May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 129 - Chapter 129: Don't go astray

Chapter 129: Chapter 129: Don't go astray

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng suddenly thought of Ha Siqi. She took out her phone and called him, asking him to come over quickly.

Ha Siqi was very obedient and drove over instantly. "Qin Sheng, what's the matter?"

Qin Sheng opened the car door and sat in Ha Siqi's car. "Let's go to the Moonlight Club."

"Huh? I don't like to go to that kind of place," Ha Siqi said.

"Come on, it's fine," Qin Sheng said.

"Why do you want to go there? It's a place where men can play with the female clientele," Ha Siqi said.

Qin Sheng pursed her lips. "My uncle is inside. My aunt asked Qi Qi to help her. I can't let my aunt have her way. By the way, do you have a membership card? I saw the sign saying that non-members are not allowed to enter."

"Qin Zixian looks like a well-bred young lady. I didn't think she could do such a thing. I have a membership card." Ha Siqi suddenly paused. He realized something and quickly explained, "My father gave it to me. But I haven't been there once."

"I don't care. It doesn't matter to me. What are you nervous about, anyway? Let's go in quickly," Qin Sheng urged Ha Siqi.

"I'll be able to go in, but you can't go in like that. You have to dress as a boy. The Moonlight only allows male guests to enter. Girls are not allowed in," Ha Siqi said.

"Then why was my aunt able to go in?" Qin Sheng asked.

"Didn't you say Qi Qi brought her in? I'm not a princess there. How can I bring you in if you don't dress as a boy? " Ha Siqi drove Qin Sheng straight to the mall to buy some men's clothes.

Qin Sheng had no choice but to listen to Ha Siqi. She bought the men's clothes and pretended to be a boy to enter the Moonlight Club.


An hour later, Qin Sheng, who was wearing a silver suit and a boy's wig, followed Ha Siqi into the club.

"It's Ha Siqi!" A few women walked towards Ha Siqi.

He had to swipe his membership card to enter the door. The card's information would be displayed in the princesses' lounge. The princesses who had an appointment in advance would come out to receive the guests themselves. Those who did not have an appointment with the princesses could come out to receive the guests if they wanted to.

Clearly, Ha Siqi's name was very popular. A few princesses came out to welcome Ha Siqi.

This was the first time Ha Siqi had been in such a situation. He was a little uneasy. This was different from dating. These women were not girls from Qingshui. They were all famous socialites from the upper-classes of society.

"Well, hello, everyone," he greeted them politely. Seeing that a princess had come to hold his arm, he immediately put his hands behind his back and didn't let the women touch him.

Yu Fan walked out. "Young Master Ha, may I know who this young master is?"

"He is my cousin. He just flew over from abroad to see me today. Doesn't my membership card allow me to bring in an extra person? His name is Ha Qin," Ha Siqi said.

Fortunately, his card was a VIP card and allowed him to bring another person. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to bring Qin Sheng in. Thankfully, she was disguised as a man, so the staff were none the wiser.

Qin Sheng glared at Ha Siqi. Was there anyone with such an unpleasant name?

"Sure, that's all well and good. You guys go and have fun. Take care of these boys, girls. Remember the card has allowed two young masters of the Ha family in," Yu Fan instructed her subordinates as her gaze landed on Qin Sheng's face.

Qin Sheng couldn't help but want to lower her head. She didn't know why but she felt that Yu Fan's gaze was very sharp. She was afraid that Yu fan would notice that she wasn't a boy.

She raised her head a little and walked in. She wanted to avoid Yu Fan's gaze, but she was stopped by Yu Fan.

"Young Master Ha, don't be anxious. That is the ladies' lounge. They don't meet guests there. I will arrange a single room for you. You can go to the single room and press the touch screen to choose whichever girl you want," Yu Fan said.

Qin Sheng's face was flushed. She could hear the low laughter of the princesses. She must have been mistaken as a pervert who wanted to rush in to find ladies.

How would she know that it was the princesses' lounge?

Ha Siqi reached out to pull Qin Sheng over. "Cousin, if you don't know what you're doing, you'd better follow me."

Fortunately, Ha Siqi gave Qin Sheng a way out. She followed Ha Siqi to their single room.

"We brothers still have some things to talk about. We'll pick the ladies later," Ha Siqi instructed.

Yu Fan tactfully brought the girls who had followed them away.

Qin Sheng finally let out a sigh of relief and fell onto the sofa. "Oh my God, I was scared to death. I was afraid that Yu Fan would recognize me as a girl."

Ha Siqi touched the cold sweat on her head. "You scared me to death too. What is this?"

He picked up the iPad on the coffee table and swiped the screen. Pictures of beautiful women appeared, one after another.

Qin Sheng leaned over. It had to be said that the software designer's program was too thoughtful.

When you clicked on a beauty's picture, you were given lots of details, from her measurements to her height, weight and blood type. There was nothing you couldn't find.

There were also various options. You could look at her art photos and life photos. VIP card users like Ha Siqi could also see all kinds of intimate photos of the girl in advance. And all of them were private close-ups.

There were also all kinds of flirtatious videos of the beauty seducing the customer and the customer's post-use comments.

From the photos to the videos, it was guaranteed that the guys would get nosebleeds.

Ha Siqi's hand trembled and her almost dropped the iPad. It was normal for guys to watch something like this, but the problem was that Qin Sheng was sitting next to him.

He put down the iPad and said, "You're not allowed to watch. It's not suitable for children."

Qin Sheng rolled her eyes. "Why isn't it suitable for girls to watch girls? You're a guy, why are you still watching!"

"It doesn't matter if I'm a guy. Anyway, I don't have any thoughts about it. You're not allowed to be bad, okay?" Ha Siqi said.

Qin Sheng stuck out her tongue. "Girls are only bad for boys. Sit down, I'm going to find my uncle!"

She stood up as she spoke, but Ha Siqi held her hand.

"I don't feel at ease if you go alone. I'll go with you," Ha Siqi said.

"Didn't we already make Yu Fan suspicious? Sit here and ask the girls to come in. Just say that I have a stomachache and went to the bathroom!" Qin Sheng gave a reason.

"Alright then. Go and have a look. If you can't find him, come back. I'll think of a way to help you," Ha Siqi replied.

Qin Sheng opened the door and left the single room. The luxurious crystal light made her a little dizzy. She cleverly followed behind the waiter who delivered the drinks. When they opened the door and entered the single room, she sneaked a look at the situation inside.

However, after looking into a few single rooms, she still couldn't find Gong Mochen.

Just as she was walking towards the innermost single room, her shoulder was grabbed.

"Ha, ha, I found the flamboyant waiter in the Moonlight Club! He's so handsome!" a man said drunkenly.

Qin Sheng didn't know what to do. "Sir, you've got the wrong person. I'm not a waiter!"

She deliberately said in a rough voice.

"Who are you lying to! I heard that a waiter just came to the Moonlight. He's good-looking and has a good life. Young Master, I've only played with women, but I've never played with a waiter. Come, let's have a good time!"

As the man spoke, he touched Qin Sheng's body with one hand and pulled her into a single room with the other...