiffened. How could he dare to admit that he wanted to put Lian Lian under house arrest? "This accusation is really good. If I admit that I put you under house arrest, your father will have a reason to come to me and demand her. "

Lian Lian's eyes curved, "you can try. My father can take a few days to bring me out of your palace. "

GAIA's eyes were filled with Lian Lian's smile. He knew very well that if Gong Mochen came, it would definitely not be a matter of a few days to bring Lian Lian out of the palace, but a matter of breaking up with him completely.

Everyone in the world knew how much Gong Mochen doted on his daughter. If he knew that he had placed Lian Lian under house arrest, Gong Mochen would be able to turn the world around!

"How can I bear to let my father-in-law work so hard? I won't let you leave the palace for your own safety. How about this, if you really want to attend du Xi's wedding, I'll go with you, okay? " GAIA said.

Lian Lian's eyes flashed with a dark light, but it moved very quickly and did not let GAIA notice. "Okay, let's go together. I'll go to the jewelry store to choose a gift. "

She got up and walked out of the room, heading to the jewelry vault to look for a gift for Du Xi.

Lian Lian was followed by two rows of maids. She walked in front arrogantly and raised her Noble Chin. Her every move was like that of a queen.

The two maids opened the door to the jewelry vault and invited Lian Lian in.

Lian Lian walked into the Jewelry Vault. In this country, there was no shortage of jewelry. This place was rich in oil and jewelry, and the palace was a pile of jewelry.

In front of her were rows of jewelry racks. There were all kinds of jewelry, and all the jewelry was shining brightly under the lights.

Jewelry was the most appropriate adjective here. However, this was only the most common jewelry vault. The high-quality jewelry was not here.

She ordered the maids to go out and said that she would choose the jewelry herself. The maids obediently left the room.

Finally, without the maid's surveillance, Lian Lian's body leaned against the jewelry rack. GAIA had agreed to let her out, but GAIA wanted to go with her.

With GAIA following her, how was she going to get rid of GAIA and go to William's Palace to find out about the background of Willam?

Willam was clearly alive, but he did not return to his own country to restore his identity. He had always let little Xin ba be the king. This was something that she had never thought through.

Based on her understanding of Willam, he did things swiftly and decisively. The Palace that he had worked so hard to build would not be easily abandoned.

And Willam did not go back. There must be a reason why he could not go back. Why could he not go back?

Her brows furrowed into a knot. What was the reason that he could not even return to his own country?

She asked her parents to check if XIN BA was related to her by blood. At first, her parents said that they did not manage to get Xin BA's hair. Later on, she urged them many times. Her parents finally managed to get Xin BA's hair and did a paternity test on them.

She received a paternity test. On it, it said that their blood relationship was zero.

A zero broke all her thoughts. She thought that she was stupid. She actually thought that Xin ba was her and Willam's child.

How much did she want to have a child with Willam? Even if Willam personally admitted that XIN BA was his and Chu Chu's child, she would still doubt it.

After a few days of silence, she suddenly thought of a problem. Her blood relationship with Xin BA could not be 0, because Qin Sheng and Chu Xia were cousins, and she and Chu Chu were also cousins.

Although they were not very close by blood, even if she and Xin Ba were not mother and son, they would not not even have a 10% blood relationship!

This was completely illogical!

The only thing that could explain all of this was that the test was fake.

Hence, the question came, why did Gong Mochen and Qin Sheng go to the trouble of giving her a fake paternity test, telling her that Xin ba was not her son?

Actually, 10% and 0% were the same to her. There was no need to lie. The only reason that could make Qin Sheng and Gong Mochen lie was that she and Xin Ba were related by blood.

After thinking about this, she had been looking for an opportunity to leave the palace. Du Xi just so happened to give this opportunity to her.

Such a good opportunity, she could not waste it!

She touched her stomach. Her lower abdomen was already protruding. Once her stomach was big, it would be inconvenient for her to go anywhere.

Her gaze swept across the rows of jewelry racks and chose a set of ruby jewelry. This set of jewelry would definitely Amaze du Xi's eyes.

Mou Ran, she thought of a way to shake off GAIA. The corners of her lips curved and she walked out of the jewelry warehouse.

"Wrap this box of jewelry for me. I want to give it to someone, " she instructed her maid.

"Yes! " The maid quickly took the jewelry and took it to wrap the gift box.

Lian Lian walked back to her bedroom. She thought of Xin Ba's appearance and her lips curled into a happy smile.


On the tarmac of a cruise ship on the sea, the next helicopter docked.

Wen Xin was pulled out of the plane by Ouyang Mo..

Her mouth was sealed by Ouyang Mo with tape, so she couldn't say a word.

The entire ship was brightly lit. As she was pulled into the elevator, she immediately saw the scene in the cruise ship's lobby. Her face was so embarrassed that she didn't dare to look... ...