May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 130 - Chapter 130 had resulted in the death of a person

Chapter 130: Chapter 130 had resulted in the death of a person

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"B*STARD!" Qin Sheng scolded the man and kicked him in the leg.

She turned her head and saw Tao Bin's face. This man was indeed vile. He had clearly come here to look for a woman, but he thought she was a man!

"Damn, you're pretty spicy! Young Master, I like spicy! Come here!" Tao Bin said.

Qin Sheng raised her head and bumped into the man's chin. That was the advantage of having a difference in height. The impact was very impactful!

Tao Bin's chin was hurt from the impact. "Don't be so shameless. Even if you're not a prostitute, you have to serve me no matter what!"

The smell of alcohol sprayed on Qin Sheng's face.

Qin Sheng kicked at Tao bin again, but the man grabbed her ankle.

Her fist swung at the man's face. She would beat him until his face was bright red!

Tao Bin turned his head to avoid the fist. He grabbed Qin Sheng's shoulder and threw her onto the sofa.

"You want to hit me? I'll kill you!" he said, and pounced on her.

Qin Sheng turned over and sat up, avoiding the man.

Suddenly, the door of the room opened and a devilish man walked in. "Tao Bin, you brat, you drank the punishment wine and yet you came here to play!" He paused and his gaze fell on the little woman whose back was facing him. The corners of his lips curled into a devilish smile. "You came here to play?"

Qin Sheng didn't expect Li Ang to be here. No wonder Li Ang was so busy every day. It turned out that he was busy playing here!

She turned her head to the sofa. She was afraid that Li Ang would recognize her. Only when she heard that Li Ang didn't call her name did she heave a sigh of relief.

"There's no hurry to punish me! I have business to deal with here!" Tao Bin snapped at the people around him.

Qin Sheng only wanted to kick Tao Bin away, but Li Ang was there, so she didn't dare to turn around and kick the man just yet.

She suppressed her voice to the thickest. "Young Master Tao, it's not convenient for us to have someone else here. Make him go!"

It would be easy for her to deal with Tao Bin after Li Ang left. She just needed the Duke to leave!

"You heard the boy! Duke, please leave," Tao Bin said to Li Ang.

Li Ang's bewitching eyes narrowed into slits. "I'll pay the price. Give him to me."

Qin Sheng was so angry that she almost screamed.

Tao Bin's mind was in a drunken stupor. "The Duke is too overbearing, isn't he? My family doesn't lack Li Ang's money!"

Li Ang's eyes narrowed further. "Tao Bin, have you grown bolder? How dare you talk to me like that!"

Qin Sheng's eyes shifted. "The Duke is too unreasonable. Who would snatch me away? Do you really think that there's no one else in our Moonlight Club?"

She could not let Li Ang stay here. If that happened, she would be exposed, and she wouldn't be able to do anything else. Her hand happened to touch the iPad on the sofa.

Li Ang really wanted to grab the little woman and pry open her brain to teach her a lesson.

The corner of his lips twitched violently. "Okay, I'll leave. But don't regret it!"

Li Ang stormed to the door angrily. Did she really think that Tao Bin was a pushover? He wanted her to come and beg him to save her from this!

As Li Ang walked out of the room, Tao Bin lost his composure. "Good Job! You chased the Duke away. Now I want to reward you!"

Qin Sheng immediately smashed the iPad against Tao Bin's head.

With a crunching sound, the iPad was smashed into pieces.

Tao Bin, who was already drunk and dizzy, blinked a few times. Then he fell to the ground, as if his power source had been turned off.

Qin Sheng threw away the bits of the iPad in her hand. It seemed that the cost of smashing it was a little too high...

She ran out of the room quickly. If there was no one in that single room, then Gong Mochen should still be in a single room somewhere in the club.

In a quiet single room, Gong Mochen was slowly sipping tea. Yu Fan was sitting close by.

There was a series of knocks on the door, and Yu Fan said, "Come in."

"Boss, something happened!" Qi Qi ran in anxiously and whispered to Yu Fan.

Yu Fan was stunned and quickly stood up. "President Gong, there was an accident in the clubhouse. I'll go and take care of it."

Gong Mochen raised his hand, indicating that Yu Fan could leave.

Yu Fan ran out of the room with Qi Qi.

"What happened? Did you say someone is dead?" Yu Fan asked.

"I don't know what happened. When we found the young master of the Tao family, he was already dead!" Qi Qi said. Her eyes were fixed on the corner of the corridor and she looked deeply at the woman there.

"Hurry up and lock down the entire club. We can't let anyone go. If someone had died, we'll face a lawsuit!" Yu Fan said.

As Yu Fan and Qi Qi ran down the corridor, the woman in the corner of the corridor walked out and went straight to Gong Mochen's private room.

The private room was lit up with the Aphrodisiac Incense that Qi Qi had deliberately placed. It was very light and normal people wouldn't be able to smell anything abnormal. Gong Mochen had smelled it for so long, so it should've taken effect by now.

Qin Zixian pushed open the door of the private room and saw the man sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed. He seemed to be asleep, but the cold aura around him didn't dissipate at all.

She carefully walked over and quietly sat beside the man, looking at his deep facial features.

She would never give up on this man! This time, she was going to be the rightful Mrs. Gong!

Suddenly, the man opened his eagle-like eyes and they landed on Qin Zixian.

"I'll give you a chance to leave this place by yourself. I'll pretend nothing happened," the man said coldly.

Qin Zixian was trembling. She didn't expect the man to be so calm when he saw her. Was his self-control so good that he could even resist the medicine?

"Third Brother, I really love you. Why are you so cold to me? Am I not as good as that girl Qin Sheng?" She was not convinced!