May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 132 - Chapter 132 was clear

Chapter 132: Chapter 132 was clear

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Little uncle..." Qin Sheng said helplessly in a low voice.

"Yes, I'm here," Gong Mochen replied.


Almost everyone in the club had gathered outside Gong Mochen's room. The surveillance camera could see Gong Mochen bringing a little boy in a silver suit into the room.

However, no one dared to barge in and capture that person.

Nie Feng stood at the door, looking as if he would kill whoever attempted to step passed him, causing the people in the corridor to not even dare to move.

Qin Zixian walked past. The news had already been released. The news about her and Gong Mochen had spread like wildfire. Some people even started to guess their wedding date. Under such circumstances, she was sure that her father would definitely force Gong Mochen to marry her! She thought that she would soon be Mrs. Gong.

"Nie Feng, get out of the way. The person suspected of killing is inside. Didn't you see that Boss Tao and Madam are here?" she said to Nie Feng.

"Fourth Miss, no one is allowed to enter the president's room without the president's order. No matter who it is. If you want to arrest someone, just wait for the president to come out." Nie Feng didn't move for Qin Zixian.

"Nie Feng, how dare you! How dare you talk to me in such a way? Do you want Third Brother to be the one who covers for murderer? When the time comes, can you bear the responsibility?" Qin Zixian threatened.

"Yes! How dare you kill my son! I want to tear that murderer into pieces!" Boss Tao said in exasperation. How could his son be gone just like that?

He couldn't accept that fact at all. He only wanted to capture the person on the video and make him pay for his son's life!

"It's not certain whether he is covering for the murderer! Doctor Ye Wei is already here. Let's wait for her to examine him," Nie Feng replied.

He didn't know how Gong Mochen knew that Tao Bin's head was smashed by Qin Sheng. However, Gong Mochen sent him a message and asked him to call Ye Wei for an examination. Therefore, he sent someone to bring Ye Wei over.

His people reported to him that Ye Wei was examining the body downstairs.

"What do you mean? Could it be that the video is fake?" Qin Zixian asked.

"Naturally, the video can't be fake. However, it's not certain if he was smashed to death!" a woman's voice came from behind the crowd.

Everyone looked at the woman.

Ye Wei slowly walked into the crowd and was surrounded by Tao Bin's parents.

"Hurry up and tell me, how did my son die?"

The Tao family's boss demanded. He only had this son in his later years. At this moment, he was completely relying on what the doctor might say. If he had to wait any longer, he feared he would lose his breath.

"I've checked the wound. The injury on Tao Bin's head isn't serious. And there are no signs of damage to his skull. In other words, only the soft tissue was damaged. This kind of injury is not fatal at all." Ye Wei used the simplest words to explain the whole thing clearly.

"Then what's going on?" Boss Tao asked.

"I did a simple test. His blood contains a Valium-type drug. This Valium-type drug is purified, very powerful, and it's a type of inhalation," Ye Wei continued.

"Valium-type drug? What do you mean?" Boss Tao asked.

He wasn't the only one who didn't understand. The others didn't either.

Ye Wei continued, "Valium-type drugs are used to calm the central nervous system. Originally, this new type of inhaling Valium was used to promote sleep and wasn't harmful to the human body. However, the alcohol content in Tao Bin's body had already exceeded the limit. When the alcohol and Valium-type drug reacted in his body, it caused his current hopeless situation."

"Valium-type drugs? Are you saying that my son wasn't smashed to death, but was poisoned?" Boss Tao finally understood.

"Yes, of course, and the police will investigate further," Ye Wei said.

That was all she could do. The police would still have to investigate the rest.

Qi Qi's face suddenly turned pale. She stepped back into the crowd and quietly slipped away.

Ye Wei looked at Sikong Jue and walked over. She lowered her voice, "This kind of highly purified Valium is inhaled. It's not available on the market at all. It must be the work of His Highness Yu."

Sikong Jue snorted, "You mean I poisoned Tao Bin with Valium?"

"Hand over CEO Gong's antidote and I'll pretend I don't know anything," Ye Wei threatened Sikong Jue. This was a good opportunity to get the antidote.

The smile on Sikong Jue's lips grew wider. "Ye Wei, you're quite capable. It's a pity that you didn't meet a good teacher. Otherwise, your accomplishments would be far more than what you've already achieved.

"However, I can tell you that if I did it, I wouldn't have used the antipsychotic. Instead, I would have used a stimulant. That way, he would have died faster, and it could be said that he died from taking drugs."

Ye Wei lips formed into a straight line. That indeed made sense because there were many cases of alcohol-related deaths after taking drugs. Moreover, it was not uncommon for rich young masters to take drugs.

However, who else could it be but Sikong Jue?

Ye Wei couldn't think of who else the murderer could be.

The door to the room opened and Gong Mochen walked out. "Has everything been investigated?"

"The police have already arrived and carried Tao Bin away. They are investigating further. Someone deliberately gave Tao Bin antipsychotic drugs," Nie Feng replied.

"In that case, it's nothing to do with the young master of the Ha family. Yu Fan, tell them to disperse," Gong Mochen ordered.

Yu Fan immediately ordered her men to evacuate the crowd.

Li Ang took his phone and shook it. "President Gong, the news said that your wedding date is approaching. Congratulations to you and the fourth young miss. The Qin family's old man also came out to speak, saying that he wants you to get married."

Qin Zixian's face was filled with joy. Her plan had finally succeeded.

Gong Mochen's eyebrows sank...