May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 134 - Chapter 134: Children's problems

Chapter 134: Chapter 134: Children's problems

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Li Ang's face twitched. Damn it, why was Gong Mochen dragging him along for no reason?

"Who wants to come out with you? I am straight! However, tomorrow you will be recognized as gay by the entire country!"

Li Ang spoke fiercely as he turned around and walked towards his room. He wanted to see Gong Mochen settle the matter of him being gay. Although he couldn't see Gong Mochen marrying Qin Zixian, driving Qin Sheng away, destroying his reputation was good enough!

Gong Mochen ignored Li Ang. It didn't matter to him whether he was gay or not. Everything was fine as long as his little woman knew that he was straight. His little woman's safety was the most important thing.


The next morning, Qin Sheng stretched her arms and rubbed her eyes. She slept very comfortably. Then all the memories in her still unconscious brain gradually returned.

F*ck... Did she actually make up with Gong Mochen again? Did she say that she forgave him?

She hit her head with her hand. She could only blame herself for being too useless. After being coaxed by Gong Mochen, she listened to him and helped him solve his problems.

Even if he and Qin Zixian had been with each other yesterday and she had misunderstood him, she still hadn't settled the score of him neglecting her for so many days!

She reached for her phone. When she saw it's screen, she was so shocked that she sat up.

All the news was saying Gong Mochen was gay.

And the news of Qin Zixian pouncing on Gong Mochen had become another small celebrity. The news reported that the small celebrity had been expelled from the nation and would never be allowed to take another step into it.

Gong Mochen had been so cold towards the women, which apparently meant he actually liked a boy. Everyone was guessing who this boy was.

Qin Sheng rubbed her messy hair, feeling dizzy. She'd dressed as a boy yesterday, and Gong Mochen had suddenly become gay.

She raised her hand to call Chu Xia, wanting to ask how her friend was.

When the call went through, she heard Chu Xia's anxious voice. "Qin Sheng, come here quickly! I can't hold on anymore!"

Qin Sheng was stunned. "What? I'll come now! Call the doctor quickly!"

She was so scared that she broke out in a cold sweat. She was afraid that the baby was in trouble again.

She jumped out of bed and rushed into the bathroom to wash up. Then, she picked up the clothes on the bed, put them on, and ran out of the room.

Yu Fan, who was outside the room, saw Qin Sheng running out and went up to her. "Miss Qin, I've prepared breakfast for you."

Qin Sheng's face was flushed with embarrassment. "I'm sorry. I lied to you yesterday."

Yu Fan smiled. "It's okay. It's good that you're safe. Your uncle asked me to take care of you. If you want to come here in the future, you can just look for me directly."

Qin Sheng nodded. "Thank you, Boss Yu."

"Call Me Sister Yu Fan. Calling me boss is so stiff," Yu Fan said.

"Okay, Sister Yu Fan. I have to go now. I won't eat any breakfast," Qin Sheng said and ran to the elevator.

"Nie Feng's car is at the door. You can see him when you get down," Yu Fan instructed Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng's lips curled into a smile. Her uncle hadn't forgotten to leave Nie Feng for her!

She got into Nie Feng's car and headed straight to the hospital. To her surprise, there was no doctor in the ward. There was only Chu Xia and an old madam.

Chu Xia sat on the bed, looking like she wanted to cry, but had no tears.

"Qin Sheng, you're finally here. Hurry up and tell Madam Tao that my child is not Tao Bin's!" she hurriedly asked Qin Sheng to testify for her.

Qin Sheng was dumbfounded when she heard this. "What happened?"

Chu Xia grabbed Qin Sheng's hand and said, "Tao Bin, isn't he dead? Madam Tao came right away. When she found out that I was pregnant, she insisted that the child was Tao Bin's!"

Tao Bin was dead. When the Tao family's old man saw his son being sent to the morgue, he couldn't catch his breath and fainted. As for Tao Bin's mother, she remembered that her son had recently hooked up with a girl. The news of the courtship at the auction had reached her ears.

She wanted to find this girl to ask if Tao Bin had said anything to her, or if he'd left any of his belonging to her.

Because Tao Bin had loved so many women, all year round, he didn't even return home. They wanted to know what other wishes their son had, or what he'd wanted to do.

Madam Tao used her connections to find Chu Xia. Only then did she know that Chu Xia was in the hospital and that she'd had a miscarriage. She came to the hospital in grief, thinking that her grandson was gone too.

However, she didn't expect to see Chu Xia vomiting before she even spoke to her. She was a nurse graduate and knew a little about Chinese medicine. She checked Chu Xia's pulse and found out that Chu Xia was still pregnant.

"Miss Chu Xia, don't misunderstand. I'm not forcing you to marry my son. Even if he's dead, my family won't do anything like a ghost marriage. I just want to find my grandson. If you want to come back to my family, then you can. If you don't want to, we'll happily raise the child and give you a portion of the assets. What do you think?" Madam Tao said hurriedly.

Qin Sheng finally understood what had happened. "Mrs. Tao, I know that Tao Bin is dead and you are very sad, but Chu Xia's child really isn't Tao Bin's.

"I can testify to that. Besides, the child will be born sooner or later. Even if we lie to you now and say that the child is Tao Bin's, once it's born, it will be exposed by a blood test."

Mrs. Tao swayed and she fell to the ground. Qin Sheng held Mrs. Tao and help her to sit on the sofa.

That happened to people. The most desperate thing wasn't the despair, but to have hope, only to then have despair thrown at you, was.

Mrs. Tao wiped her tears. Her phone suddenly rang. She glanced at the screen and saw that it was a hospital call.

"Mrs. Tao, old Master Tao is in critical condition. Please come back quickly!" the doctor said anxiously.

Mrs. Tao's phone fell to the ground.

Qin Sheng heard the doctor's voice too. She helped pick up the phone. "Mrs. Tao, old Master Tao still needs you. You have to hold on!"

Mrs. Tao cried out after a long time. She sobbed and said, "My husband and his ex-wife never had children. When his ex-wife died, his health wasn't good. I was his nurse. As time passed, we developed feelings and got together.

"I didn't expect the heavens to pity us and let us have Tao Bin in our later years. Who knew that such a thing would happen? Because Tao Bin died, his father and I have nothing left to live for!"

"Mrs. Tao, don't say that. It's better to live." Chu Xia sympathized with the old couple. However, her son was dead, and she didn't know how to comfort her.

Mrs. Tao suddenly thought of something. She stood up and rushed to hold Chu Xia's hand. "Good Child. I can tell that you're a good girl. Can you help me save my husband?"

"Save him? How can I save him? I'm not a doctor?" Chu Xia was a little confused.

"Tao Bin's death has dealt a huge blow to my husband. He's already been informed that he's critically ill. Can you just say that the child is Tao Bin's? Just treat it as saving his life! With this child, my husband will definitely come back to life," Madam Tao begged Chu Xia.

Chu Xia pursed her lips. "Well, Madam Tao, my acceptance letter is coming soon. Qin Sheng and I are going to study abroad.

"Moreover, I don't want anyone to know that I'm pregnant. We're telling the public that I've already miscarried. So..."

Suddenly, Qin Sheng's eyes lit up...