May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 136 - Chapter 136 was stripped clean

Chapter 136: Chapter 136 was stripped clean

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

The corners of Qin Zixian's lips twitched. If it was just a photo, it could be explained that she and Gong Mochen were having an intimate moment.

Of course, that wouldn't be hard to explain. It wouldn't be a big deal. A photo could be interpreted in any number of ways.

But if the full set of videos were to be released, everyone would know that she had seduced Gong Mochen and was despised by the man!

Her brows furrowed into a knot. It was obvious that she was being threatened by Qi Qi. "I can't bring you home, can i? If I did, won't my third brother find you faster?"

"It's your business where you can hide me. Anyway, if I get caught, I'll tell everything!" Qi Qi leaned comfortably on the back of the chair. She finally had something on Qin Zixian. She was sure that Qin Zixian wouldn't dare to ignore her!

Qin Zixian lips formed into a straight line. She stepped on the accelerator and drove the car onto the highway.

Qi Qi looked at the street scene outside. It was very strange. If Qin Zixian wanted to hide her, shouldn't she take her to a remote place? Why was she driving toward the city center?

"Qin Zixian, where are you taking me?" she asked.

"I'm hiding you, of course! Where else can I take you?" Qin Zixian said unhappily.

"There are people everywhere in the city center. You want me to get caught on purpose, don't you?" Qi Qi retorted.

"What good will it do me if you get caught? If you want to avoid being caught, shut up!" Qin Zixian scolded Qi Qi. She had to lower her head and beg people for help!

No one liked to beg people because of how it could affect your reputation, your standing in the social ladder. But if you were desperate... desperate times called for desperate measures.

When the car stopped, Qi Qi found that they were outside the Glamour Nightclub.

"Nightclub? You want me to hide here?" Qi Qi was depressed. There were more people here.

"Yes. If there is a place for you to hide in this nation, this is it." Qin Zixian took out her phone and dialed a number.

A woman's seductive voice came through the phone, "Who is it?"

Qin Zixian had goosebumps all over her body. Qin Yunting's voice was really intoxicating... She had changed.

"It's your aunt. Ask your men to open the VIP area and let me in," Qin Zixian said.

"Oh, it's my aunt. What a rare guest! Men, open the VIP area and let my aunt in," Qin Yunting ordered her men.

Yan Fei was sitting next to Qin Yunting. She heard the voice on the phone. "Why is your aunt looking for you?"

"She obviously has something serious going on, why else would she look for me?" Qin Yunting looked at the corridor in the distance, waiting for Qin Zixian to appear.

A door on the first floor of the nightclub was opened. This place was used for VIP guests to enter and exit. Because many dignitaries came and didn't want to be seen getting out of cars, they could drive directly into a special area, ensuring that no one could see them.

Qin Zixian didn't let Qi Qi get out of the car. She walked into the nightclub on her own.

In the nightclub's lobby, under the dim lights and music, she saw a circle of bosses sitting on a sofa in the distance. She knew many of these bosses. They were the company's collective and the Qin Group's big clients.

A group of small celebrities accompanied the big boss and served them with drinks. A few of them were the group of young girls who'd just been kicked out of the entertainment industry.

It was simply a shock to Qin Zixian's worldview. The three women twisted their waists and stood in front of the men, stripping while the bosses threw money at them.

"Keep dancing! We will throw money at you for as long as you can!"

"I will smash them until they are naked!"

"I want to see the front. If they dare to turn their backs on me again, I will take back all my money!"

She couldn't believe she was walking into such a place. Anyone who stood up would be able to see her...

Qin Zixian gasped. At that moment, several guests in the club stood up to watch the women dancing.

She lowered her head and walked over quickly, afraid that she would be recognized. She had thought that the Moonlight Club was raunchy. Compared to this place, they really weren't on the same channel. At least the Moonlight Club was closed off, whereas this place was public.

"Auntie, you're here. Sit!" Qin Yunting called out as she spotted Qin Zixian.

The bosses' faces instantly became uncomfortable. Qin Zixian was a member of the Qin family...

Qin Zixian also looked embarrassed. She didn't dare to look at the dancing woman. "Come out for a moment. I have something to talk to you about!"

Qin Yunting nodded. "Okay. You guys continue. I'm going out for a moment."

She walked to Qin Zixian. "What's the matter, Auntie?"

Qin Zixian turned and walked to the corridor. It was quieter there.

She looked at Qin Yunting, who was smoking a cigar, and felt that she had changed a lot. "Yunting, can you do me a favor?"

She braced herself and asked.

Qin Yunting chuckled. Auntie, who had always looked down on her and her mother, was actually begging her for help!

"Aunt actually has something to ask of me? Unfortunately, what ability do I have to help Aunt?"

"You can help me by taking in a person? I can't let others find her. It would be even better if you could send her abroad," Qin Zixian said.

After thinking about it, it was better to send Qi Qi away.

Qin Yunting sneered. "Aunt, what are you saying exactly? You want me to take in this person, or send them away? Or both?"

Qin Zixian's face stiffened. "If you do this I'll thank you a thousand times. Give me a price. I'll gladly pay it."

She changed the topic. It was better to talk about money, as that would hopefully help to sweeten the deal.

Qin Yunting wasn't in a hurry to talk about the price. "Who is the person that Auntie is so interested in? You have to tell me their name first."

"It's Qi Qi. Think of a way to get her out of this country and I'll pay you," Qin Zixian said.

"Qi Qi? I think Auntie should hire someone else. I don't dare to take your business. Uncle, the police, and the Tao family are all looking for her! I don't want to die," Qin Yunting said.

Qin Zixian's face was tense. "If you give me a price, I can give you more than that price! There's no time to find someone else to take her away."

Qin Yunting took a puff of the cigar in her hand. "I wonder what Qi Qi has on you that you would come and ask me to help her escape? Don't tell me you had something to do with Tao Bin's death?"

"No way! I had nothing to do with Tao Bin's death! Qi Qi is my friend. I can't just stand by and watch her suffer. It's that simple!" Qin Zixian quickly explained.

Would Qin Yunting believe her words? It would be a slim chance!

Would Qin Zixian really be so kind as to help Qi Qi?

Qin Yunting exhaled a puff of green smoke. "I can't set the price now. I'll go and ask to see if anyone dares to send Qi Qi away."

As she spoke, she turned around and went upstairs to her bedroom. Of course, she wouldn't ask anyone else. There was only one person she could ask, and everything she had was because of him!

She picked up the dedicated cell phone. This kind of cell phone was to prevent eavesdropping and satellite positioning. No one could trace their calls.

"Master, Qin Zixian asked me to help smuggle Qi Qi out of the country. Do you want to take this business?"