May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 143 - Chapter 143: Don't want him

Chapter 143: Chapter 143: Don't want him

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Remember your identity. You have no right to refuse me!" the man in the silver mask said.

Qin Zixian's face turned pale in embarrassment. "Yesterday, I took the medicine."

The man in the silver mask chuckled darkly. "Are you telling me to give you more medicine?"

Qin Zixian's heart twitched. "No! That's not what I meant!"

The medicine was too powerful. If she took it again, she would die!

"No, don't act reserved!"

Qin Zixian forced herself to stay calm.

The man in the silver mask got out of the car calmly. "Drive down this road and you'll reach the highway. You should know the way home."

After he finished speaking, he strode into the mountains.

Qin Zixian got up with difficulty and drove herself back in the direction of home. She felt like she was about to vomit blood...

The whole car was filled with the smell of that man, which made her feel suffocated. She sat in the driver's seat, stepped on the accelerator, and drove away clumsily.

She didn't want to stay here for a moment longer!


During dinner, Qin Sheng still didn't see Gong Mochen come home. Her lips pursed.

Li Ang walked to the girl's side and lowered his voice. "Gong Mochen is at Ye Wei's clinic. What do you think the two of them are going to do tonight?"

Qin Sheng glared at the man. "You're talking nonsense!"

Li Ang raised his eyebrows. "I'm not talking nonsense. If you don't believe me, do you dare to go and see?"

He was really not talking nonsense. His people reported to him that the plane that was transporting Shen Tong had already entered the airspace of the country. However, they didn't know where the plane went after that. It was as if the plane had disappeared into thin air.

Li Ang was certain that Shen Tong must have been sent to Ye Wei's clinic. Because Shen Tong's physical condition prevented her from leaving a hospital, Gong Mochen had kidnapped Shen Tong. He had to have arranged for Shen Tong to be treated at a hospital.

Although he definitely couldn't enter, there was one person who could definitely enter. It was Qin Sheng!

Qin Sheng bit her bottom lip and said stubbornly, "Who doesn't dare to look?"

She still believed that Gong Mochen wouldn't betray her.

"If you don't dare to look, then say you don't dare to look. Why are you so stubborn? Speaking of which, you are so young. Gong Mochen has suppressed himself for so many years. How can he endure it? I think Ye Wei is much better than your aunt!"

"Qin Zixian's personality is too domineering, and she always treats herself as a saint. Ye Wei is different. Ye Wei is so gentle. She looks like a little woman from Jiangnan's Water Village. Men like that kind of little bird who is obedient." Li Ang deliberately made the girl angry.

Qin Sheng glared at Li Ang and stepped on Li Ang's foot. "Get lost! If you like him so much, then go and have sex with him. My uncle isn't so shallow!"

"F*ck! If you want to talk, then talk. Why are you touching me? I don't like girls who take the initiative!" Li Ang frowned when he was stepped on. How much strength did the devious girl use?

Qin Sheng was so angry that the corner of her lips twitched. The words that came out of Li Ang's mouth always made her angry!

She barely touched him! He was such a drama queen.

"Li Ang, don't flatter yourself. I'd rather touch a dog over you!"

Damn that Li Ang!

She strode out of the mansion, but stopped suddenly. What was she doing?

Subconsciously, she wanted to find Gong Mochen, but she felt that it might be wrong of her...

But Ye Wei...

Ye Wei was really different from her aunt. Ye Wei knew too much about Gong Mochen. They had a close relationship that no one else had. Even she didn't know about those things!

A car headlight hit her face. She rubbed her eyes and saw that it was Li Ang's red sports car.

"I'll take you there. You said Gong Mochen kept running to the hospital. Is there something wrong with him?" Li Ang said.

His words hit Qin Sheng's heart. Never mind about Gong Mochen having an affair, she was more worried about his health.

She ran into the car without hesitation. "What are you talking about? Hurry up and drive to Ye Wei's clinic."

She wanted to take a look. When she saw that Gong Mochen was safe and sound, she would be relieved.

Li Ang's lips curled into a cold smile. She was still concerned about Gong Mochen's health... If only she knew...

He stepped on the accelerator and drove Qin Sheng Straight to Ye Wei's clinic.


In the clinic, Gong Mochen was sitting in Ye Wei's office, waiting for Ye Wei's news.

Ye Wei walked into the office. "Everything is settled. It's very safe here. Don't worry."

Gong Mochen nodded. "How's Shen Tong's condition?"

"It's very dangerous. Her body doesn't have any immunity at all. After being brought here, she has already started to develop a fever. I've applied medicine on her. I'll get someone to take her blood for a test. I hope we can find a bone marrow match with her as soon as possible," Ye Wei said.

People with Leukaemia were like this. If her body didn't have immunity, her life could be taken by a fever.

"Thank you for your hard work," Gong Mochen said.

"Since you're here, I'll give you a test," Ye Wei said.

Gong Mochen took off his blazer and rolled up his sleeves, letting Ye Wei take his blood.

Outside the clinic, Li Ang's car arrived.

Qin Sheng got out of the car and went straight to the door of the clinic, but was suddenly stopped by someone.

"Miss Qin, you can't go in!" the bodyguard said.

Qin Sheng lowered her eyebrows. She knew these bodyguards. They were Gong Mochen's personal bodyguards.

He was really here, and he wasn't letting her in!

"What a joke. When has my uncle ever stopped me from entering where he is?" she asked angrily.

"Miss Qin, I really can't do it this time. Why don't you give the president a call first?" the bodyguard said awkwardly.

Qin Sheng pushed away the bodyguard who was blocking her and ran into the clinic. The more the bodyguard didn't let her in, the more she wanted to go in and ask why Gong Mochen didn't want her here.

The bodyguard didn't dare to pull Qin Sheng back and could only chase after her. "Miss Qin, you can't go in!"

Li Ang also ran in.

Qin Sheng glanced at the door guarded by Nie Feng. She knew Gong Mochen must be in that room, so she ran towards it.

Nie Feng went up to stop Qin Sheng, but before he could say anything, Li Ang rushed towards him. Nie Feng raised his hand to fight Li Ang.

Qin Sheng took the opportunity to run to the door and opened it.

Instantly, her eyes widened in shock, and tears rolled down her cheeks...